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1、单元写作指导,写作指导,常用句式,针对训练,素材积累,模板填空,如何写观点对比类文章 议论文以讲道理、摆事实为主要表达方式,通过逻辑推理阐明观点、主张。写议论文要注意以下四点: 1.找准论点。议论文的主要见解是中心论点。写作时,根据文章的需要,可以在一开始就提出中心论点,也可以在论证过程中提出中心论点。一般情况下,议论文只有一个中心论点。 2.掌握论据。用来作为论据的,可以用能揭示事物本质的典型事实,也可以用被实践证明了的正确的理论。 3.论证方法。论证就是用论据证明论点的过程。大致分为以下几种:演绎法,即先提出中心论点,然后分层论证。归纳法,即先逐层进行分析,然后归纳出中心论点。,写作指导,

2、常用句式,针对训练,素材积累,模板填空,4.论证方式。论证方式主要有立论和驳论两种。立论是就一定的事件和问题,提出并阐明正面的见解和主张。驳论是就一定的事件和问题,揭露和驳斥错误的见解和主张。英语文章受词数所限,一般使用立论。,写作指导,常用句式,针对训练,素材积累,模板填空,1.Different people hold different opinions.不同的人有不同的观点。 2.People have taken/adopted different attitudes towards.人们对有不同的态度。 3.People take different views on this q

3、uestion.人们对这个问题持不同的观点。 4of them hold the opinion that.他们中认为 5of them are in favour of the idea that.他们中支持的观点 6.People who are for/against the idea think.支持/反对这个观点的人们认为 7.Some people argue that.有些人坚持认为,写作指导,常用句式,针对训练,素材积累,模板填空,8.However,.of them hold a different view./.of them hold the opposite opini

4、on.然而,他们中持有不同的/相反的看法。 9.People who are against it dont think so.反对它的人不这样认为。 10.However,each coin has two sides.然而,事情都有两面性。 11.Different from those.,.people think.与这些不同,人们认为 12.On the other hand,.people think that.另一方面,人们认为,写作指导,常用句式,针对训练,素材积累,模板填空,(20162017河北波峰中学高二检测) 近来,一些大城市实施了车辆限购政策,人们对此有不同的意见。请结

5、合所给表格,写一篇短文,谈谈你对这个问题的看法。,With city traffic becoming worse and worse in China,some big cities have put a restriction on car purchasing,which had led to a heated discussion. 注意1.开头已给出,不计入总词数。2.词数100左右。,写作指导,常用句式,针对训练,素材积累,模板填空,将下列单词和短语进行英汉互译 1.in favor of 2.争论 3.deal with 4.交通堵塞 5.in addition 6.be aga

6、ist 7.与相比 8.on the other hand 9.meet ones needs 10.方便,支持,argue,处理,the traffic jams,另外,反对,compare.with,另一方面,满足某人的需要,convenience,写作指导,常用句式,针对训练,素材积累,模板填空,Some people are in favor of the policy,arguing that it is a good way 1. (来处理交通堵塞).In addition,the policy will greatly 2. (帮助减少空气污染).Others,however,a

7、re strongly against the restriction.On the one hand,they believe the number of cars is not big 3. (与国外的城市相比).On the other hand,our public transport still 4. (不能满足我们的需要),so the policy will surely 5. (给造成不方便)the public. Personally,the restriction is a wise decision.For one thing,if the number of cars is not limited,traffic jams 6. (会越来越严重).For another,it will be a hug disaster for the city environment.,to deal with the traffic jams,help reduce air pollution,compared with that of cities abroad,cant meet our needs,cause great inconvenience to,will be more and more serious,



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