(浙江专用)2018春八年级英语下册 unit 10 i

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1、Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.,浙江地区,第八课时 Self Check,一、词汇运用。 A)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1The life in the countryside gave me a lot of (甜美) memories. 2His father found a job in the (彩色铅笔) factory. 3He sits (对面) to me. 4Are you (搜索) for any information about Hainan? 5My friend Jim is very (诚实) and I

2、like him very much.,sweet,crayon,opposite,searching,honest,B)根据句意,用括号中的给单词的适当形式填空。 6Jack (never be) to the water park before. 7I want (go) to Sanya next month before the weather (get) too hot. 8Xiaoming (have) this watch for two years. 9Miller and Jane (not be) back to their school for 5 years.They

3、(miss) their teachers a lot and hope to visit them next year. 10The post office (be) here for over 20 years.,has never been,to go,gets,has had,havent been,miss,has been,二、单项选择。 11What age did you leave home? I left home at 18,Neil.I your city for five years. Ahave gone to Bhave been to Chave been in

4、 Dhave come to 12I heard a new song on the radio.I high and low in the music store,but I cant find the song. Asearch Bhave searched Cam searching Dwill search 13What a nice car!Is it yours? Yes!I it for three months. Abuy Bbought Chave bought Dhave had,C,B,D,14I the book club last week and I two boo

5、ks already. Ajoin;read Bjoined;read Cjoined;have read Djoin;has read 15In the past few years,great changes in Lianyungang. Atake place Btook place Chave taken place Dhave been taken place,C,C,三、根据句意,选择方框中的短语并用其适当形式填空。 to be honest,do with,in ones opinion, at least,a yard sale 16We want to sell some

6、of old things in 17What do they want the money from the sale? 18The man looks very old.I think hes 80 years old. 19 , we should not cut down trees,and we must plant more trees. 20 , I dont like him very much.Because he always borrows things from me and never returns.,a yard sale,to do with,at least,

7、In my opinion,To be honest,四、句型转换。 21She has been in China for five years(对画线部分提问) How long has she been in China? 22He doesnt finish his homework.(改为现在完成时) He hasnt finished his homework. 23I have bought a turkey in the supermarket.(改为一般疑问句) Have you bought a turkey in the supermarket?,24The old co

8、uple moved to the countryside ten years ago.(用现在完成时进行同义句转换) The old couple have been in the countryside for ten years. 25The man left his hometown for a long time.(用现在完成时进行同义句转换) The man has been away from his hometown for a long time.,五、完形填空。 This is Red Star Town.My grandfather has lived here all

9、his life.He 26 my grandmother here and they got married.Red Star Town was called Taping Town 27 The government started 28 the wooden houses in this area when the Red Star Town underground station was built. 29 June 2000,Taping Town has 30 a history. My grandfather missed many things about Taping Tow

10、n. 31 in the small town knew him well.They all liked him because he used to be a good 32 in a hospital.Now he is old and stays at home.In the past,there were 33 stone and wooden houses around here. 34 ,there were many big trees.Now new 35 are here and there.The streets are wide and clean.There are a

11、ll kinds of shops and you can buy anything 36 ,My grandfather is happy that life has improved so much, 37 he still feels lonely because he really misses 38 in the past.Many of his friends moved away because the government let them 39 in new apartments in new towns.The old town is still beautiful in

12、his heart 40 it has disappeared(消失),( )26.A.meet Bmet Cmeeting Dmeets ( )27.A.after Bbefore Cabove Dunder ( )28.A.pull down Bput upCto pull down Dto put up ( )29.A.At BFor CSince DOn ( )30.A.become BbecameCbecoming Dbecomes ( )31.A.Someone BNobodyCSomebody DEveryone ( )32.A.doctor Bpilot Cteacher Da

13、ctor,B,B,C,C,A,D,A,( )33.A.a lot Bmuch Clots of Dlot of ( )34.A.However BBut CAlso DAnd ( )35.A.house Bbuildings Cbuilding Dhotel ( )36.A.easily Bdifficult Chard Dearly ( )37.A.or Bbut Cas Dso ( )38.A.nothing BsomethingCanything Deverything ( )39.A.live Blived Cliving Dto live ( )40.A.but Bstill Cal

14、so Dthough,C,C,B,A,B,D,A,D,六、阅读理解。 A Our school is No.1 Middle School.It isnt a big one with a long history,but Im lucky that I am a student of this school. Ten years ago,there were not any teaching buildings and not a library in our school.The playground was so small that we could only play basketb

15、all there. However,great changes have taken place in our school in the past ten years.There are three modern teaching buildings with four modern computer classrooms now.We have computer studies every week.On the left side of the school stands a modern lab building.On the right side of the school there is also a modern buildingthe library.In the library


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