河北省藁城市尚西中学2015-2016学年八年级英语上册 unit 4 what’s the best movie theater练习1(新版)人教新目标版

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河北省藁城市尚西中学2015-2016学年八年级英语上册 unit 4 what’s the best movie theater练习1(新版)人教新目标版_第1页
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河北省藁城市尚西中学2015-2016学年八年级英语上册 unit 4 what’s the best movie theater练习1(新版)人教新目标版_第2页
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河北省藁城市尚西中学2015-2016学年八年级英语上册 unit 4 what’s the best movie theater练习1(新版)人教新目标版_第3页
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《河北省藁城市尚西中学2015-2016学年八年级英语上册 unit 4 what’s the best movie theater练习1(新版)人教新目标版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《河北省藁城市尚西中学2015-2016学年八年级英语上册 unit 4 what’s the best movie theater练习1(新版)人教新目标版(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、U4 Whats the best movie theater单选1.-Whats _ movie theater in town? -Sun Cinema. Its the cheapest.A. good B. better C. best D. the best2.-Movie City has the worst service, but we can sit the _ there. A. comfortable B. comfortably C. more comfortably D. most comfortably3.Eighteen kids died in the scho

2、ol bus accident in Gansu Province. Its _one that I have ever heard of. A. a very serious B. a more serious C. the most serious D. the least serious 4.Shu-how Lin is now one of _ basketball players in the NBA. (福州)A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular D. most popular5.Who listens _, Tom, Jac

3、k or Bill? (天津)A. the most carefully B. more carefully C. the most careful D. more careful6.-Do you like this movie? -Yes, its the _one Ive ever seen.(广州)A. better B. best C. good D. well7. However, not everybody enjoys watching talent shows. Some think that the lives of the performers are made up,

4、_ , some people say they are poor farmers, but in fact theyre just actors. A. for example B. such as C. like D. 8.They make the little boy_ _ the room every day.A. cleans B. clean C. to clean D. cleaning 9.Parents play a role in _ their children. A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching 10.Our ci

5、ty is becoming _ .A. more and most beautiful B. more beautiful and more beautiful C. more and more beautiful D. beautiful and beautiful 二.完型A few weeks ago, John went to a new school. He likes it better than his 26 school. The classrooms are big and clean. Every classroom has a computer in it. The 2

6、7 is also really great! There are lots of books, magazines and newspapers. It also has the most comfortable chairs and students can sit on them when they 28 . The food in the school dining hall is delicious and not 29 . All the students like to eat there. The beef noodles are Johns favorite. Johns f

7、avorite 30 at the school is the big auditorium (礼堂). The students often go there to listen to speeches (演说). Last week John went there for an interesting speech and he 31 it.The school has all kinds of activities. 32 , there is a music festival every June. The students like their school band (乐队) ve

8、ry much. The sports meet is 33 one of the most popular activities at the school. It is in September every year.John is happy that he can 34 at this school. He enjoys his every day here 35 he has the best teachers and the friendliest classmates.( )26. A. old B. new C. big D. small( )27. A. classroom

9、B. library C. dining hall D. sports center( )28. A. sing B. dance C. read D. sleep( )29. A. expensive B. popular C. healthy D. enough( )30. A. time B. place C. person D. subject( )31. A. forgot B. waited C. stopped D. loved( )32. A. Of course B. In fact C. For example D. So far( )33. A. either B. ag

10、ain C. too D. also( )34. A. study B. work C. live D. travel( )35. A. but B. or C. thoughD. because词汇1.It is difficult to _(选择)between such two nice dresses.2.My friend Tom is a _(记者)for China Daily.3.The _(屏幕)of the computer is too bright.Its bad for your eyes.4.The air in the mountains is_(清新)and c

11、lean.5.The park is_(接近)to my home,so my parents often take a walk there after supper.6.Of all the students in our class ,Lucy talks the _(little)but does the most.7.-What do you think of the restaurant?-I think its the _(bad).It has really bad service.8.This coat is _(expensive)than that one. 9.My m

12、om is _(busy)in my family.10.Which is the second _(long)river in the world?四、连词1.movie the best whats theater _2.the, I , ,has, ,most , think ,comfortable , Moon Theater ,seats _3.most can You the sit comfortably ._4.town clothes the best Whats in store?_5.questions some I ask you can _五、阅读The colde

13、st and most difficult place in the world in which to live is Antarctica. Antarctica is the land of snow and ice near the South Pole. Most people do not think there is much life in the icy waters around it. They are wrong. Antarcticas seas are full of life. There are many kinds of fishes, water birds

14、, seals and whales. They eat the thick plant life in the sea and the smaller water animals. Some whales, for example, eat more than a ton of food every day. The most famous animal of Antarctica is the penguin. It struts around as if it were a movie star walking down the street.57. The test tile is _.A. Thick Plant Life B. Life Around Antarctica C. Tons of Food D. Penguins58. The most famous animal of Antarctica is the _. A. whale B. seal C penguin


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