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1、Section Writing 如何写申请信?,写作指导 申请信属于应用文,宜用第一人称,时态用一般现在时态和一般将来时态。 首先应简单介绍自己的情况。个人情况一般包括姓名、出生日期(或年龄)、学历(班级、学校等)、爱好或与申请活动相关的资料。然后明确表达想参加活动或项目的愿望及理由。理由可根据自己的爱好或特长以及对所申请项目的理解等去搜集资料,同时注意写作要点之间衔接要自然、流畅。,常用句式 1.I was so excited to hear the news that. 2.Im writing to tell you that. 3.Im very curious about. 4.I

2、 have a hobby of doing. 5.Im very interested in. 6.Id like to share my knowledge of. 7.Id appreciate it if.,针对训练 假如你校团委为了提高中学生对太空科学的热爱,准备组织一个太空爱好者的夏令营活动,成员们可以相互交流,并允许去西昌一个发射塔(launching tower)参观。假如你是高二三班的学生李华,对此非常感兴趣,请你用英语写一封申请信。,素材积累 请将下列的词和词组进行英汉互译。 1.excited 2.space lover 3.be curious about. 4.app

3、lication 5.take sth.into consideration 6.夏令营 7.与交流 8.知识 9.向学习 10.对感兴趣,激动的 太空爱好者 对好奇 申请 考虑某事 summer camp communicate with. knowledge learn from. be interested in.,模板填空 Dear Sir or Madam, I was so excited to hear the news that you are going to 1. (为太空爱好者组织一次夏令营).Im writing to let you know that I would

4、 like to become a member of it very much.As a student of Class 3 Senior 2,2. (我对太空非常好奇).I have had a hobby of collecting pictures of stars since primary school.3. (我愿意与其他太空爱好者交流),share my knowledge of space with them,and 4. (向他们学习).Im also interested in visiting the launching tower in Xichang.I know it will be very interesting and rewarding. I would appreciate it 5. (如果你能考虑我的申请).,答案:1.organize a summer camp for space lovers 2.Im curious about space 3.Id like to communicate with other space lovers 4.learn from them 5.if you could take my application into consideration,


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