八年级英语下册《unit 4 why don’t you talk to your parents》section a 1a-2a导学案(新版)人教新目标版

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1、Unit 4 Why dont you talk to your parentsSection A 1a-2a【学习内容】 Unit4 why dont you talk to your parents Section B 1a 2a【学习目标】 1.能掌握本节课的单词,句子:member, pressure, competeMy parents give me a lot of pressure about school .2.进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力。3.遇到问题要主动地去和家人,朋友,同学交流,学会放松,缓解压力。【学习重 难点】:1学习掌握单词,词汇,短语并灵活运用.2. 进行听

2、力训练,提高综合听说能力。【自主学习】 复习Unit4 Section A Grammar Focus 中的句子,看看你能背写下了吗?和同桌合作完成Unit4 Section B 1a,1b【自学检测】汉译英:1. 做运动_ 2.和朋友闲逛 _ 3. 花时间独处_ 4. 与人竞争_5. 与人交谈_ 6. 课后辅导班_ 7.用电脑_ 8.有充足的空闲时间_9.给某人许多压力_ 10.有足够的空闲时间_11.和某人打架_ 【合作探究】1. 认真听录音完成了1c和1d。 2. 再听录音核对答案。 3. 综合提高 :小组分角色朗读听力材料中的对话。【合作探究一】Until, so that ,alth

3、ough 引导的状语从句:Until:在带有till或until引导的时间状语从句从句里,如果主句用肯定式,其含义是“一直到时”,谓语动词只能用延续性动词。如果主句用否定式,其含义是“直到才”, “在以前不”, 谓语动词可用瞬间动词。so that:引导目的状语从句 so that(为了,以便)Although:although的用法意思相当于though(尽管,虽然),用来引导让步状语从句。它所引导的从句不能与并列连词but,and, so等连用,但可以和yet, still等词连用。【合作探究二】compete的用法compete (in sth) (against sb)参加比赛(或竞赛

4、)compete (with sb) (for sth)竞争;对抗We cant compete with them on price.Competition(名词)比赛;竞赛amusic/photo _音乐、摄影比赛toenter/lose a _参加/ 输掉比赛/ 赢得比赛_【合作探究三】写出自己的3条烦心事,然后交换给同学,请别人帮你出一些建议,好的可以采纳。My problems: Advice: 小组展示】 展示合作探究的成果。随堂笔记(教师指导归纳整理)【当堂检测反馈】1、 基础题:用所给词的适当形式填空。1. If you have some problems, you shou

5、ld talk to your family _(成员)2. _(虽然)you are angry with your parents, you should talk to them.3. I have to _(竞争)with my classmates at school.4.I had a _(打架)with my brother yesterday.5. We work hard at school _ _(以致)we can get into a good high school. 二、发展题 :单选 ( )1.I dont know why my parents give me

6、_. A. so much pressure B. so many pressures C. such much pressure D. such many pressures( )2.Before a big exam , Im always _.What should I do ? A. crazy B. typical C. nervous D. wrong( )3.Im not sure. His father in the office. A.maybeB.may be C.mayD.is( )4.He is very angry with his mother, because h

7、is mother always him with the best student. A.comparesB.complainsC.tellsD.makes3 提高题:根据对话内容,补全对话,其中有两项多余.A: Marry, you look unhappy. What happened?B: I have some problems.A: Oh, dear! 61_B: Well, I m not good at sports. Some students often laugh at me in P.E. lessons.A: 62_ I think you should do spo

8、rts more often. Now, whats the next problem?B: 63_ He wants to meet me. What should I do?A: 64_B: But he is always inviting me to meet him.A: You could talk with your parents about it and go to meet him with your parents.B: Thats a good idea. 65_A: Youre welcome.61_ 62_ 63._ 64._ 65._A.Im sorry to hear that.B.Thanks for your advice.C .You shouldnt go to meet him.D.Whats wrong with you?E.I made a friend on the Internet.F.Its very kind of you.G.What are your problems?【自主反思】(写出今日一得和今日不足) 今日一得: 今日不足:



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