全套2016年秋人教版七年级英语上册Unit 1同步练习题及答案_5

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1、第一课时Section A(1a2d)01基础过关.根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1Hi,Tom. Nice to m_ you.2Helen a_ Bob are students (学生)3Is he Eric?No. H_ name is Alan.4His pen is black. My pen is black,t_.5Are you Gina?Y_,I am.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。6She is my friend._ (she)name is Cindy.7Are you Ms. Brown?No,Im _ (no)8Good afternoon!_ (I)name

2、is Helen.9This is Alan._ (his)is my friend.10Hi,whats _ (you)name?.单项选择。( )11.下列单词中含有单元音/i/的一项是_。Anice Bhis Cmeet Dname( )12._ name is Tina._ is a student.AShe;She BHer;She CShe;Her DHer;Her( )13.Is he Mike?_.His names Frank.AYes,he is BNo,he isntCYes,he isnt DNo,he is( )14.Good morning!Im Bob.Hello

3、,Bob!_AIm Alice. BGood morning.CAre you Bob? DHow are you?( )15.Hello!Nice to meet you._.AThank you BGood afternoonCNice to meet you,too DMy name is Dale.按要求完成下列句子。16Is he Frank?(作否定回答) _,he _.17Im Jack Miller.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ Jack Miller?18My name is Jim Brown(对画线部分提问) _ _ name?19Good afternoon. Im Mi

4、ke.(改为同义句)Good afternoon._ _ is Mike.20Ms.,this,Brown,is (连词成句)_02能力提升.情景交际。从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话。A:Hello. Whats your name?B:_21_A:Im Eric.B:Nice to meet you.A:_22_ Whats his name?B:_23_ A:_24_ B:Her names Betty.C:Excuse me,are you Alice?B:Yes,I am. Are you Mike?C:_25_ Im Bob.AAnd whats her name?BMy names

5、 Alice.CHis names Frank.DNice to meet you,too.ENo,Im not.21_22._23._24_25._.完形填空。Hello! My _26_ Bill. I _27_ 13.I have two friends. One is _28_ girl. _29_ name is Jenny. She _30_ 12.The other (其他的) is a boy. _31_ is Frank. He is 12,_32_Look! That _33_ a bird (鸟). _34_ name is Polly. We all like _35_

6、( )26.A.name BnamesCnames Dam( )27.A.is Bam Care D/( )28.A.a Ban Cthe D/( )29.A.He Bher CHis DHer( )30.A.am Bis Care D/( )31.A.His BHe CShe DHer( )32.A.and Btoo Cto Dtwo( )33.A.am Bis Care D/( )34.A.It BIts CIts Dits( )35.A.it Bits CIts DitsUnit 1My names Gina.第一课时Section A(1a2d).1.meet2.and3.His4.too5.Yes.6.Her7.not8.My9.He10.your.1115CBBAC.16.No;isnt17.Are you18.Whats your19.My name20.This is Ms.Brown.2125BDCAE.2630CBADB3135BBBCA 智汇文库 专业文档


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