negotiation tactics解析

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《negotiation tactics解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《negotiation tactics解析(56页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Negotiation Tactics,Outline,Negotiation Tactics,Is price the most important aspect of the sale? No. Never has been, never will be. Customers have never based their buying decisions solely on price and I doubt they ever will. However, salespeople convince themselves that price is the number one motiv

2、ator to purchase. Studies show that salespeople bring up price before the customer does 60% of the time. Why? Im not sure but I suppose salespeople feel obligated to bring it up, or perhaps they have been trained to do so. It could even be lack of confidence or corporate self-esteem.,Negotiation Tac

3、tics,Many salespeople violate the sales process by introducing price too soon. Ideally, price should not be discussed until after your initial confirmation. During the call you need to focus on selling value and benefits to the customer. Dont mention price unless the customer asks or you are negotia

4、ting. I realize this concept may seem somewhat manipulative and irresponsible, but it isnt. I have confirmed several deals without the customer or me mentioning price. I think its part of the rapport and trust issue I spoke of earlier. If a customer trusts you and feels comfortable with you, price i

5、s not an important issue. There is and implied understanding that your price will be competitive, otherwise you wouldnt be in business.,However, salespeople convince themselves that price is the number one motivator to purchase., But salespeople believe / fell certain that price is the most importan

6、t thing for people to decide whether they will buy something or not. 然而,销售商坚信价格是消费者在购买时所考虑的首要因素。 Motivator: something or someone that makes you want to do or achieve something 激起行为(或行动)的人(或事物) e.g. You can add one additional motivator, and then see if it works. 你可以增加额外的动力,然后看看它是否能够起作用。 Fear of humil

7、iation is a powerful motivator. 怕受羞辱是一种强大的推动力。,bring up:提出;教育;养育;呕出;(船等)停下 bring along :把.一起带来 bring back :归还 bring .out :发表,拿出 bring on :引起 bring in :引来,引进,介绍,收入,领进来 bring .forward :提出;提前 (= put forward) bring down :使 下降,倒下;击落 bring to an end :结束 bring to life :使 苏醒 bring to mind :想起,Im not sure bu

8、t I suppose salespeople feel obligated to bring it up, or perhaps they have been trained to do so., I do not know for certain why salesperson mention / start to talk about price before the customer does, but I think they feel they must do that because they feel it is right to do so, or perhaps they

9、have been trained to do in such a way. 我不确定但我认为是销售商的潜意识里认为应该首先谈论价钱,或者是可能他们被训练过这样做。 Feel obligated to do something: to feel that you must do something because it is right or because someone has done something for you. 有责任或有义务做某事 e.g. Slightly more than one-quarter of workers say they feel obligated t

10、o attend their employers annual holiday party. 略多于四分之一的工人说他们觉得有义务参加雇主的年度节日派对。 Whenever Im at home, if my computer is on, I feel obligated to be on it and working. 不管我什么时候在家,只要电脑开着,我就觉得自己有必要用它来工作。,Many salespeople violate the sales process by introducing price too soon. Ideally, price should not be d

11、iscussed until after your initial confirmation., When many salespeople start to discuss price too early, they go / act against the sales process. It is best to discuss price after your initial confirmation., When many salespeople start to discuss price too early, they go / act against the sales proc

12、ess. It is best to discuss price after your initial confirmation. 许多销售者都没有遵从销售流程,很早就开始谈论价钱。实际上,价钱应该是在你进行完初步的介绍后才提出的。,I realize this concept may seem somewhat manipulative and irresponsible, but it isnt., I realize this idea may seem slightly deceiving and irresponsible, but it isnt. 我明白到这个想法似乎有点投机取巧

13、和不负责任,但实际上并不是这样的。 Somewhat: a bit; a little 有点;多少;几分;稍微 e.g. Shes somewhat more confident than she used to be. 她比过去更自信了。 We are suffering somewhat from the heat. 我们因为酷热有些不好受。 Manipulative: clever at controlling or deceiving people to get what you want. 操纵的,操作的,巧妙处理的,操纵别人的 e.g. The worker was promote

14、d despite aggressive and manipulative behavior. 这个工人尽管盛气凌人,工于心计,却受到了提拔。 He described Mr. Long as cold, calculating, and manipulative. 他把朗先生描述为冷漠、有心计和善于操纵别人。,I think its part of the rapport and trust issue., In my opinion, it is part of the friendly relationship and trust issue. 我认为,这一定程度上是和消费者建立友好关系

15、并获取信任的问题 。 Rapport: good and friendly relationship; friendly agreement and understanding between people. 友好关系 Phrases: interpersonal Rapport人际关系 maintain rapport密切关系 rapport discord和睦 e.g. The success depends on good rapport between interviewer and interviewee. 成功取决于采访者和被采访者之间的融洽。,By shifting the co

16、nversation to price prior to initial confirmation, the salesperson has invited the customer to openly challenge the price.Some salespeople are convinced the customers mandate is to hammer the salesperson into submission, finally succumbing to a rock-bottom price.How to negotiate against price and discount pressure is a common challenge among sales professionals. Youve probably heard it before ,“Your price is too high . Youll just have to do better ,“or “


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