八年级英语下册《module 2 friendship period 2 review unit 1 and finish unit3 ( 2,3,4,5)》教案 外研版

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《八年级英语下册《module 2 friendship period 2 review unit 1 and finish unit3 ( 2,3,4,5)》教案 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册《module 2 friendship period 2 review unit 1 and finish unit3 ( 2,3,4,5)》教案 外研版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Period 2 Review Unit 1 and finish Unit3 ( 2,3,4,5)(教师准备两只话筒和一个抽奖箱。)Step1 Revision 1. Match the words with their meanings.2. Ask and answer the questions about the words in the box. (Turn to p11-5) 设计意图 由单词的复习过渡到句子的复习,既培养学生在语境中理解、识记单词的能力,又为新课的学习起到较好的铺垫作用。 3. Funny time教师准备好一个抽奖箱,箱子里事先放入一些写有活跃气氛的简单句的纸

2、条。两个学生一起上去,一个在箱子里抽取一张纸条,大声读。另一个学生重复。让学生们在笑声中复习知识。Step 2 Presentation Interview your teacher假设10年后,你参加工作,当了一名记者, 回来看望老师。学生自由向老师提问, 老师重复学生的问题, 很自然地引出新知识-疑问句的宾语从句。 eg.Step 3 Practice eg. Please help the old granny. Something is wrong with her hearing. Man: Are you tired?Old granny: What does he want to

3、 know? (此处暂停, 让学生用宾语从句回答, 然后继续播放, 核对答案。)Woman: He wants to know if you are tired. Tell him if you are tired.Man: Why are you tired?Old granny: What does he want to know?(又暂停, 让学生用宾语从句回答后继续播放,核对答案。)Woman: He wants to know why you are tired. Tell him why you are tired.设计意图 1) 在学新知识时, 适当的机械操练是十分必要的。特别是

4、对部分语言能力相对较弱的学生来说,在机械操练中体会、琢磨并理解新知识是很有效的。2) 德育渗透,融思想教育于语言教育,培养学生尊敬老人,助人为乐的精神。2回到课本Read Activity 3 again and find what Chen Huan asks.3Pair work 谈论学生自己的的爱好。设计意图 由易到难:从机械操练到课内语言重复再到学生实际问答,最后拓展到课外。FromShanghaiBirth1983.7.13Height1.88mWeight74kgSports110m hurdles Step 4 Talk about Liu Xiangeg. S1:Liu Xia

5、ng was born in Shanghai.S2: What does S1 say?S3: He/she says (that) Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai. Step 5 Group work 1. DiscussWhat else would you like to ask Liu Xiang? 屏幕上是滚动出现的有关运动员刘翔的照片。2. ReportIn our group S1 wants to know if Liu Xiang . S2 asks whether he . S3 wonders wh. I would like to kno

6、w if设计意图 展示学生熟悉的、崇拜的人物的照片, 激发学生的学习兴趣。由于是学生崇拜的人物,因此学生也更乐于参与到英语学习中来。此活动在提高学生积极性的基础上,培养了他们团结协作的精神,当然也非常巧妙地让学生在活动中操练语言,巩固了本模块的主要句型。Step 6 A Face-to-face Interview Suppose Liu Xiang has come to Jinhua. You are a reporter from Radio Zhejiang. Now there is a press conference(记者招待会). Try to make a face-to-f

7、ace interview with Liu Xing.设计意图 设计采访活动能激发学生的想象力和创造力,培养学生用英语思维的能力,实现了学以致用的目的。能充分发挥学生的主体意识,培养学生收集信息的能力。能扩大学生的知识面,并在完成作业过程中增强对名人、对民族英雄的钦佩之情,进而产生学习名人、民族英雄精神的思想。 Homework1. (二者选一) A: Write a dialogue about the interview with Chen Huan.B: Write a dialogue about the interview with Liu Xiang2. Workbook 3, 4, 5设计意图 分层次作业,鼓励有能力的学生学会利用词典来增加词汇量。


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