全套2016年秋人教版九年级英语Unit 6同步练习题及答案_9

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1、第五课时Section B(2a2e)01基础过关.根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。1. Mary comes from Canada,so shes a C_. But her Chinese is excellent.2. There are some fruit,vegetables and eggs in the b_.3. Many players got gold medals in the O_. They felt proud.4. The computer game was c_ by a company. You have to pay it money if you pla

2、y this game.5. I have to prepare food for seven people i_ me.用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。achieve,hero,popular,profession,work6.Both Lin Zexu and Qi Jiguang were _ in peoples heart.7.As a _ basketball player, LeBron James did what he could do to help his team to win the finals.8.The _ of swing dance has risen am

3、ong young people.9.Nothing would stop him from _ for the people.10.We should work hard _ our dream.根据汉语意思完成句子,每空词数不限。11.现在不仅赵薇,而且章子怡也受年轻人欢迎。Now _ Zhao Wei _ Zhang Ziyi is very popular with the young.12.怀特先生,你是一个受欢迎的老师,许多年轻教师都仰慕你。Youre a popular teacher,Mr. Brown,and a lot of the younger ones _ to yo

4、u.13.他梦想有朝一日成为著名的小提琴家。He _a famous violinist one day.14.妈妈把这块蛋糕分成了四份。Mother _ the cake _ four pieces.15.他是一位音乐教师,同时也是一位歌星。He is a music teacher and _ he is also a singer.02能力提升.任务型阅读。Students at Dalian Nationalities University in China have designed a bike washing machine that will wash your clothes

5、 while you are riding on it._16_ And it is made to bring health and convenience to our life by combining(结合)a fixed bike and a washing machine. According to the students who designed the bike,the way it works is quite simple.“ _17_ At the same time,electricity is produced which can be used to power

6、the machine or be stored for future use.”_18_The idea isnt new,as other designers have tried their best at designing similar machines. _19_ So it will be interesting to see if the “BiWa” will become successful. Much like the Drumi,another smallsized washing machine,the BiWa can fit almost anywhere._

7、20_将下列句子填入短文中的空白处,使短文完整、连贯。A. Because of the small size of it,it would certainly take many spin cycles to complete the laundry.B. The invention is called Bike Washing Machine or BiWa.C. But both of the two inventions will probably not completely replace(代替)a traditional washing machine.D. However,no

8、ne have made it successfully to market.E. When you ride this bike,the pedaling(踩踏板)moving makes the washing machine work.16._17._18._ 19._20._名校讲坛divide的用法divide作动词,意为“分开;划分”,常用在短语divideinto(把分成);divide up(划分;分配);dividefrom(将与分开)等中。第五课时Section B(2a2e).1.Canadian2.basket3.Olympics4.created5.including.6.heroes7.professional8.popularity9.working10.to achieve.11.not only;but also12.look up13.dreams of becoming14divided; into15.at the same time.1620BEDAC 智汇文库 专业文档


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