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1、Unit 12 Animals are our good friends.,Unit 12 Animals are our good friends.,1通过学习本单元,学生能进一步增强热爱动物及保护动物的意识 2全面复习和巩固有关动物的名词 3学生能用英语简单复述本单元的故事,Look at the pictures and say out the words:,lion,giraffe,panda,fish,crocodile,elephant,sheep,rabbit,duck,frog,mouse,mice,dolphin,dog,puppy,whale,fox,bat,chicken

2、,hen,cock,kangaroo,parrot,cow,horse,goat,tiger,spider,part1 Do I have to?我不得不吗?,Do I have to sing a song? 我不得不唱歌吗? have to 后加动词的原形 我不得不睡觉吗? Do I have to sleep? 我不得不做作业吗? Do I have to do homework?,invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事,Lets invite our beautiful rabbit to sing us a song. sb. sth. 让我们邀请我们美丽的兔子为我

3、们唱一首歌吧。 邀请Lucy跳舞。 invite Lucy to dance 邀请猴子爬树 invite a monkey to climb the tree,part2,What do cats like to eat? (fish) What do sheep like to eat? (grass) What do rabbits like to eat? (carrots and vegetables) What do dogs like to eat? (meat and bones) What do pandas like to eat? (bamboos) What do hen

4、s like to eat?,grass fish carrot worm bamboo bone,Whats the special animal in these countries?,America,eagle,beaver,England,Australia,part4,There are nearly 1,000 kinds of bats. Bats are extremely useful. They help to control (控制)the insect population(数量). In Britain(英国) it is illegal(非法的) to catch,

5、 handle(买卖) or disturb (妨碍)wild bats. Baby bats are called pups (幼兽)and are born with no fur. Bats are some of the loudest (大声的)mammals (哺乳动物)on Earth. Bats have been on this planet for more than 50 million years.,Sometimes thousands and thousands of bats live in colonies together. The worlds smalle

6、st mammal is the bumble-bee bat of Thailand, weighing in at less than a penny. When many bats roost, they hang upside down - most bats spend the daytime resting in this position. Worldwide, bats are the most important natural enemies of night-flying insects. A single bat can catch 600 mosquitoes(蚊子)

7、 in just one hour.,Are bats useful? Yes, they are very useful. What do bats eat? They are mosquitoes and other small flying insects. Do bats have eyes? They all have eyes and can see even though they are active only at night. Some can see very well. Do you know anything more about bats? Yes, I do. /

8、 No, I dont.,澳大利亚简介澳大利亚是地球上最古老的大陆,也是地球上最大的海岛及单一国家的大陆,它的面积约为770万平方公里,在世界陆地面积排名第六(俄罗斯,加拿大,中国,美国,巴西),人口仅有1,930余万。 澳大利亚地大物博,自然风光无限,兼有大都会的繁华,同时也是目前地球上仍然保有原始状态的荒野少数地区之一,它拥有自己独特的文化特色的国际社会;天然的景色及许多珍禽异兽,特别是袋类异兽类如袋熊,袋鼠等为世界独一无二。,Now open your books and lets look at Part5,The red kangaroo moves very quickly by

9、jumping. Each jump can be as far as 10 metres. The kangaroo can stand very tall on its strong back legs. It has small front legs that are used like arms.,It is usually a reddish colour, but it can be grey, and has a small head with large ears.,The baby kangaroo is called a joey and lives in a pouch

10、on the front of its mother. The joey lives there for about 8 months. Kangaroos eat grass.,Questions:,1. A baby kangaroo is called _.,2. A kangaroo can jump as far as _ metres.,3. Kangaroos eat _.,Joey,10,grass,Above all the animals, which can be a pet?,A dog is a pet.,part9,听力原文: A: This is an islan

11、d. Two monkeys are on the island. One monkey is on the tree. Do you see him on the tree top? B: Yes, I can. A: Colour the monkey on the tree top brown. B: Colour the monkey on the tree top brown. Can I colour the other monkey brown, too? A: No, colour the other monkey black. B: Ok, colour the monkey

12、 black. A: Can you see the sun now? Draw a bird next to the sun and colour it blue. B: I beg your pardon?,A: Sorry. Draw a bird next to the sun and colour it blue. B: Ok. Draw a bird and colour it blue. A: Very good. Do you see a boat in the sea? B: Yes, I do. A: Colour the boat yellow and draw a bo

13、y on the boat. B: Colour the boat yellow and draw a boy on the boat A: Very good. Now please draw two fish in the sea, one red fish and one green fish. B: Draw a red fish and a green fish. A: Oh, please draw a boy swimming in the sea. B: Ok. Draw a boy swimming in the sea. Can I colour the boy? A: No, thanks. Closure,


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