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1、Unit 1He lives the farthest from school. 典案一 教学设计Step 1Warming up Show some photos of transportation and have a short dialogue. (详见素材一导入二)Step 2Prelistening1Present some photos on the screen and ask the students to try to learn these words (like road, accident, choice, far, close, crowded). Play the

2、 tape of Activity 2 and ask the students to match the words in the box with the pictures in Activity 1.(详见素材四突破一)2Ask the students to do some exercises about Activity 2.(详见素材三)Step 3Reading 1Ask the students to read the dialogue in Activity 3 and answer the questions below.Why does Lingling walk to

3、school? Why does Tony take the underground? 2Play the tape and let the students read after it. 3Point out some important language points: What happened?/except/close4Read the dialogue loudly again and complete the table in Activity 3. Step 4Practice1Ask the students to read the dialogue in Activity

4、3 and understand the main idea, then complete the sentences in Activities 45.2Check answers with a partner and remember the important language points that the teacher points out: far from, except, most modern. (详见素材二活动二)Step 5Pronunciation and speaking1First, play the tape of Activity 6 and ask the

5、students to listen to the tape carefully and check the words which are stressed. Then, play the tape once more and pause for the students to repeat. 2Work in pairs. Let the students look at the example conversation in Activity 7 and talk about their ways of going to school. (详见素材四突破二)Step 6Language points(详解见学案部分)1except prep. 除之外2far adv. 远;遥远adj. 远的;遥远的3What happened?发生什么事了?4Maybe I should go to school by taxi. 或许我应该乘坐出租车去上学。Step 7Homework 1找出Activity 3的对话中含有形容词和副词最高级的句子并背诵。2完成第7课时分层训练中“课内基础自测”的题和题。


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