九年级英语全册《unit 6 movies and theater lesson 34 the fisherman and the goldfish》导学案(新版)翼教版

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九年级英语全册《unit 6 movies and theater lesson 34 the fisherman and the goldfish》导学案(新版)翼教版_第1页
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九年级英语全册《unit 6 movies and theater lesson 34 the fisherman and the goldfish》导学案(新版)翼教版_第2页
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《九年级英语全册《unit 6 movies and theater lesson 34 the fisherman and the goldfish》导学案(新版)翼教版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《九年级英语全册《unit 6 movies and theater lesson 34 the fisherman and the goldfish》导学案(新版)翼教版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson34 The fisherman and the goldfish学习目标1. To learn words and phrases about the story.2、To grasp some important language points.3、To be able to talk about the story in English.学习重点1. To learn words and phrases about the story.2、To grasp some important language points.学习难点To retell the story in En

2、glish.学法指导通过课前预习掌握基本知识,通过合作探究解决较难知识,通过堂达标巩固所学知识。知识准备课题组补充学习流程复习导入Step1: ReviewingReview some words learnt in the last lesson by doing some exercises (Fill in the blanks with proper words in the last lesson )Step 2: New words Learn the new words with the help of some pictures or examples: coast, hand

3、bag, servant, guard, queen, crash, among,mad,serveStep 3: Think about itWhich characters in the play do you like? Which do you dislike? What happened in the last lesson? Can you guess what will happen in this lesson?任务导学Step 4: New Concept. ListeningAsk the students to listen to the tape and answer

4、the question:What did the fishermans wife want to be at last?Answer: Queen of the Sea.II. Read and do the exercises in the textbookAsk the students to read the text by themselves and then do the exercises.Step 5: Language pointsI. Learn the phrases and do the exerciselook out , look around , be angr

5、y with , go off, too much1. I drank _ cola last night 2. _you before crossing the streets. 3. I_himforkeepingmewaiting.4. The alarm(警铃) _ when I was going asleep. 5. My window _ into a street. II. noise, sound和voice 的区别IV. 结构探讨What / How 感叹句结构What a/an +形容词+名词+主语+谓语What +形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语What +形容词+复数名

6、词+主语+谓语How + 形容词/副词+主语+谓语. _ beatiful the girl is! _ beautiful flowers they are! _ sunny weather we are having! _ carefully he is riding! _ a handsome boy he is!达标检测用noise, voice, sound 填空She has a very beautiful and sweet _.Dont make much _. We are watching TV.They heard the _ of a motorbike coming

7、 round. III.英语释义 Matchcoast madenter answerstupid foolishat once beachangry go intoreply right now拓展延伸Do the experiment in groups .小结Lets summarize the key points and difficult points together.作业布置1. Understand the meaning of the text 2. Remember the mastery words in this lesson.3. Finish the activity book of lesson 34课后反思


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