九年级英语上册 unit 1 topic 1 my hometown has become more and more beautiful section b导学案(新版)仁爱版

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1、Unit 1 Topic 1 My hometown has become more and more beautiful 【学习目标】1.继续学习现在完成时的用法;2.比较新旧社会青少年的生活状况,启发同学们珍惜新社会的幸福生活。【预习案】一、读1a,回答下面的问题1. Has Maria taken part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays? _2. What has she done? _3. What does she think of it? _二、 读2a, 完成2b三、 在文中找到并划出下面的短语1.

2、参加_2.志愿者活动_3.在暑假期间_4.残疾儿童_5.为打扫房间_6.喂他们吃饭_7.为他们做饭_8.一段美好的经历_9.从学到很多_10.the different forms of the verbs_11.做一个关于的调查_12.make conversations_13.跳绳_14.网上聊天_15.暑假补课_16.做农活_17.一篇有关青少年的文章_18.世界各地_19.过去_20.过着艰苦的生活_21.详细地描述_22.支付他们孩子的教育经费_23.度过他们的童年_24.为了_25.support their families_26.做童工_27.日日夜夜_28.足够的吃的_29.

3、现在的青少年_30.飞速地发展_31.为贫困家庭提供帮助_32.受到很好的教育_33.随着中国的发展_34.leisure activity_35.a balanced diet_36.play musical instruments_37.some other training_【探究案】一、在文中划出下面的句子并分析1. You have taken part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays, havent you? 译:_思考:havent you? 构成了句子的_部分练习:根据时间状语的变化写出谓语动词的不

4、同形式并完成后面的反意疑问句a. He _(take) part in some volunteer activities during the last summer holidays, _?b. He _(take) part in some volunteer activities during the next summer holidays, _?c. He _(take) part in some volunteer activities during the summer holidays every year, _?d. He must _(take) part in some

5、 volunteer activities during the summer holidays every year, _?2. What a wonderful experience! 译:_ 同义句:How _感叹句转换练习:(根据P5-1a的图下提示词用what和how写感叹句)a. 多么狭窄的公路啊!What_! / How_!b. 多么艰苦的生活条件啊!What_! / How_!注意:如果对行为动词感叹,只能用How引导! c. 看!他跑得是多么快啊!_!3. Though I had no time to travel, I still felt very happy. 译:_

6、思考:你能将上句改为用but的形式吗?_看课本P105注解并总结:though和_引导_从句,语气较弱,不与_连用;_和_也用于引导_从句,带有强调的意味,语气较强。4. Is that so? 译:_ 区别:Is that all? 译:_链接:a. Do you think itll rain soon? I think so. 译:_ b. Do you believe China will become No.1 in the world one day? I believe so. 译:_拓展:我希望如此_ 我猜是这样的_ 注意:I hop not. _ I dont think s

7、o._ 5. In order to help support their families, they had to be child laborers.思考:你能将上句改为so that形式吗?_总结:in order to + 动词原形,在句子中做目的状语;so that 后面引导的是目的状语从句:为了赶上早班车,他们起得很早。a._ b._【归纳】二、 用所给词语的适当形式填空。其中一项是多余的。describe, feed, though, article, education, develop1. Li Ming failed in the exam again _ he trie

8、d really hard.2. China is the largest _ country in the world.3. The police asked her _ the two men.4. Mike, you come from the countryside. Have you ever _ sheep?5. In the past, many children couldnt get a good _.三、单项选择。1. Have you ever been _? Yes. I have been to Australia.A. abroad B. alone C. here

9、 D. healthy2. The radio says its going to rain. _ Bad luck! We cant go for our picnic.A. Is that so? B. Thank you. C. Dont worry. D. Pardon?3. _ it rains heavily, _ farmers are still working in the fields.A. Though; but B. Though; still C. Though; / D. Although; but4. Athletes from more than 200 countries _ the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.A. took part in B



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