英语人教版八年级下册unit2 writing

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1、Unit 2 Ill help clean up the city parks.,Writing,Caiitang School Student Union is going to build a group of volunteers. Do you want to join us? Tell us your story about volunteering!,3/24/2019,A video about the people in need.,Who needs help?,clean up the parks,Guessing,Which volunteer job do you wa

2、nt to do?,visit sick kids and cheer them up,Guessing,Which volunteer job do you want to do?,give out food / raise money for poor children,Guessing,Which volunteer job do you want to do?,help kids in an after-school program,Guessing,Which volunteer job do you want to do?,care for old people/ work in

3、an old peoples home,Guessing,Which volunteer job do you want to do?,Id like to/ I want to volunteer to / I hope to /Im interested in(doing) : clean up the parks,visit sick kids and cheer them up give out food / raise money for poor children help kids in an after-school program care for old people /w

4、ork in an old peoples home,Brainstorming:,Read the sample and find useful sentences.,As the saying goes, we share roses and get fun. As we know life is not a bed of roses. So it is necessary for us to help those who needs help. I am good with kids and want to be a teacher. So I help out as a volunte

5、er in an after-school program to teach kids guitar. I believe its a good way to help me get my dream job. I am strong in playing the guitar, so Id be good at this job. Every Saturday morning I play the guitar and they sometimes sing with me or just listen to me. When I spend time with those angels,

6、time goes quickly. They all like music but they are poor. You can see in their eyes that theyre going on a special journey with the beautiful sound. I work there because I get such a strong feeling of happiness when I see the look of joy on their cute faces. Volunteering here is a dream come true. I

7、 believe helping others is helping ourselves.,I am good with kids and want to be a teacher.,I help out as a volunteer in an after-school program to teach kids guitar.,I am strong in playing the guitar, so Id be good at this job.,I get such a strong feeling of happiness when I see the look of joy on

8、their cute faces.,Volunteering here is a dream come true for me.,I believe helping others is helping ourselves.,Useful expressions:,-,I work there, because,Sentence Relay,What: Where:,I volunteer to at I help out as a volunteer into,clean up the parks visit sick kids and cheer them up give out food

9、/ raise money for poor children help kids in an after-school program care for old people /work in an old peoples home look after animals ,give out food,the food bank,the hospital an animal hospital the food bank the old peoples home city parks the library an after-school program ,What:,Im good at/ I

10、m strong in/ Im interested in/ In my free time, I like to so I think Id be good at this job.,get on with old people play with kids play the guitar/piano tell stories/ sing/ dance care for do housework work outside do sports ,I am interested in swimming, so I think Id be good at this job.,Why:,I want

11、 to help out as a volunteer because I volunteer at because I enjoy being a volunteer because,I get a strong feeling ofwhen I it can help me to learn more about I can do what I love to do it is a dream come true for me ,I enjoy being a volunteer because I get a strong feeling of satisfaction when I h

12、elp others.,Being a wordsmith!,Use conjunctions,I get a strong feeling of happiness. I see the look of joy on their faces. When I see the look of joy on their faces, I get a strong feeling of happiness.,When,It helps me to get my dream job and it also makes me learn more. It not only helps me to get

13、 the dream job but also makes me learn more.,not only,but also,Why do you want to do the volunteer job? What is your feeling about doing the job?,Opening: What do you think of volunteering?,Conclusion:,Body: Which volunteer job do you want to do? What are your interests or hobbies? How to help them?

14、 Where do you do the job? When are you free to do the job?,Life is not a bed of roses. Its necessary to help others.,蔡塘学校正在招募志愿者,同学们报名十分踊跃。请你以“Volunteer”为话题写一篇80词左右的短文,对学生会谈一谈你对志愿服务的看法。以下提示可能对你有帮助: 1.志愿活动的目的、意义; 2. 参加的志愿活动经历。 3. 参加志愿服务的感受。,Task:,Score standard:,写作评分标准:,Happy to write as follows Extr

15、act the main idea List the mind-map Perfect whole structures Finish your passage Use more sentence patterns Love writing,Tips,Thank you for listening !,Every Saturday morning.,Q3. How can his interest help him to do the job?,Because the writer is good with kids and wants to a teacher.,Q1. When does

16、the writer do the job?,Ask and answer.,Q2. What is the writers interest?,The writer is strong in playing the guitar.,Every Saturday morning.,Q3. Why do you like to do that?,Because the writer is good with kids and wants to a teacher.,Ask and answer.,Q2. What is the writers interests?,The writer is strong in playing the guitar.,Working in an old peoples home,Look at these kinds of volunteer work. Can


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