八年级英语下册 unit 10 i’ve had this bike for three years(第1课时)section a(1a-2c)导学案(新版)人教新目标版

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八年级英语下册 unit 10 i’ve had this bike for three years(第1课时)section a(1a-2c)导学案(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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八年级英语下册 unit 10 i’ve had this bike for three years(第1课时)section a(1a-2c)导学案(新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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《八年级英语下册 unit 10 i’ve had this bike for three years(第1课时)section a(1a-2c)导学案(新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《八年级英语下册 unit 10 i’ve had this bike for three years(第1课时)section a(1a-2c)导学案(新版)人教新目标版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years. 第一课时Section A (1a2c)【励志话语】:well begun, half done. 好的开始等于成功的一半【目标】: 1. 能够熟记并正确使用单词 2、继续学习现在完成时态【重难点】: 重点: 谈论延续性动词。 难点: 继续学习现在完成时态自主预习1. 预习任务1.预习生词,根据音标会读知意。2.朗读句型,能英汉互译。2. 预习诊断 A. 单词。院子 甜蜜的 记忆 分币 玩具 熊 生产者 围巾 软的 检查 B. 短语1.庭院拍卖行_ 2. 面包机_ 3. 布绒玩具_ _ 4. 查看_ 5. 旧

2、东西_ _ 6、带回 7. 不再_ 8 . 甜蜜回忆_C.句子,英汉互译下列句子1. Jeff一家正在进行庭院拍卖。 2、Amy 想把旧东西卖了很难。 ?3、 Jeff 拥有他的自行车10多年来了。 .4、 Amy 想保留旧东西,因为这些东西带回许多甜蜜的记忆 .5、你可以把旧东西赠送给有需要的人。 ? 6、我已经看过3遍了。 7. 我不再看了。 8. 自从孩提时她就有了那个玩具熊。 3. 预习疑问 你在预习中遇到的问题有哪些? 二合作交流1、 预习交流,检查1a 的预习效果(熟练掌握1a中的表示身体部位的词)2、 合作学习1.)放录音让学生完成1b, 2.)小组操练,完成1c. 3.)放录音

3、让学生完成2a-2b 3、拓展延伸完成2c讨论句型:4、系统总结 三、自测达标一、用所给词的适当形式填空1I_ already_(see) the film. I_(see) itlast week.2. “_ he_(finish) his work today?” “Not yet.”3. My father_just_(come) back from work. He is tired now.4. “Wheres Li Ming?” “He_(go) to the teachers office.”5. Shanghai_(be) a small town hundreds of ye

4、ars ago.Now it_(become) a large city.6 .I_(work) here since I_(move)here in 1993.7. So far I_(make) quiet a few friends here.8. How long_ the Wangs_( stay) here二、单项选择( )1. I can sing the song in English. _.A. So I can B. So can I C. I can so D. Too can I ( )2.- Why dont you buy one of the scarves fo

5、r your mum? -They are not _A. beautiful enough B. enough beautiful C. too beautiful D. beautifully enough( )3.The food in the restaurant is good_ the price is too_. A. andhigh B. but high C. butexpensive D. because low( )4.I think a dog is a good pet for _ child.A. a 6-year-old B. an 6-year-old C. a

6、 6-year old D. a 6 years-old( )5.Everyone should do _best to win the match. A. ones B. theC. his D. their( )6. Where is Bruce? Is he at home?I think he _ school.A .has gone B. has been C. has gone to D. has been to ( )7.I have never been to European countries. What about you? _.A. So do I B. So have

7、 I C. Neither do I D. Neither have I ( )8. Yesterday he _ to work, so he wasnt late.A. by taxi B. by a taxi C. take a taxi D. took a taxi( )9.How long have you studied English? _.A. For 5 years B.5 years ago C. Since 5 years D.5 years before( )10. Has the train _ yet? A. got to B. reached C. arrived D. arrived at



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