八年级英语下册 unit 7 i used to be afraid of the dark period 5 section b(2a-self check) 导学案 鲁教版五四制

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八年级英语下册 unit 7 i used to be afraid of the dark period 5 section b(2a-self check) 导学案 鲁教版五四制_第1页
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八年级英语下册 unit 7 i used to be afraid of the dark period 5 section b(2a-self check) 导学案 鲁教版五四制_第2页
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《八年级英语下册 unit 7 i used to be afraid of the dark period 5 section b(2a-self check) 导学案 鲁教版五四制》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 unit 7 i used to be afraid of the dark period 5 section b(2a-self check) 导学案 鲁教版五四制(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 7 I used to be afraid of the dark P【学习目标】1、 掌握本课生词和短语阅读理解本课内容完成2a-2e各项任务2、 继续掌握used to的用法。找一找自己的问题学会分析与总结让自己变得更好。【学习重点】学会用已知信息猜测课文内容。【教学难点】找一找自己的问题学会分析与总结【学习过程】一、自主学习 (一)翻译词组:1、一个普通的15岁男孩_2、照顾、照料_ 3、缺席_4、一个寄宿学校_5、建议某人做某事_6、亲自_7、以为骄傲(两个)_ 8、父母陪在他们孩子身边是很重要的。_(二)知识链接1、he failed his examinations 1.

2、n.不及格 a fail in math 数学不及格 vi. 失败 Our plan has failed. 我们的计划失败了。 He failed in everything he tried. 他做一切事情都失败了。 2. 不及格 She failed in the examination. 她这次考试不及格。 3. 失灵;失去作用 The engine failed. 引擎出故障了。 4. (指健康)衰退;变弱;消失 His hearing is failing. 他的听觉在衰退。 vt. 1. 失败;不能;忘记 He did very well, but failed to break

3、 the record. 他做得很出色,但未破记录。 2. 没有通过(考试),评定(学生)不及格 The professor failed almost half of the class. 该教授给班上几乎一半人评了不及格。 George failed history last semester. 乔治上学期历史考试不及格。 3. 使失望;有负於 His courage failed him. 他失去了勇气。二、合作交流(一)预习交流1、自主学习情况交流2、在组内讨论交流预习中遇到的困难或存在的问题。(老师点拨,师生互探讨)(二)合作探究1.组长带领组员找出课本P54的重要短语、句子。2.组

4、长带领组员熟读2a课文,并挑选课堂展示人选。3.多组合作展示2b、 2c的答案。(三)拓展延伸能用自己的话复述课文(四)课堂小结总结,今天我们学习了_三、达标测评(一)基础题单项选择 ( )1. When I was a child, I used to _ chocolate. A. liking B. like C. liked D. likes( )2. _ work in Microsoft? A. Did you used to B. Did you use to C. Do you used to D. Do you use to ( )3. Tom used to be shor

5、t ,_he? A. doesnt B. didnt C. did D. does ( )4._ seems that Jane knows the bad news. A. That B. This C. It D. She ( )5. Tina is so shy that she is afraid of _in front of a group. A. speak B. speaks C. spoke D. speaking(二)能力题1. Li Wen is a _(fifteen years old )boy. 2. His mother couldnt _( pay for) h

6、er childs education. 3. His mother looked after him as _ as she could.(good) 4._ (luck), Li Wen caused problems for himself and his family. 5. He was not interested in _(study) and he often got into trouble with the police. 6. _(Luck), his parents didnt give up him. 7. In the end, she made a diffic

7、difficult _(decide). 8.The head teacher said it was necessary for Li Wen _( talk) with his mother. 9. My mother helped me _(understand) how much she had given me. 10. He was watching me and would always take pride _(填介词) everything good I do. 11. I have been afraid of_(be) alone, and have tried to m

8、ake my mother _(to pay more attention to) me.(三)拔高题 根据对话内容从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。有两项多余A. Yes, he is clever. B. What does she look like now? C. Yes, but he isnt like that anymore. D. Was he on the swim team in high school? E. He likes singing very muchF. Does he still play the guitar?A: Sarah, did you see L

9、eo at the party? He used to be so wild! B: (1)_ He looks very serious now. A: (2)_ I dont remember. B: Yes, and he is on the city swim team now. A: (3) _ B: Yes, he does. At the party, he played classical music. I also saw my deskmate Rose at the party. She used to be the most popular girl in school.A: (4)_ Does she still look the same? B: Yes, except for her hair. (5)_ A: Wow In fact, people sure change.【课后反思】_



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