江苏省群力中学2015年九年级英语上学期第14周周周清试题 牛津版

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1、九年级英语练习试卷二、单项选择 21. Can you see _rainbow in the sky? Yes. Take out your phone and take a photo of _ rainbow. A. a; a B. an; the C. the; a D. a; the22. Whos the most modest boy in your school? Daniel. He never _in public. A. gets off B. shows off C. takes offD. puts off 23. Finish your homework _ you

2、 cant play computer games, Mike. All right, Mum. A. or B. but C. so D. and24. My cousin looks so beautiful _her pink dress. Pink always looks pretty _ girls with nice skin. A. on; onB. in; in C. on; in D. in; on25. Have you got any e-mails today? Oh, no. Theres _ with my computer. It doesnt work. A.

3、 anything wrongB. something wrong C. everything wrongD. wrong something26. Can I be out of hospital today, Doctor? Im afraid you will have to _ in hospital for at least 5 days. A. force B. succeed C. survive D. remain27. Look, Lindas been back from the teachers office. She looks sad. Dont ask her an

4、ything_ she tells you about it. A. after B. until C. since D. while28. Whats _ your mind, Simon? I am _my physics. Im not very good at it. A. at; worried about B. on; worried about C. to; worry of D. in; worry29. Could you please tell Peter that I want to talk to him? Sure, I will let him know as so

5、on as he _ back. A. will comeB. came C. has comeD. comes30. I want to buy an iPhone 6. But I dont know _ its price is. It must be very high. A. whyB. how manyC. what D. how much31. Dont forget to hand in your homework on time. I wont. I will _ as you required. A. hand it inB. hand them inC. hand in

6、itD. hand in them32. Jane looks really tired and sleepy. Im not surprised at all. She often _ too late and hasnt enough sleep. A. gives upB. looks outC. works outD. stays up33. Your look rather tired. _ stop to have a rest? All right. But Ill have to work for _ minutes. A. Dont you; much moreB. Why

7、not; a few moreC. Why not to; a little moreD. What about; a few many34. Can you tell me _? He often makes music with common objects.A. what art form do you like bestB. why do you like Michael Jackson C. when was Tan Dun born D. what is special for Tan Duns music. 35. The food here is very mice. Than

8、k you for inviting me. _. A. All right B. Never mindC. Dont mention it D. It doesnt matter五、词汇(本题共20小题;每小题0.5分,满分10分)A请根据句意或括号中的中文提示、英文释义,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺。61. The manager was very unhappy because she found more than three hundred radios are not up to_ (标准).62. I dont think its right to search other pe

9、rsons _(个人的) information without permission(许可).63. What will you go for a trip in the coming holiday? I havent decided yet. _(也许) Ill go to a city by the sea. 64. Driving after drinking is one of the most common _ (原因)of many traffic accidents.65. The teacher feels proud that theres a great sense o

10、f team _ (精神) among her students.66. You must make a final decision about the flat_ (今晚) .67. The Dragon Boat Festival and Tomb Sweeping Day are both _ (传统的) festivals in China.68. No one knows the _ (价值) of health until he loses it.69. Mr. Black isnt sure which _ (方法) he should use to solve the pro

11、blem.70. Our headmaster _ (颁奖) each student with a book as a present.B. 请根据句意,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。71. You should make an apology(道歉) to her for your _ (care).72. I was so sleepy that I could hardly stay_ (wake).73. Its_ (usual)for such a little child to work out the difficult problem so quickly.74. Its

12、really relaxing to go for a walk in the national park. I have the same _ (feel). I hope to have more chances like this.75. We try to celebrate the_ (achieve) weve made these days.76. He _ (success) got a ticket for the concert which will be held this evening.77. Beethoven is thought to be one of the

13、 greatest_ (music) in history.78. Jack became famous as a writer in his _. (fifty)73. 79. His sudden _ (die) made his parents very sad.80. Toneys parents often have difficulty in making _. (decide)七、任务型阅读 Its common to overeat and overdrink during festivals. Every festival, youll read lots of advice

14、 about how to stick to your diet while everyone around you is eating. But some people start feeling guilty about it. So they want to change it. Here youll find three tips to help you feel better after festivals.1. Be easy with your willpower (意志力)Researchers have found that we have limited (有限的) wil

15、lpower each day. You can run out of willpower if you waste it saying no to your favourite foods. When you run out of energy, you will give up and eat everything. Try to eat higher quality foods instead of eating whatever is in front of you after your willpower fails.2. Eat the best foods firstThat m

16、eans you should plan ahead. Find out the foods that satisfy (满足) you most and eat those first. Heres the surprising good news: the foods with the most healthy fats and proteins (蛋白质) will satisfy you more quickly. Vegetables are good for you but they do not satisfy.3. MoveOne strategy on festival da

17、ys is to work out an hour or two before or after dinner. That way, your muscles will take advantage of all the food you are going to eat. Your blood sugar levels will be more stable (稳定的), and you will feel better the next day. Even a simple walk with family before or after you eat will be helpful.W

18、ays to recover faster from festivalsProblemWays to deal with itMost people eat and _86_ too much during festivals. They feel its _87_ to do so. However, they have no chance to change it.Be easy with your willpowerPeople dont have too much willpower every day. If they try to eat their _88_ foods, the

19、y will run out of their power. They should eat higher_89_ foods when willpower fails.Eat the best foods firstBest foods means those that will_90_ people most, such as foods with the most_91_ fats and proteins. _92_ are not the good choice.Take_93_Before or after dinner, people should work out an hou

20、r or two. A _94_ walk will be helpful too. The foods they eat will be _95_ in by their muscles. And their feelings will be better the next day. 86_87_88_89_90_91_92_93_94_95_八.阅读下面短文 An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well, milk may work in the same way!Milk is the natural food for mammalian (哺乳动

21、物的) babies. It helps them grow s 96 because it is rich in protein (蛋白质), calcium (钙) and vitamins.Milk can also help you sleep b 97 because it calms you down. But remember to drink milk with care. Find out how old the milk is. Make sure its f 98 and hasnt gone bad.Dont drink milk when your stomach i

22、s e 99 . Eat some bread or corn at the same time. Thatll help you talk in m 100 protein and vitamins.Doctors say teens n 101 at least 500ml of milk a day. Thats two to three cups.Is milk just a good d 102 ? Not at all. People can use it to do lots of things. Can you think what they are? If your whit

23、e clothes get d 103 with ink, dont worry. Wash it with clean water first. Then wash it with old milk. After you wash it with detergent (清洁剂) the third time, youll f 104 its as white as ever.But for fruit stains (污点), you need to take care of them in a 105 way. Firstly, apply some milk to the dirty p

24、lace. After several hours, wash it with clean water. Then the stains will be gone.96_97_98_99_100_101_102_103_104_105_参考答案二、21-25 DBADB 26-30 DBBDC 31-35ADBDC 五、61.standard 62.personal 63.Perhaps 64. causes 65.spirit 66.tonight 67.traditional 68.value 69.methord 70. presented 71. carelessness 72. aw

25、ake 73. unusual 74. feeling 75. achievements 76.successfully77.musicans78.fifties 79.death 80.decision六、81. a real gift for 82. To my surprise 83. have no choice but to stay 84. pay more attention 85.to take the lead七、86.drink 87.harmful 88.favourite 89.quality 90.satisfy91.healthy 92.Vegetables 93.exercise 94.simple 95.taken.八. 96.strong 97.better 98.fresh 99.empty 100.more 101.need 102.drink 103.dirty 104.find 105.another.


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