全套2016年秋人教版七年级英语上册Unit 4同步练习题及答案

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1、Self Check2单元重难点题组训练智汇文库 专业文档题组训练一 where的用法.单项选择。( )1._ is my sister,Mom?In her room.AWho BWhat CWhere DHow( )2.Where _ your CDs?On the TV.Ais Bare Cbe Dam( )3._ my tape player?On the table.AWhere BWhere isCWhere are DHow is( )4.Where is that radio?_ under the chair.AThis is BThat isCIt is DThey are

2、( )5._?Theyre on the sofa.AWhere are my booksBWhere is my bookCWheres my booksDWhere my books are.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。6他的书包在哪里?在课桌下面。_ his schoolbag?_ under the desk.7你的父母在哪里?他们在客厅里。Where _ your parents?_ in the living room.题组训练二 always的用法.单项选择。( )1.The girl _ tidy.Aalways is Bis alwaysCare always Dalwa

3、ys are( )2.His brother _ this question (问题)Aalways asks Basks alwaysCalways ask Dask always.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。3杰克总是把东西到处放。Jack _ _ his things everywhere.4他的祖父总是很健康。His grandfather _ _ fine.题组训练三 but、and辨析.单项选择。( )1.I am looking for (寻找)my pen everywhere,_ I cant find it.Abut Band Ctoo Dfor( )2.Kate is

4、 my good friend,_ she is in China now.Atoo Bwell Cbut Dand( )3.My sister_ I are tidy,_my brother isnt.Aand;and Bbut;butCand;but Dbut;and.用and或but完成下列句子。4I have a new watch,_ I dont like (喜欢) it.5These are my parents,_ those are my friends.题组训练四 in、on、under辨析.根据图片提示,用适当的方位介词填空。1Look! The cat is _ the

5、 hat.2Where are Jim and his father?Theyre _ the sofa.3The books arent on the desk. They are _ the bookcase.4Are the books _ your chair?Yes,they are.5The lamp(台灯)is _ the table and the picture is _ the chair.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。6我在床下找到了这枚戒指。I found the ring _ the _.7钥匙在沙发上面。The keys _ _ the sofa.8地图在书包里。

6、The map _ _ the schoolbag.2 单元话题阅读训练.完形填空。My name is Grace. This is my desk._1_ on the desk?Its my bag. The _2_ is white. A watch,a hat,two CDs and a picture _3_ in it. The watch is from (来自)my mom. It is _4_I like blue,and it is _5_ favorite (最喜爱的)color. What color is the _6_?Its red. It is from my

7、 sister Gina. Gina is a nice _7_The _8_ CDs are yellow and white._9_ are from my father. The picture is from my friend Bob. Its a _10_ of his room. His room is tidy.( )1.A.What BWhereCWhats DWheres( )2.A.bag Bbook Ctable Dchair( )3.A.be Bam Cis Dare( )4.A.white BblueCgreen Dyellow( )5.A.my Byour Chi

8、s Dher( )6.A.key Bring Cjacket Dhat( )7.A.aunt BteacherCgirl Dmother( )8.A.two Bthree Cfour Dfive( )9.A.You BThey CThese DThose( )10.A.game BcardCpicture Dtape.阅读理解。ADear Gina,Here is your brown jacket. You lost it in the library. Please ask our teacher for it.SallyDear David,This is your cousin Tom

9、s schoolbag. His English book is in it. Can you take (带)them to Tom?Thanks.AnnaDear Jenny,Your sister Janes radio is on the sofa. The tapes are in the bookcase. Please take them to school. She needs (需要)them.Mom根据材料内容,选择正确答案。( )11.Gina lost a _ in the library.Aclock BrulerCjacket Dradio( )12.Tom is

10、Davids _.Afather BbrotherCgrandfather Dcousin( )13.A(n)_ is in Toms schoolbag.AID card BEnglish bookCmodel plane Dtape player( )14.Where is the radio?AOn the desk. BIn the schoolbag.COn the sofa. DIn the bookcase.( )15._ needs the radio and tapes.AJane BJennyCAnna DSallyBThis is my classroom. In the

11、 classroom,you can see a table,eight desks,eight chairs and a blackboard (黑板)You can see a boy and two girls,too. Some books are on the table. A pencil box is on the desk. Two pencils and an eraser are in the pencil box. A bag is behind (在后面)a chair,and some English words are on the blackboard. The

12、boy is Tom. He is ten years old (岁)The girl in a hat is Alice. She is ten,too. Here is a girl. She is Jane. She is nine years old. Their teacher is Ms. Green. She is not in the classroom. She is in her office (办公室)Her bag is on the table.根据短文内容,完成下列任务。任务一:判断正(T)误(F)。( )16.Some books are under the ta

13、ble.( )17.An eraser and two pens are in the pencil box.任务二:回答问题。18Where are the English words?_19How many people (多少人)are there in the classroom?_20How old (多大岁数)is Jane? _Self Check1 单元重难点题组训练一、.15CBBCA.6.Wheres;Its7.are;Theyre二、.12BA.3.always puts4.is always三、.13ADC.4.but5.and四、.1.in2.on3.in4.under5.on;on.6.under;bed7.are on8.is in2 单元话题阅读训练.15CADBA610


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