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1、Unit 2 The WWF is working hard to save them all课型:读写课【学习目标】1、熟悉本课所学词汇2、动词不定式的应用功能。3、了解大熊猫的一些知识,学会保护动物。【课前准备】1、在课文中划出下列新词汇:research, southwest, mainly, live on, reason, less and less, situation, symbol, turtle. 注出音标和词义,并试着朗读几遍,将不会的圈出来。2、写出各段的中心大意 Passage 1: Passage 2: Passage 3: Passage 4: 3、在课文中找出下列

2、词组,在自然保护区 照顾 照料 许多不同的理由 以竹子为食 生活的土地越来越少 足够的地方住 最出名的动物之一 所有危险动物的标志 4、读课文,回答问题(1)、where do pandas live? (2)、why do pandas have less and less land to live on? (3)、How is the government trying to save the pandas? 5、分别找出一个动词不定式的句子作状语: 作定语: 6、问题准备:通过预习,你还有哪些词句存在问题? 【课堂活动】1、交流检查课前准备部分,师生互问,探讨解决问题。2、再读一遍课文,

3、把下列的词组补充完整,且朗读几遍。 (1) Pandas are in danger Number r: in nature reserves ; in zoos and research centers (2) The pandas home Live in ; mainly live on (竹子) ; less and less land to live on ; situation ; serious (3) Government help to save pandas 30 nature not enough ; make a new plan to help ; enough fo

4、od to eat and enough to live in (4) Pandas help other animals The best -know in the world ; the for the World Wide Fund for Nature ; work to protect ; a long way to go ; to the panda3、Read it again and do Activity 34、Do Activity 4 : Answer the questions .5、Retell the story 根据【课堂活动】2 所给的词组叙述文章【练习巩固】一

5、、用括号中所给词的正确形式完成句子1. The Changjiang River is one of (long) rivers in the world .2. The WWF works (protect) animals in danger .3. Many of baby pandas die when they are born in their (nature) home .4. Pandas main) live on bamboo .5. We need (save) all the animals in danger .6. There are many scientists

6、 (study) pandas in the research center.7. The panda already (become) the symbol of all animals in danger .8. The poor old man (die) for over a year .9. They dont have enough money (pay) for their new flat .10. Our government just (make) a new plan to protect animals . 11. They tried their best (save

7、) the sick whale .12. We are sure of our success , but there is still a long way (go) .13. The funny story made us (laugh) loudly .14. We are excited (hear) that three more baby pandas will be born .二、用方框中所给的词或短语完成句子look after study be born live on make a plan enough think of such as serious symbol1

8、. The Great wall is the of China .2. We have many important festivals in winter , the Spring Festival ,the Lantern Festival .3. Global (全球) warming is causing hundreds of animals and plants to die the situation is becoming very .4. Its important before doing something .5. There are many good nurses

9、the sick children in the hospital .6. Scientists the pyramids for many years , yet no one can tell us just how the Egyptians built them thousands of years ago .7. The photos taken years ago often make me my childhood .8. We are trying to give the animals more land .9. There arent food for everyone i

10、n the world , so many people are hungry .10 . -When you ? -On October 18th ,1992 . 三、完成句子1、因为种种原因竹林的面积在减少。 The of bamboo is becoming many different .2、天气变得越来越冷。 Its becoming .3、熊猫在世界上的知名度越来越高。 Pandas are becoming in the world .4、有30 多个自然保护区用来保护熊猫。 There are 30 to protect pandas .5、熊猫将有充足的食物和足够的生活空间。 Pandas will have enough food and enough places .6、熊猫已成为所有濒临动物的象征。 The panda has become the all animals .7、拯救熊猫的路还很漫长。 There is still save the panda.8、我们的梦想是将来某一天和动物和平地生活在地球上。 Our dream is animals on the earth peacefully .9、我发现在一分钟内读完课文很难。 I find hard


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