八年级英语下册 unit 7 would you mind turning down the music period 1 section a 1a-2c导学案 人教新目标版

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1、Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?(period 1,Section A,1a2c)班级: 学生姓名: 教师查阅情况: 课 题:Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?(period 1,Section A,1a2c,p5253)目标导航1.通过本课学习,我们要学会礼貌表达请求及礼貌地回答请求,增强人际交往。2.通过听说训练,能够熟练运用句型“Would you mind?”向他人提出请求,并根据不同的情景给予适当的回答。3.重点词汇和语句:yard, turn down, not at

2、all, right away, get up, clean the yard, take a shower, do the dishes(1) Would you mind turning down the music?(2) Sorry, Ill do it right away.(3) Would you mind not wearing those old jeans?(4) OK, Ill put on another pair.(目标层次说明:识记,理解 ,简单运用, 综合运用)学 习 程 序知识宝库学习内容与方法1. right now 意为“马上表示短期的将来,与一般将来时连用

3、。right now 也可说成right away或at once, 相当于in a moment。right now有时也可作“此时”解,相当于at the moment。2.turn down 调小,降低音量(等)。其反义词组为turn up 把(音量)调大。 turn on 意为“打开,旋开(电灯、自来水、无线电等)”,其反义词组为turn off 意为“关闭(水源、煤气、电灯等)”。 Step 1 课前反馈。1.Put the following sentences into English.把下列汉语句子译成英语。我听音乐已经一个半小时了。 他收集硬币有多久了? 她自从八岁以来就收集

4、风筝。 我对当老师这工作感兴趣。 如果你知道还有别人收集它们,请告诉我。 2.Warming-up.热身练习。(通过自主学习,你能熟练读出P5253的生词,并知晓它们的汉语意思吗?)Step 2 Self-study. 自学&交流讨论。1.Preview the materials in P5253 and translate the following phrases.(预习P5253,并就下列短语英汉互译.) 一点也不 关小,调低 立刻,马上 起 床 in a minute do the dishes 2. Finish 1a. Match the requests with the th

5、ings in the pictures above. 3.Writing practice. Could you complete these sentences in a polite way ? (你可以用礼貌的请求方式表达下面句子吗?) (1) Its very hot. Would you mind (2) The music is too noisy. 学习内容与方法知识宝库(3)Your room is dirty. (4)The baby is sleeping. (5)Mary isnt here. 4.Listening practice.(1)Listen to the

6、tape of 1b on Page 52 and repeat and check the answers in the chart. (2) Listen to the tape and repeat,and complete 2a & 2b, in p53. (边听边说并完成p53,2a & 2b练习,若有困难,可先熟悉材料。) 5. Role play the conversation according to 2c in p53.(根据p53面2c进行角色对话。) A: B: 6. 语法在线:(你可以借助课本后语法知识和其他参考书) “Would you mind doing?”表示

7、“ ”或“ ”用来客气地提出请求、要求。其否定形式为 表示“ ”或“ ” 举个例句看看并回答: (你还记得以前我们还学过哪些常用来礼貌地提出请求的方式呢?)Step 3 Showing. 展示提升。 就步骤二里的部分内容进行分组展示。Step 4 Consolidation. 知识巩固。 谈谈你本节课的收获吧!本节课我们主要学到了 。Step 5 Test. 达标检测。1.-Would you mind the window? - No, . A. opening, I wouldnt B.opening, not at all C.to open, I cant2.Its a little

8、dark in the room, the light, please. A. turn on B. turn down C. turn off3. Would you mind playing baseball here? (改否定句) 4.请你打扫一下你的房间好吗? 对不起,我马上打扫。 3. wear 穿(衣);戴(帽,眼镜),延续性动词,表示穿着的状态。 eg:He is wearing a white T-shirt today. put on 表示“穿,戴”,强调动作,宾语是衣物、帽子等。 eg:He put on his coat and hat and went to a shop. dress 表示“给.穿衣服”,其宾语是人,其后一般不接表示衣物的词。 eg: He dressed the baby. be in 后跟表示颜色的名词,表示穿着各种颜 色的衣服。 eg: She was in red.学后反思


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