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1、第二部分 专题语法 高效突破,专项 8 副 词,高频考点精讲,考点1 副词词义辨析 1.安徽中考常见的以ly结尾的副词(按字母音序列举)(8年12考),2常见频度副词的用法具体讲解见第7讲高频考点精讲考点6 3常见副词的辨析 (1)how long,how often,how soon与how far 见第3讲高频考点精讲考点6。 (2)hardly与hard,(3)much too与too much,(4)also,too,either与as well,(5)already,still与yet,(6)ago与before,4.兼有两种形式的副词 (1)close与closely close意

2、为“接近”;closely意为“仔细地”。如:He is sitting close to me.他坐在我旁边。Watch him closely.仔细看着他。 (2)late与lately late意为“晚”;lately意为“最近”。如:You have come too late.你来得太晚了。What have you been doing lately?你最近在忙什么? (3)deep与deeply deep意为“深”,表示空间深度;deeply常表示感情上的深度,意为“深深地”。如:He pushed the stick deep into the mud.他把木棍深深地插进泥里。

3、Even my father was deeply moved by the film.甚至我的父亲被这部电影深深感动了。,(4)high与highly high表示空间高度;highly表示程度。如:The plane was flying high.这架飞机飞得很高。I think highly of your opinion.我认为你的观点很好。 (5)wide与widely wide表示空间宽度;widely意为“广泛地,范围广地”。如:He opened the door wide.他把门开大。English is widely used in the world.英语在世界上被广泛

4、使用。 (6)free与freely free的意为“免费地”;freely的意为“无限制地”。如: You can eat free in my restaurant whenever you like.无论什么时候,只要你喜欢,你可以在我的餐馆免费吃饭。You may speak freely,say what you like.你可以自由的说,说你想说的。,考点2 副词的语法功能及构成,1.副词的语法功能 副词修饰动词、形容词、副词或全句,在句中的作用如下:,2.常用副词在句中的位置 (1)时间、地点和方式副词一般置于句末。如:Its raining hard outside.外面雨下得

5、很大。They met in China last year.他们去年在中国见面了。The students are reading English loudly.学生们在大声朗读英语。 (2)强调时间时,时间副词可置于句首。如:Last year they met in China.去年他们在中国见面了。 (3)时间副词和地点副词前一定不要加介词。如:She is on her way home.她正在回家的路上。 (4)频度副词在句中的位置:实义动词之前,be动词、情态动词或助动词之后。如:I usually play football on Friday afternoon.我通常周五下

6、午踢足球。I have never seen him before.以前我从未见过他。 (5)enough作副词时,置于形容词或副词之后。如:The boy isnt old enough to go to school.这个男孩不够上学的年龄。,3.副词后缀ly,考点3 副词的比较等级 1.副词的比较等级不规则变化构成(请参见形容词比较等级的变化方法) 2副词的比较等级不规则变化表,3副词的比较等级的用法,十年真题全练,近十年来,副词是安徽中考的重要考点之一。考查主要以副词辨析为主,副词的比较级略有兼顾。命题形式主要在听力12小题、单项填空13小题、单词拼写1小题、完形填空13小题中为主。预

7、计2018年,对副词辨析、副词的句法功能、比较等级的用法及易混形容词等的考查是重中之重。,考点1 副词词义辨析,1.2017安徽,43题There are many beautiful places to visit in Anhui, D Mount Huang in autumn. Asimply Bfinally Cluckily Despecially 22016安徽,43题 D ,Chinese people celebrate the MidAutumn Festival by enjoying the full moon and eating mooncakes. AQuickl

8、y BSuddenly CSecretly DTraditionally,32012安徽,48题Mike hurt his back seriously and can _D_ get out of bed without help. Aquickly Beasily Cnearly Dhardly 42010安徽,34题Did you find the small village yesterday? Yes,without any difficulty,for it has _A_changed over years. Ahardly Bgreatly Cclearly Dnearly 5

9、2013安徽,45题Our school bus will leave at 8 oclock tomorrow.Dont be late. OK.I will be there ten minutes_D_ Asooner Bslower Cfaster Dearlier 62009安徽,37题Would you please drive A ? My plane is taking off. Id like to,but safety comes first. Afaster Bbetter Cmore carefully Dmore slowly,72013安徽,40题Tony, D a

10、re you in such a hurry? The meeting will start soon.I dont want to be late. Awhere Bhow Cwhen Dwhy 82012安徽,43题Could you tell me _A_he came here. He drove here himself. Ahow Bwhy Cwhen Dwhether 92009安徽,42题Everyone should know _D_ to save themselves when a fire breaks out. Awhether Bwhat Cwhen Dhow 10

11、2013安徽,34题 C can you finish this English examination? In about one and a half hours. AHow far BHow often CHow soon DHow long,考点2 副词的语法功能及构成,112008安徽,36题Kate,do you know B it is from here to the gym? About twenty-minute walk. Ahow long Bhow far Chow soon Dhow often 12.2011安徽,97题My grandma often gets

12、up e_arly_(早) to do exercise. 132009安徽,97题We have a lready (已经)finished junior middle school. 考点3 副词比较级和最高级用法 14.2011安徽,44题Jack is good at drawing.I think no one draws A Abetter Bbest Cworse Dworst 152010安徽,46题It seems that Alice never wants to do anything except draw pictures. Right.Thats what she

13、likes to do C Amore Bless Cmost Dleast,猜押预测,.单项选择 1The movie covers all of Chinese history.It is _ worth seeing again. Amainly Breally Cpossibly Dhardly 2Now more people are paying attention to protecting the environment. So we believe _that there will be less pollution in the future. Aloudly Blovel

14、y Cstrongly Dcarefully 3It was late.She opened the door _because she didnt want to wake up her grandma. Aangrily Bquietly Cloudly Dheavily 4Drivers should drive _when they are passing by a school. Aterribly Bquickly Cslowly Dfreely,B,C,B,C,5Abbreviations “gr8” and “ICQ” are _ used in e-mail English.

15、People use them to chat online. Acarefully Bfinally Chardly Dnormally 6Holly has_ fed the dog,but she hasnt watered the plants_ Astill;already Balready;yet Cyet;still Dyet;already 7I _ride a bike to school.But this morning,I walked to school. Anever Bhardly Cseldom Dusually 8I hate vegetables.I_eat them. But they are good for your health!You should eat them every day. Aalways Bseldom Coften Dusually 9I cant tell the exact time.My watch g



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