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1、Unit 2 The Olympic Games,-2-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,【识记阅读单词】 1.gymnastics n.(pl)体操;体能训练 2.gymnasium(gym) n. 体育馆;健身房 3.motto n. 座右铭;格言;警句 4.swift adj. 快的;迅速的 5.poster n. 海报;招贴 6.glory n. 光荣;荣誉 7.similarity n.相似性;相似点 【拼写高频单词】 1.ancient adj.古代的;古老的 2.medal n.奖章;勋章;纪念章 3.volunteer n.志愿者;志愿兵 ad

2、j.志愿的;义务的 vt.&vi.自愿,-3-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,4.homeland n.祖国;本国 5.slave n.奴隶 6.nowadays adv.现今;现在 7.replace vt.取代;替换;代替 8.charge vt.值得 14.stadium n.(露天大型)体育场(pl stadiums or stadia),-4-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,【拓展核心单词】 1. compete vi.比赛;竞争 competitor n.竞争者 competition n.比赛 competi

3、tive adj.有竞争力的 2. magical adj.巫术的;魔术的;有魔力的 magic n.魔术 3. regular adj.规则的;定期的;常规的 regularly adv.有规律地;定期地 4. basis n.(pl bases)基础;根据 base n.根本;基础;根据(地) basic adj.基本的 5. athlete n.运动员;运动选手 athletic adj.运动的;体育的 athletics n.(pl)体操;体能训练,-5-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,6. admit vt.希腊语,-6-,.单词,.短语,.句式,

4、.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,1.与动词admit形式变化相同的动词 admit admitted admitting 承认 regret regretted regretting 后悔 control controlled controlling 控制 permit permitted permitting 允许 equip equipped equipping 装备 注意:forget forgot forgetting 忘记,-7-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,2.含“-serve”的高频动词集锦 reserve保留;预定 conserv

5、e保存;保守 deserve应受;值得 observe观察;遵守 preserve保存;保藏 3.medal联想篇 medal奖牌 model 模型;典型 metal金属 mental 心理的,-8-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,4.由后缀“-ment”构成的名词 advertiseadvertisement广告 argueargument 争论 improveimprovement 提高 developdevelopment 发展 equipequipment 装备 establishestablishment 建立 employemployment 雇

6、用 amuseamusement 娱乐 assessassessment 评估,-9-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,5.与“运动员”相关的常见名词荟萃 champion冠军 athlete 运动员 coach教练员 competitor 竞争者 professional职业选手 amateur 业余爱好者 captain队长 referee 裁判员 6.特殊复数形式的外来词 basisbases基础 analysisanalyses分析 phenomenonphenomena现象,-10-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,

7、【识记】 1.stand for 代表;象征;表示 2.in charge 主管;看管 【默写】 1.参加;参与 take part in 2.也;又;还 as well 3.陆续地;一个接一个地 one after another,-11-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,“in+n.”短语荟萃 in charge主管;看管 in place 在正确位置 in case以防万一 in return 作为报答;回报 in advance 事先;提前 in vain徒劳的 in particular特别 in brief总而言之,-12-,.单词,.短语,.句式

8、,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,1.No other countries could join in, nor could slaves or women! 别的国家不能参加,奴隶和妇女也不能参加! 考点提炼nor+助动词/be动词/情态动词+sb./sth.某人/某物也不 2. Theres as much competition among countries to host the Olympics as to win Olympic medals. 国与国之间争取奥运会举办权的竞争,就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样激烈。 考点提炼as.as.和一样 3.This is importan

9、t because the more you speak English, the better your English will become. 这是重要的,因为你讲英语越多,你的英语将越好。 考点提炼the+比较级,the+比较级,“越,就越”,-13-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,1.你不喜欢他,我也不喜欢。 You do not like him;nor/neither do I. 2.我父亲和我母亲一样爱我。 My father loves me as much as my mother does. 3.他越想这事越失望。 The more h

10、e thought about it,the more disappointed he became.,-14-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,There are certain similarities and many significant 1. differences (differ)between the modern 2. and ancient Olympics.The similarities are:both are held every four years;they have 3. running (run)races;also the

11、re is no prize money for winners.,-15-,.单词,.短语,.句式,.语篇填空,积累串记,联想归纳,仿造句子,However,there are differences between them.In ancient Olympics,there was only one set of Games and no women and no slaves could take part in.The 4. competitors (compete)only came from Greece.5. In modern Olympics,there 6. are (b

12、e)two main sets of Gamesthe Winter and the Summer Olympics.Only 7. those (that)who have reached the 8. agreed (agree)standard for their event will be admitted as competitors.They may come from anywhere in the world.There are over 250 sports and each one has its own standard.Women are not only allowe

13、d,but also play 9. a very important role in almost all the events. Hosting the Olympic Games is a great honour.The Olympic motto is “10. Swifter (swift),Higher and Stronger”.,-16-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,7,8,pete vi.比赛;竞争 派生 competitive adj.竞争性的 competition n.竞争;比赛 competitor n.竞争者;参赛者 领悟高考究考法 用compet

14、e的适当形式填空 (1)As for the working environment,Tanis prefers competing against others.(2016北京,阅读理解A) 至于工作环境,坦尼斯喜欢与别人竞争。 (2)How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games? 有多少国家参加古代奥运会?,-17-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,7,8,(3) Competition is fierce and the chief prize is a complete Stilton cheese.(20

15、15福建,阅读理解A) 比赛非常激烈,大奖就是一个完整的斯提耳顿奶酪。 (4)All the competitors are served with beer or port wine.(2015福建,阅读理解A) 所有的参赛者都可以喝啤酒或者波特酒。 联想拓展记考点 (1)compete with/against sb.for sth.为争取某物和某人竞争 (2)compete with sb./sth.与(某人/某物)媲美,比得上(通常用于否定句) (3)compete in 参加的比赛、竞争 (4)be in competition with 与竞争,-18-,核心词汇,核心句式,2,3,4,5,6,1,7,8,2.take part in参加 领悟高考究考法 单句写作 (1)7月份我要去你们学校参加夏令营。 Ill go to your school to take part in the summer camp in July. (2)他是班上唯一被选上参加模拟联合国大会的学生。 Hes the only student in the class that has been selected to take part in the Model United Nations conference.,-19-,核心词汇,核心句式,



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