江苏省2015年中考英语专题训练 九上 unit 2 牛津译林版

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1、2015年中考英语专题训练(9A Unit2)一、单项填空(20分)( ) 1一I have great in finishing the work by myselfCould you help me? No problem Afun Bdifficulty Cadvice Dsuccess( ) 2What colour do you think you feel calm? Ato make Bmaking Cmake Dmakes( ) 3Paul felt stressed before the English exam Aa bit of Ba little of Ca littl

2、e bit Da bit little( ) 4When you have problems,strong colours may you Abe of some help to Bhelpful to Cof helpful to Dhelp to( ) 5I know Ive promised to take you home,but 1 wont finish my work until 10 Athat Bif Cwhy Dhow( ) 6Our English teacher says learning English action,or we will get nothing Ar

3、educes Brefuses Crequires Drealizes( ) 7I think that wearing red makes easier for you to take action Ait Bthem Cthat Done( ) 8Would you like to see the 3D film with me? I dont mind seeing it again though 1 have seen it twice AAnyway BCertainly CHowever DOf course not( ) 9He promised that he fishing

4、if it rain the next day Awill go;doesnt Bwould go;doesnt Cwill go;didnt Dwould go;didnt( )10The boy is often heard in the music room Apractise singing Bpractised singing Cto practise singing Dpractise to singing( )11一The green shirt looks good him,I think 一But I think he looks good white Ain;in Bon;

5、on Cin;on Don;in( )12一What did your teacher say this morning? 一She told us Awhy was Tom late for school Bwhether We have too much homework Chow did she come to school Dthat we would have a test soon( )13Tom fell very late last night,so he feels in class today Aasleep; asleep Bsleepy;sleepy Casleep;s

6、leepy Dsleepy;asleep( )14Im afraid of horrible filmsId rather action films Awatching;watching Bwatching;watch Cwatch;watching Dwatch;watch ( )15You are supposed to drinking, you will get sick Agive up;or Bstop;so Cgive in;or Dgo on;so( )16I prefer English more often after class to my spoken English

7、Aread;improve Breading;improving C:to read;improving Dto read;improve ( )17We should be honest and not copy answers in the exam Anobody else Bsomeone elses Canybody elses Danybody else( )18We are wondering there will tomorrow or not Aif;be rainy Bwhether;have rain Cthat;have rain Dwhether;be rain( )

8、19The book shows us in Beijing in the past Awhat everyday life was like Bwhat was everyday life like Chow everyday life was like Dhow was everyday life like( )20Id like to go on an outing this SundayWould you like to join me? 一Why not ? AI couldnt agree more BAre you sure? CReally? DIts going to rai

9、n二、完形填空(10分) Mike was reading in the garden when his mother cameShe pointed to something and asked Mike what it wasMike felt quite 1 ,but he told her it was a sparrow and got back into readingSeveral minutes later,his mother pointed to the same sparrow and askedthe same question againMike got a litt

10、le angry but 2 answered her questionAfter alittle while,his mother did the same thing once moreThis time Mike could not 3 his angerHe shouted at her tore 4 him again and again The old lady silently 5 an old diary,turned to a page and showed it to MikeThough a little impatient,Mike began to read it “

11、Today,1 was watering the flowers in the garden when little Mike pointed to a 6 on the grass and asked me what it wasI 7 at him,said it was a sparrow and kissed himAfter a while Mike asked me again and I did the samePointing to the same sparrow,1ittle Mike asked me what it was twenty times and I 8 an

12、swering his question and kissing him every time” Something gently touched Mikes 9 His face turned red with 10 for being soimpatient with his mother and he hugged (拥抱) her Your parents have given you many things in their lifetime,but you may not realize that until they are gone( ) 1Aangry B1onely Cproud Dsurprised( ) 2Astill Balways Calready Dseldom( ) 3Ashow B1eave Ccontro1 Ddiscover( ) 4Arefusing B


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