八年级英语下册 unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came section a(3a-4c)导学案(新版)人教新目标版

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八年级英语下册 unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came section a(3a-4c)导学案(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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八年级英语下册 unit 5 what were you doing when the rainstorm came section a(3a-4c)导学案(新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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1、Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came Section A(3a-4c)学习目标1、理解3a短文2、根据对3a的理解、完成3b、4b内容。探讨3c问题并回答。重难点掌握3a中的重点词汇、句型,feel like、 make sure 、 beat heavily against、 break apart、利用4c的信息进行写作。【自学指导】从词汇入手、逐步掌握短语、句型,得到理解课文的目的,再对习题进行处理、强化理解。【知识导航】1、feel like)给.的感觉。I felt like I was a bird. )想要,后接动词

2、时,接V-ing. He didnt feel like going to work.2、make sure 确保,后常跟that(可省略)引导的宾语从句。Make sure you will arrive there on time.3、fall asleep 睡着 be awake 醒着 feel sleepy 发困4、break apart把分开。The strong wind broke the branches apart.5、in times of :在时刻 How can we help each other in times of difficulty?面对困难时候,我们如何互

3、相帮助?6、either/too/also表示也时的用法总结:(学生查找资料总结)either:too:also:7、leave for +地点:动身前往某地。When will he leave for Beijing?leave+地点 +for:离开某地前往,Make is leaving Dalian for Beijing.leave sth +地点:把某物忘到了某地。注意与forget的区别。【自主学习与交流】take_ begin_ come_ go_ sit_ hear_ win_ have_ tell_ find_ see_ run_ leave_ beat_ fall_ br

4、eak: buy: bring:teach: catch: put: cut: hit: read: sing: ring:swim: ride: write: fly: eat: drink: drive: feel:【词汇】读一读,译一译storm_ report_ area_ wind_ light_ wood_ window flashlight_ match_ beat_ heavily_ asleep_ die down_ rise_ apart_【短语集锦】feel like_ fall asleep_pieces of_ die down_make sure_ break ap

5、art _make dinner_ in a mess_beat heavily against the windows._【词形拓展】heavy-heavily happy-happily lucky-luckily healthy-healthily clear_careful-carefully beautiful-beautifully noisy-noisily peaceful-peacefullyquiet-quietly slow-slowly strong-strongly complete- completely【经典句型】1、Everyone in the neighbo

6、rhood was busy.四邻街坊人人都很忙。2、Ben was helping his mom make dinner when the rain began to beat heavily against the windows.当雨开始重重地敲打在窗户上时,本正帮妈妈做着晚餐。3、But it was hard to have fun with a serious storm happening outside.但屋外正狂风暴雨,谁也没有兴致。4、He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down.around3:00a.m. 凌晨

7、三点左右风渐渐平息,他才终于得以入睡。5、Although the storm broke many things apart, it brought families and neighbors closer together.尽管暴风雨打散了很多东西,但它却使家人和邻居团结的更加紧密。【活学活用】一、汉译英1、外面没有光,感觉像午夜。_ _ _ outside, it felt like midnight.(with+n+adv的用法)2、到处都是倒的树,破的窗户和垃圾。_ trees,_ windows and rubbish were everywhere.(过去分词做定语)3、当风逐

8、渐减弱时,他睡着了。He fell asleep when the wind was _ _.4、他出去发现街区一片混乱。He went out and found the neighborhood _ _ _.5、面对困难时候,我们如何互相帮助?How can we help each other_ _ _ difficulty?二、根据课文填空1、Although the storm_ many things _, it brought families and neighbors closer together。2、After the storm , he found the neigh

9、borhood_ _ _.3、When the rain beat heavily _the windows, Ben was helping his mom.4、Before the rainstorm came, Bens dad was _pieces old wood _the windows.三、根据汉语提示完成单词1、When they got to the station, strong winds were_(吹)outside.2、She put some _(火柴) on the table.3、While the woman was _(确保)the radio was working the man was outside.4、It was hard to have fun with a serious storm_(发生) outside5、What was the _(街区)like after the storm?四、教师检查学生根据4a所编句子。(至少5个)五、根据4c内容,写一段话(至少五句),谈一下自己上周日在某一时间在做某事。_No man is wise at all times. 聪明一世,糊涂一时


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