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1、Unit 23 Conflict Section Warm-up & Lesson 1-Language points.单词拼写1He is so stubborn that he never _(妥协) with anybody.答案:compromises2The books in the library are_ (把分类) by subject.答案:classified3If your skin is_ (暴露) to the sun too much,it may get burnt.答案:exposed4Under no circumstances should we_ (背叛)

2、 our motherland.答案:betray5They had received no news of him since his_(离开) from the island.答案:departure6. Our teacher said that we would stay in the countryside for a _(两星期)答案:fortnight7_(偏见) and old habits are forces that cant be ignored.答案:Prejudice8In modern war,_ (平民),as well as soldiers,are kill

3、ed.答案:civilians.单句语法填空1Can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree?No,its_range.答案:out of2Every pupil has his own potential so it is not proper to classify them_ two kinds.答案:into3The old headmaster handed_his place to the young one.答案:over4_ (drive) by a greater demand for vegetables,farmers hav

4、e built more green houses.答案:Driven5My daughter,_ (addict) to all kinds of meat,would not like to eat any vegetable,_worries me a lot.答案:addicted;which6Remember never_ (betray) the peoples trust in you whatever happens.答案:to betray7No sooner_they _ (settle) themselves in their seats than the curtain

5、 went up.答案:had;settled8She wanted the comfort of a large car and the low cost of a small one,finally she made_ compromise and bought a mediumsized car.答案:a9What a naughty boy he was!Down_ (he,jump) from the desk.答案:he jumped10(浙江高考改编)One Friday,we were packing to leave for a weekend away _my daught

6、er heard cries for help.答案:when11I just wonder what it is_ makes him so excited.答案:that12Young _she is,she is quite experienced in the work.答案:as.选词填空justice,be doing.when.,make a compromise with,betray,classify,hand over,conflict,expose.to., 1Once a country was harmonious and full of_.答案:justice2A

7、minister _his country.答案:betrayed3An unexpected _broke out.答案:conflict4Librarians spend a lot of time_books.答案:classifying5. At last the King of the country_the minister.答案:made a compromise with6The King had to _power to the minister.答案:hand over7The whole country_conflict and panic from then on.答案

8、:was exposed to 8We _football match _my uncle came in.答案:were watching;when.根据汉语提示,选用练习中的句子完成语段训练从前有个国家非常和谐并充满正义。但是一场未预料的冲突发生了,因为有一个大臣背叛了他的国家。冲突持续了三个月。最终国王和这个大臣达成协议,国王不得不把权力交给这个大臣。从那时起整个国家就处于冲突和恐慌之中。许多人无法忍受,不得不离开他们的国家。参考答案 Once a country was very harmonious and full of justice.But an unexpected conf

9、lict,which lasted 3 months,broke out because a minister betrayed his country.The King had to make a compromise with the minister at last and handed over power to him,from when the whole country was exposed to panic and new conflicts so that many people couldnt stand and had to leave their own countr

10、y.阅读理解Darwins frogs are a family of small frogs found on the southwest coast of South America.They were named after Charles Darwin,who happened to see one of the two species in 1834.These creatures usually reach a size of only 3 cm in length.They are mostly green frogs,and have long,narrow noses.Whe

11、n threatened,they roll over and play dead until the danger has passed,looking like dead leaves.Darwins frogs are the only known species of frogs where males can get “pregnantThey swallow their babies into their vocal sacs (声囊),protecting them from enemies until they have become fully grown.But nothi

12、ng can protect them from a deadly fungus (真菌),which has helped push one of the two species of these frogs to probable extinction,and driven a decline (下降) in the second variety,new research shows.Researchers looked at museum specimens (标本) of both species and found that the fungus started showing up

13、 in these and other frogs in the 1970s,about when populations of both began to decline,according to a study published in the journal PLOS ONE.One of the species,the northern Darwins frog,hasnt been seen since 1980 and is likely extinct.“The fungus is probably the main reason for the frogs disappeara

14、nce,” said Marcus Rowcliffe,a researcher at the Zoological Society of London.The southern Darwins frog is still around,but has declined faster than previously thought in recent years.The researchers found that a small percentage of them were infected with the fungus,although at lower rates than other species.This could mean that the fungus more easily kills them.They also found that populations of Darwins frogs were lower in areas with higher rates of fungal infection.In 2007,30 wild southern,Darwi



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