八年级英语下册《unit 9 have you ever been to an amusement park section b(1a-2c)》教案 人教新目标版

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《八年级英语下册《unit 9 have you ever been to an amusement park section b(1a-2c)》教案 人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册《unit 9 have you ever been to an amusement park section b(1a-2c)》教案 人教新目标版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、山东省滕州市大坞镇大坞中学八年级英语下册Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park Section B(1a-2c)教案 人教新目标版一、Teaching goals : In this class, students talk about studying English with when , why and how long .They will talk about their past experiences of studying English . Teaching procedures:Step 1 Warming up Enj

2、oy a song “ yesterday once more”Step2 Revisiona) Show some pictures to Ss, and ask them to ask and answer in a lineT: Have you ever been to an amusement park?S1: Yes, I have. Have you ever been to ?a water park/ zoo/ aquarium/ space museumb) Ask Ss to practice in pairs to talk about the picturesA: H

3、ave you ever been to ?B: Yes, I have. Have you ever been to ?A: No, I havent.Step 3 Presentation SB P71 ,1a T: Oh, you have been to so many places, but have you ever been to Disneyland? Ss: No, I havent. T: Would you like to go to Disneyland? Ss: Yes. T: Where is this Disneyland? (Show a picture of

4、Disneyland in USA) S2: Its in USA. T: If you want to go to the Disneyland in USA, the most important thing you do is to know how to speak English well. When I was young, I wanted to go to Disneyland in USA. So this is the reason of why I study English. Then what about yours? Why do you study English

5、? S3: Because I want to understand English language movies. Its fun to learn another language. I want to travel. I want to study in an English-speaking country. I have to! T: Some of these reasons are important to you, some are not, please rank these reasons in the order of importance to you on page

6、 71.Step 4 Pairwork After ranking the order, ask Ss to give the order of importance to them with their partners like this conversation on page 71. As Ss work, move around the room offering help as needed. Step 5 Listening SB P71 2a & 2bT: I know your reasons of learning English. Now, a teacher is in

7、terviewing a student.1. Listen for the general idea (听取大意)They are talking about_A. English-speaking country B. English learning.2. Listening for the specific ideas (听取细节) a) Listen carefully and circle the questions you hear. (2a)Check the answersb) T: Here is the questionnaire about the student. P

8、lease listen again and fill in it. (2b)Name: Studying English for:_English-speaking countries visited: When: Reasons for learning English: C) Fill in the blanks according to the recording.Thomas Ruzic has been to an _ country when he was _. He has been _ English for _ years .He wants to _ his Englis

9、h because he wants to _ the world, and he needs _ to do that .Step 6 Pairwork T: Suppose one of you is a teacher, and the other is the new exchange student. Ask and answer about the questions in 2a, and then make up the similar dialogue like 2c.Step 7 Discussion How can we improve our English? T: Ev

10、eryone has the different reasons of learning English, but how can we improve Our English? Please discuss in group of four, and then write your ways of improving English.After discussion, ask them to have a report.Step 8 HomeworkWrite a passage “ How can we improve our English?”Blackboard Design:Unit

11、9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? Why do you study English?Reasons: I want to understand English language movies. Study in an English-speaking country.Travel.I have to.Its fun to learn another language.三. Inquiry into knowledge by translation 1. Its fun to learn another language. 译文_Its fun

12、 to do sth. 意为_学英语有趣 _2. How long have you been learning English?译文_这是_时态的句子,其构成是_与how long 连用的动词必须是_词,回答可用for 或since表示的时间短语。我学英语六年了。_四The end of class test当堂检测用所给词的适当形式填空。1. I _( live) here for ten years . 2. Have you ever _ (ride ) a horse before ?3. Its fun _( learn) another language.4. How long

13、have you been_ (study) English ?5. I _ (read) this book. Its very interesting .汉译英6. 你为什么学英语?7. 美国是个说英语的国家。8. 我们怎样才能提高我们的英语水平?9我想看懂英语电影。课后反思:亮点:本课围绕为什么学习英语展开教学活动。首先通过欣赏一首英文歌曲来活跃课堂气氛,再通过图片来复习地点名词以及目标语言,接着为学生创设情景,根据实际情况让学生讲述学习英语的原因,讨论让学生对英语学习的目的性更明确,最后以书面表达和翻译探究形式巩固所学知识。看、听、说、写有机结合,内容少而不单调。不足:还应结合本课讨论

14、学英语的话题和学生实际,积极引导学生明确学英语的目的,增强学英语的信心和勇气,交流学英语的好方法,互相取长补短,共同进步。Answers: Step5 c) English-speaking , thirteen , studying , three , improve , travel , English 三、1)学习另一门语言是有趣的。 做某事是有趣的 Its fun to learn English. 2) 你学习英语多久了? 延续性的 I have been learning English for six years .四、1. have lived/ have been living 2.ridden 3.to learn 4. studying 5. have read6 . Why do you study English ?7. The USA is an English-speaking country.8. How can we im


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