九年级英语全册《unit 4 stories and poems lesson 21 the fable of the woodcutter》导学案(新版)翼教版

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1、Lesson 21 The fable of the woodcutter学习目标1. New words and expressions:2.能力目标:灵活运用课堂中学的知识点。3.情感态度价值观:用生活中的实例记忆知识点。学习重点The fable of the woodcutter.学习难点The fable of the woodcutter.学法指导通过课前预习掌握基本知识,通过合作探究解决较难知识,通过堂达标巩固所学知识。知识准备1. make ones living 谋生。He makes his living by driving a taxi.2. (1)admit doin

2、g sth 承认做了某事。She admitted having seen us.admit to sb that.向某人承认.I admitted to my parents that Iwas wrong.课题组补 充学习流程预习检测英汉互译 dive into._ 2. admit to._3.为.感到难过_ 4.再一次_5.get -back _ 6. make ones living _任务导学一.Read the text and find the words they dont understand.二.Learn the new words.三.Learn some langu

3、age points.(一) 1.Admit的常见词组有admitthat,admitsth,admittodo,admitdoing,Admitthat是引导一个宾语从句,后面加句子表示接受一个事件或事实Example:IadmitthatIamwrong.我承认我错了Admitsth说明admit是一个及物动词可直接带宾语表示承认或接受某物,允许做某事。Eg:Iadmitmyfailure.我接受失败。Thisticketadmitsonepersononly.此券只准一人入Admittodo和Admitdoing区别最大的区别是做和没做的区别:Todo表示还没做将要去做。Doing表示已

4、经做过了。但是admit(承认)后通常要接动名词作宾语,而不接不定式。如果接不定式的话也通常是tobe eg::Wealladmithimtobefoolish.(我们都认为他很蠢)。Sheadmittedhimtoberight.她承认他是对的。Admitdoing(admithavingdone)承认做过的某事1Iadmitbreakingthewindows. 2Headmittedhavingstolenthemoney.区别在于:事情发生的时间参照1句以现在为参照点(admit)doing.2句已过去为参照点(admitted)用havingdoing.当admit用于被动时bead

5、mittedtosth意思是允许,接受接纳Example:ShewasadmittedtotheParty.她被允许入党。Childrenunder18arenotadmittedtothefilm.。十八岁以下的孩子不能看此电影。注意不能用beadmittedtodosth.但有beadmittedtobe+adjExpansion:1.Admitto=admit区别是前一个admit不及物后一个a dmit及物动词。Eg:Headmittedtothemurder.他供认了谋杀罪2.admit往往含有动态意味,所以一般不与enter,goin之类的词连用:没有admitsbtoenter或




9、ppearsthatheisill.他似乎病了。(5)在therebe开头的句子里,可用seem,appear,一般不用look。如:Thereseemsappearstobesomethingthematterwithher.她好像出了什么事似的。达标检测 用所给词的适当形式填空1._(honest)truly is the best policy.2.He was_(cut)an apple when I saw him.3.The little girl laughed because her lost toy_(appear)again.4.The student_(admit)to

10、the teacher that he was wrong.5.Tom had to sell newspapers to make a_(live). 拓展延伸句型转换Yuo are brave enough to tell the truth.(改为同义句)1. Its brave _ _to tell the truth.Jim was very happy .He laughed and laughed.(合并成一句)3.Jim was_happy_he laughed and laughed.The boy is very honest.(改为感叹句)_ _the boy is!4.

11、The gold axe must be the woodcutters.(改为否定句)The gold axe_ _the woodcutters.学习小结Lets summarize the key points and difficult points together.作业布置1. Understand the meaning of the text .2. Remember the mastery words in this lesson.3. Finish the activity book of lesson21.4. Preview the “Think about it” in next lesson.课后反思


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