七年级英语上册 unit 7 i’m more outgoing than my sister period 1 section a(1a-2c)导学案(新版)鲁教版五四制

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《七年级英语上册 unit 7 i’m more outgoing than my sister period 1 section a(1a-2c)导学案(新版)鲁教版五四制》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级英语上册 unit 7 i’m more outgoing than my sister period 1 section a(1a-2c)导学案(新版)鲁教版五四制(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Im more outgoing than my sister【学习目标】 1、掌握本课时的重点单词、短语和句型;2、理解形容词比较级用法;3、熟练运用本课形容词比较级及句型谈论人物特征。【学习重点与考点】1、掌握本课时的重点单词、短语和句型;2、熟练运用本课形容词比较级及句型谈论人物特征。【课前自学指导】(一)知识导学形容词的比较级1、大多数形容词和副词有三个等级:原级(原形),比较级(较,更一些),最高级(“最”)。例如:He is very tall. 他很高。 I am taller than him. 我比他更高。 Tom is the tallest of all. 汤姆是所有当中

2、最高的。2、形容词比较级的规则变化1) 一般的单音节形容词直接加er,如, tall-taller, short-shorter, long-longer, calm-calmer, wild-wilder, smart-smarter, quickquicker, slowslower, cheap-cheaper, 2)词尾以不发音字母e结尾,只加r,如,fine-finer, late-later, nice-nicer, cutecuter3)以重读闭音节结尾且末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写词尾辅音字母再加er如thin-thinner,big-bigger,fatfatter, red

3、redder,hothotter 4)以辅音字母加y为结尾的形容词应将y改为i再加上er,如:shyshyer/shier, drydrier 特殊:friendly-more friendly, quickly -more quickly5)部分双音节词和多音节词:在前面加more: famous-more famous, tired-more tired, serious-more seriousinteresting-more interesting beautiful-more beautiful, 特殊(两种都可以):quietquieter/ more quiet, clever-

4、cleverer/ more clever, 3、形容词比较级的不规则变化eg. good / well better best bad / badly worse worst many / much more most little less least far farther / further farthest / furthest(二)形容词比较级的用法:1、形容词比较级用于两者之间的比较,表示一方比另一方“更”或“较”,后常跟比较连词than表示被比较的对象。 句型:A+动词+形容词/副词比较级+than+B 表示“A比B更 一些.” 如:I am calmer than you .

5、/ You are wilder than I / me.Mary is more outgoing than Jane. I have longer hair than you.She has more friends than he/him.2、比较级若表示程度大小或差别大小时,可用以下词修饰。 (1)用a little表示“更一点儿”, 用 much, a lot修饰,表 “更的多”,I am a little taller than her. 我比她更高一点儿。 Yao Ming is much/a lot taller than Pan Changjiang. 姚明比潘长江高的多。(

6、2)用数词来修饰 Lily is two years older than me . Linda is one year younger than me . 丽丽比我大两岁,琳达比我小一岁。3、表示两者在某一方面相同时用“as+形容词原形+as.”句型。如, Her Chinese is as good as Toms.她的语文和汤姆的一样好。 Physics is as important as math. 物理和数学一样重要。 表示一方在某一方面不及另一方时用“not as/ so+ 形容词原形+as”的 句型。Liu Ying is not as good at sports as he

7、r siser. Im not as smart as you.我不如你聪明。(三)预习反馈 写出下列形容词的比较级1.wild _ 2.small_ 3.tall_ 4.nice_ 5.fine _ 6.big_7.fat _ 8.thin_9.hot_10.easy_11.happy_12.healthy_13.funny_14.beautiful_【学习过程】(一)预习情况检查1、小组讨论比较级的用法,以及形容词比较级的变化规律。2、在组内讨论交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。(二)Practice:看图片,学习并练习中心句型:(三)学习新知 1、引入目标并完成1a.2、听录音,完成1b

8、.3、听录音两遍,完成2a,2b.(四) 学习成果展示:根据听力内容模仿编对话,三组同学展示。(五)课堂检测用所给词的适当形式填空。1. My bike is _(new),but hers is _(new) than mine.2. Miss Gao isnt _(tall) than Miss Green.3. -Who is _(heavy), Liu Li or LiuYing? -Liu Ying is _(thin) than Liu Li. 4. My English teacher is much_(fun) than my math teacher.5. Miss Yang

9、 is _(outgoing) than Miss Li.【课后作业】1、根据第二课时的课前自学指导进行预习;2、完成节节练。第一课时节节练(一)单项选择 (基础题)( )1Helen _ than Kate.Ais taller Bis tall Ctall Dtaller( )2Liu Ying and her sister _.Alook like Bare look the same Care look like Dlook the same( )3Mary and Maria _ girls Aare all Bare both Call are Dboth are( )4Tara

10、is _ Tina.Asame as Bthe same as Cthe same Das( )5The boys hair is _ the girls hair. A. shorter than Bshort than Cshorter Dthan( )6. Her hair is_ than_.A. long, your B. longer, you C. longest, yours D. longer, yours ( )7.-Is that Sam? -No, thats John. He is_ than Sam.A. thin B. the thinner C. thinner

11、 D. the thinnest二、写出下列形容词的比较级。(提高题) 1. short _ 2. tall_ 3. heavy _ 4. thin_ 5. funny _ 6. serious_ 7. outgoing_ 8. friendly_ 9. smart _ 10.quiet_ 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(拓展题)1. Pedro is_(funny) than Paul. 2. Please stop (talk) in class. 3. She is _ (tall) than her sister.4. Jim is good at (boat).5.Her dress is _(red)than mine. 6. Is Tom _(athletic) than Peter?7. Who is _(young) in your family? 8. He is heavier than Jim ,but his brother is _(thin)than Jim.9. Tom is _ (smart) than Sam.10 Tom is short, but Sam is _ (short).【课后反思】_



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