2015-2016学年高中英语 5.2 section ⅱ grammar课时训练 新人教版必修5

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1、课时训练.将下列句中可以省略的部分省略1.Wait just a minute,please.答案:(Wait)Just a minute,please.2.My father planned all these houses and they built all these houses.答案:My father planned all these houses and they built(all these houses).3.She tried to persuade her husband to give up smoking,but she tried in vain.答案:She

2、 tried to persuade her husband to give up smoking,but(she tried)in vain.4.When they were first introduced to the market,these products enjoyed great success.答案:When(they were)first introduced to the market,these products enjoyed great success.5.What worried us most is that things do not go as well a

3、s they were planned.答案:What worried us most is that things do not go as well as(they were)planned.6.She will go to Paris,but I dont know when she will go to Paris.答案:She will go to Paris,but I dont know when(she will go to Paris).7.Tom continued to make faces in class even though his teacher told hi

4、m not to make faces.答案:Tom continued to make faces in class even though his teacher told him not to(make faces).8.Children are encouraged to read more books as long as they are willing to do so.答案:Children are encouraged to read more books as long as they are willing to(do so).9.(2014湖南高考改编题) Childr

5、en,when they are accompanied by their parents,are allowed to enter the stadium.答案:Children,when (they are) accompanied by their parents,are allowed to enter the stadium.10.(2014江西高考改编题) Among the many dangers which sailors have to face,probably the greatest of all is fog.答案:Among the many dangers (w

6、hich) sailors have to face,probably the greatest of all is fog.句型转换1.If it is possible,I will attend the meeting.,I will attend the meeting.答案:If possible2.To the problem,he gave the same answer as he had given before.To the problem,he gave the same answer .答案:as before3.If you had followed his advi

7、ce,you would have passed the exam.,you would have passed the exam.答案:Had you followed his advice4.When the ice is heated,the ice in the kettle will turn into water.,the ice in the kettle will turn into water.答案:When heated5.While he was in prison,he managed to write the book.,he managed to write the

8、 book.答案:While in prison6.He didnt come,but he ought to have come.He didnt come,but he .答案:ought to have7.If you are asked,please give him a hand.,please give him a hand.答案:If asked8.She stood at the gate as if she was waiting for someone.She stood at the gate as if.答案:waiting for someone9.Its dark

9、and little Anne cant find her way home.She really doesnt know what she should do.Its dark and little Anne cant find her way home.She really doesnt know.答案:what to do10.It is well done.答案:Well done.用省略句翻译句子1.如果你想,可以这么做。答案:You can do it if you want to.2.该市再也不是过去那样了。答案:The city is no longer what it use

10、d to be.3.尽管我们都精疲力竭,但我们都没有停下来。答案:Though worn out,we didnt stop.4.他四下张望,仿佛在找什么东西似的。答案:He glanced about as if in search of something.5.房间虽然不大,却很亮堂。答案:Though not large,the room is well lit.语法填空W:Hi,Tom.Im sorry to hear you have had 1.accident but I didnt think it would be so bad.M:Oh,thanks for your 2.

11、(concern).It makes me feel better.W:I can hardly recognize you.Tell me 3.happened?M:Well,thats a long story.I had a terrible experience in a car race 4.(hold) in South Africa last month.I broke both my legs when my car failed and 5.(hit) by another car.I had to lie in a hospital there for three week

12、s.W:Three weeks!Thats a long time.What did you do 6.you were in hospital?M:Well,believe it or not,I read all about car racing.I love racing 7.it hurts.W:But Im afraid you 8.give up racing.Youre 9.(actual) risking your life.You are lucky to be alive this time.M:Maybe youre right.Its dangerous,but I j

13、ust find 10.exciting and cool!W:Anyway,please take good care of yourself and recover soon.By the way,anything I can do for you?M:No,thanks.And thank you for the beautiful flowers.Its very kind of you to come and see me.答案:1.an2.concern3.what4.held5.was hit6.when/while7.even if/even though8.have to9.

14、actually10.it.完形填空Hundreds of Derby Telegraph readers are now potential lifesavers after signing up for first-aid classes through our Save a Life campaign.More than 400 people have decided to 1 the course with St.John Ambulance.2the people who have used our first-aid voucher(代币券)is Rebecca Stojak,29

15、.She was 3 to sign up for a course after her fianc,James Kidd,32,suffered a sudden disease and she did not know how to 4 him.James fainted(昏厥) shortly 5 the couplewho would marry the next monthwere 6 to start a trip to America the next day.She said,“Hed never had a 7 before.He turned a horrible shade of blue and just could hardly 8.My mum had been medically trained so she knew 9 to do,but I just went into a 10.When he was in hospital 11,I realized


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