2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材重点全程攻略 unit 3 the million pound bank note限时规范特训 新人教版必修3

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2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材重点全程攻略 unit 3 the million pound bank note限时规范特训 新人教版必修3_第1页
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《2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材重点全程攻略 unit 3 the million pound bank note限时规范特训 新人教版必修3》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2019版高考英语一轮复习 第一部分 教材重点全程攻略 unit 3 the million pound bank note限时规范特训 新人教版必修3(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note .完形填空From childhood, Moira loved to write. Throughout school she _1_ writing, but pursuing (追求) it _2_ was never a possibility. Her father was a doctor, her mother a nurse. “Medicine was a fairly _3_ option,” Moira says. “And writing was a career where it wasnt a _

2、4_ that youd have high income.”She became a doctor but still wanted to do some writing. However, being a doctor was so _5_ that she didnt take up writing until her thirties. She _6_ a novela fictionalized version of her travels in China after university. She got excellent _7_. Moira sent it off to a

3、s many agents as she could find, and found one who wanted to _8_ her. Suddenly, it seemed she was on her _9_ as an author. “I had one lengthy phone call with the agent where we _10_ all possible areas she thought needed _11_. I worked on those and sent it back to her but didnt hear anything.” It was

4、 not long _12_ Moira found another agent who was _13_ if she was willing to rewrite it from the first person to the third person. She did the hard work and sent it off again. “I got back a really brief letter:Thank you, Im no longer interested. It was really _14_.”A decade went by, and Moira found h

5、erself itching to write again, this time _15_ for her own enjoyment. She _16_ herself the challenge of creating a thriller and chose Western Australia as her setting.As she was writing just for herself, something surprising began to happen. “The characters _17_ a life of their own; they started doin

6、g things I hadnt thought about. It just _18_ out.” One day, an agent called from Australia. Three weeks later, Moira had a publication deal. Her novel, Cicada, was published in March. “_19_ it hadnt been published I still would have gained so much from the _20_,” says Moira.篇章导读:本文是一篇记叙文,主要叙述了Moira的

7、写作经历。Moira在最初写作时并不顺利,图书不被认可,屡屡碰壁。但当她转变心态,纯粹是为了自己的喜爱而写作时,她却收获了意外之喜图书得以出版。1A.learnt Bavoided Cconsidered Denjoyed答案:D根据上文中的“From childhood, Moira loved to write.”可知,Moira喜爱写作。2A.actively BprofessionallyCenergetically Dpermanently答案:B根据转折连词but及下文语境可知,尽管Moira喜爱写作,但是专职写作根本不可能。professionally “专业地”,符合语境。第4

8、空前的a career也是提示。3A.influential Bexplicit Cterrible Dsafe答案:D根据语境可知,Moira的父母从事医学方面的工作,因此医学对于Moira而言是没有风险的选择。safe “安全的,没有风险的”,符合语境。4A.dream Bpurpose Cchoice Dcertainty答案:D根据语境及常识可知,写作不一定是一份高收入职业。certainty “必然的事”,符合语境。5A.promising BdiscouragingCdemanding Dinteresting答案:C根据下文“that she didnt take up writ

9、ing until her thirties”可知,此处指当医生是一份要求很高的工作以至Moira直到30多岁才开始写作。demanding “要求高的”,符合语境。6A.produced Bintroduced Cbought Dreceived答案:A根据本句中的“a fictionalized version of her travels in China after university”可知,Moira创作了一部小说。produce “创作”,符合语境。7A.rewards Breaders Creviews Dpraises答案:C根据下文可知,她得到了极好的评论。review “

10、评论”,符合语境。8A.employ Brepresent Ctrust Dguide答案:C根据上文中的“Moira sent it off to as many agents as she could find”可知,Moira把这本小说寄给了她能找到的尽可能多的代理商,(最终)找到了想要信任她的一家代理。trust “信任”,符合语境。9A.own Bfeet Cway Dbusiness答案:C根据上文Moira为自己的书找到代理商可知,此处指Moira走在了成为作家的路上,即指她就要成为作家了。way “道路”,符合语境。10A.took off Bwent throughCpull

11、ed down Dcame over答案:B根据语境可知,Moira跟代理商进行了一次时间较长的通话,在电话里她们仔细检查了代理商认为可能需要修改的所有地方。go through “仔细检查”,符合语境。11A.deleting Badapting Cpolishing Dcovering答案:C根据常识可知,写作通常需要修改和润色。polish “修改,润色”,符合语境。12A.before Bafter Csince Dwhen答案:A根据语境可知,此处指不久之后Moira找到了另一家代理商。固定句型It is not long before . “不久之后”,符合语境。13A.fasci

12、nated Binterested Canxious Damused答案:B根据第14空前的“Im no longer interested”可知,此处指Moira找到了另一家感兴趣的代理商。interested “感兴趣的”,符合语境。14A.common Babsurd Cterrifying Ddisappointing答案:D根据上文可知,代理商不再对Moira的作品感兴趣,这令Moira很失望。disappointing “令人失望的”,符合语境。15A.purely Bwonderfully Cinstantly Dsadly 答案:A根据语境可知,十年过去了,Moira发现自己仍

13、然渴望写作,这次纯粹是为了她自己享受(写作这一过程)。purely “仅仅,完全地,纯粹地”,符合语境。16A.set Bfound Cmade Dpermitted答案:A根据下文中的“creating a thriller and chose Western Australia as her setting”及语境可知,Moira给自己设置了创造一个惊险小说的挑战。set “设置”,符合语境。17A.put up Btook on Cwent over Dgot down答案:B根据下文“they started doing things I hadnt thought about”可知,(小说中的)人物呈现出他们自己的生活。take on “具有,呈现”,符合语境。18A.flew Bbrought Cbroke Dcarried答案:A根据上下文可知,这次Moira为自己创作,意想不到的事情发生了。这次她的写作有了收获,并出版了小说蝉。由此可推知,此处指Moira在这次写作中冲出了原来的困境,获得了成功。fly out “冲出”,符合语境。19A.Ever since BAs if CIf only DEven if答案:D根据上文可知,这次写作Moira是为了自己;由此可推知,即



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