九年级英语全册 unit 7 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes(第五课时)导学案(新版)人教新目标版

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九年级英语全册 unit 7 teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes(第五课时)导学案(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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1、Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes(第五课时)学习目标1、知识目标:get in the way of achieve ones dreams make this choice be serious about enter university care about2、技能目标:学习文中的重点字词句,并能运用。学习重点精读课文,理解课文。学习难点运用目标中的词语。学习过程自主空间一、独立自主学习。 翻译下列词组:1.妨碍、阻碍 2.尽可能多 3.发展某人的爱好4.在长跑队 5.专业运动员 6.实现某人的梦

2、想7.想法、考虑 8.最后 9.为某人自己做决定10.努力学习的重要性 11.认真做某事 12.关爱、关注 13.有做某事的机会 14.没有什么反对做某事二、合作互助学习。任务一:小组交流学习成果。任务二:读课文,找出文中重要的词组及不理解的知识点。小组互相交流,帮助同学解决疑难问题。三,展示引导学习。.decide/decision的用法1.Should I allowed to make my own decisions?应该允许我自己做决定吗?2. Who decided to go to England?=Who made a decision to go to England?归纳:

3、decide是_词,搭配的词组:_; decision是_词,搭配:_强化:We should _(作决定) for ourselves.get/be in the way of妨碍.succeed/success/successful/successfully的用法 1.The experiment has succeeded. 实验已经成功了。2.Mary succeeded in passing the exam.玛丽成功地通过了考试。3.The plan is a great success. 这个计划很成功。4.I really hope you can be successful.

4、 我真的希望你能成功。5.Our school team won the game successfully.我们的校队成功地赢得了比赛。归纳:1)succeed是_词,“_”;succeed in doing sth. _;2)success是_词,“_”; 3) successful是_词,其副词形式为:_; 强化;We all think he is a _ (succeed) singer.important/ importance1.Every student should know the importance of studying.每位学生都应该知道学习的重要性。2.Its i

5、mportant for us to know the importance of studying ._.归纳:importance是_词,常用的结构为:_;其形容词形式:_.1)be serious about_The man was serious about the matter.这个人对待那件事很认真。2)care about_I dont care about what he said.我不在意他说了什么。3)achieve ones dream实现梦想=make ones dream=make ones dream come trueToms dream _ (实现)last y

6、ear.四、评价提升学习。一).单项选择1.English is very _ and all the students know the _ of English.A. important; importance B. importance; importance C. important; important2.He _ fixing the new machine yesterday! Look! It is running well again.A. felt like B. succeeded in C. failed in3. Watching TV too much can ge

7、t _ the way of his study.A. in B. out C. at 4.Is the girl serious about _ a singer?A. become B. becomes C. becoming5.Who did it better, Bill or Henry?I think Bill did just _ Henry.A. as well as B. as good as C. as better as 二)用所给词的适当形式填空1.Wang Baoqiang tried his best to perform and he _ (success0 in

8、 the end.2.Everyone wants _(achieve) his or her dream.3.Most teenagers have a lot of different _(hobby).4.What are the rules that should _ (obey) by a teenager?5.Liu Xiang is a _(run) star.6._(实现)your dream through great effort is really cool.7.Anyone can see the _(重要性) of good health.8.If at first

9、you dont _(成功),try again.9.These hobbies can _(妨碍)schoolwork.10.I think I should be allowed to _(作决定)for myself.三)翻译句子。1.Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want.2.We want to see Liu Yu achieve his dreams.3.Being a professional runner is the only th

10、ing I have ever wanted to do.4.But they are always talking about what will happen if I dont succeed.5.Only then will I have a chance of achieving my dream.五、课堂小结:1.我的收获:2.我的困惑:课题Unit 7 Period7 Section B(3a-self check)课型写作课执笔张金玲学习目标1、知识目标:no matter how, in the end, keep off, encourage to do sth 2、技能目

11、标:1)学会使用be allowed to do sth2)学会运用含有情态动词的被动语态。学习重点学会运用含有情态动词的被动语态。学习难点学会运用含有情态动词的被动语态。学习过程自主空间一、独立自主学习(5)1.完成3a. 二、合作互助学习任务一:同桌交流3a的答案,然后列提纲。任务二:依据提纲及3a的表格内容,恰当运用3b的句型,写一则日记解释不赞同的家庭规则,需要做哪些改变。任务三:小组内互相批改作文,指出优点和不足。教师点评。三 、展示引导学习:1.各组展示最佳作文,评比。2.Key points:take photos, 照相译:这是一个供游客照相的好地方。This is a goo

12、d place for tourists to_.achieve my dream实现我的梦想译:我希望实现我当一个医生的梦想I hope to _of becoming a doctor.make a choice,做出选择译:由于这两个包我都喜欢,所以在他们之间我很难做出选择。It is difficult for me to_ between these two bags as I like_.四)评价提升学习:一单项选择1. The river smells terrible. People must _ dirty thing into it. A. be stopped to th

13、row B. be stopped from throwing C. stop to throw D. stop from throwing 2. This book _ often _ from the library. A. arent; take away B. taken away C. isnt; taken away D. be taken away二.用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1Every student should know the _ (important) of taking exercise.2There seems _(be) something wrong with my bike.3Lets play basketball instead of _(stay) at home to watch TV.4When did you get your hair _ (cut)?5He cant decide which shirt _ (choose)三.完成句子, 每空一词(5分)1有时我们的爱好会妨碍我们学习。Sometimes our hobby can _ _ _



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