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1、基础知识自测,重点词汇讲练,写作句型仿写,基础知识自测,1. _ v. 下决心, 决定 _ n. 决心 2. _v. 考虑;认为 _ adj. 考虑周到的; 体贴人的 _ adj. 重要的, 值得考虑的 _ n. 考虑; 体谅,consideration,determine,determination,consider,considerate,considerable,一、单词拓展 (A)单词派生,3. _ vt. 计划; 打算 _ n. 意图; 目的; 意向,intention,intend,4. _ adj. 谦虚的; 谦让的; 适度的 _ n. 谦逊;稳重;质朴 5. _ vt. 取得,

2、达到 _ n. 成就,功绩,achievement,modest,modesty,achieve,6._ v. 使欢乐, 款待 _ n. 娱乐, 款待, 表演 _ adj.愉快的, 有趣的,entertaining,entertain,entertainment,(B)灵活运用,1. We felt a great sense of _ (achieve) when we finally entered the key universities.,名词作of的宾语,achievement,2. This is a really _ (entertain) journey. 2. 形容词作定语修

3、饰journey。 3. We must learn to be_ (consider) and care more about others. 3. 形容词与be 构成系表结构。,entertaining,considerate,4. Im _ (determine) to succeed. 4. 形容词作表语, 表示“有决心的”。 5. The police are working on the _ (intend) of the case. 5. 定冠词后接名词。,determined,intention,二、短语翻译,_ 蔑视;瞧不起 2. _ 查阅;参考;谈到 3. _ 为某人付出(

4、时间、精力) 4. _ 离开;启程,devote oneself /sth to,look down upon/on,refer to,move off,5. _ 继续;坚持 6. _ 过着的生活 7. _ (偶然)遇见;碰见 8. _ 碰巧;凑巧,by chance,carry on,lead a .life,come across,9._ 鼓励某人做某事 10._ 值得做某事 11._涌进,涌入 12._为专门准备,be intended for,inspire sb. to do sth.,Its worthwhile to do sth. doing sth.,crowd in,三、语

5、篇填空 Nobody before Jane fully understood chimps behavior. She spent years observing and 1_ (record) their daily activities. 2_ her childhood she had wanted to work with animals in their own environment. 3. _,this was not easy. When she first arrived in Gombe in 1960,it was 4_ (usual) for a woman 5_ (

6、live)in the forest.,recording,Since,unusual,to live,However,Only 6 _ her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. Her work changed the way people think about chimps. For example,one important thing she discovered 7 _ (be) that chimps hunt and eat meat. U

7、ntil then everyone 8 _ (think) chimps ate only fruit and nuts. She actually observed chimps as a group 9 _ (hunt) a monkey and then eating it. She also discovered how chimps communicate with each other,and 10 _(she) study of their body language helped her work out their social system.,after,was,had

8、thought,hunting,her,四、语段改错,For forty years Jane Goodall had been outspoken about making the rest of a world understand and respect the life of these animals. She has argued that wild animals should left in the wild and not used for entertainment and advertisements.,She has helped to set up special p

9、laces where they can live in safely. She is leading a busy life but she says: “Once I stop, it all comes crowding in and I remembering the chimps in laboratories. Its terribly.,It affects me when I watch the wild chimp. I say to me, Arent they lucky? And then I think about small chimps in cages thou

10、gh they have done something wrong. Once you have seen that, you can never forget ”,1.had has 由forty years可知用现在完成时。 2.a world the world 当表示世界上独一无二的东西要用the。 3.在left前加be 因wild animals与leave之间是被动关系,故在left前加be。 4.and or 在否定句中,连接两个并列成分一般用or而不用and,故advertisements前的and应改为or。 5.去掉live后的in 因where=in which,故li

11、ve in中的in重复,应去掉。,6.remembering remember 在主语I后作谓语,又是一般现在时。 7.terribly terrible 在系动词be后作表语,用形容词。 8.chimp chimps 用复数表示泛指。 9.me myself 由固定短语say to oneself可知。 10.something nothing 根据though可知此处想表达的是“尽管小黑猩猩没有任何过错,却被关在笼子里”,故改用nothing。,重点词汇讲练,1campaign n. 运动,战役 vi. 作战,参加运动 例句 The workers are running a campai

12、gn to prevent a new airport being built near their home工人们正在展开一场阻止在他们家附近建新机场的运动。 搭配 campaign for/against 争取/反对的运动,运用 填入一个适当的词或完成句子。 She started a campaign _ (对抗污染) The leaders of the union are campaigning _ better working conditions,for,against pollution,原句 Jane has studied these families of chimps

13、for many years and helped people understand how much they behave like humans. 简研究这些黑猩猩 家族已经很多年了, 她帮助人们了解了黑猩猩跟人类的行为是多么的相似。(B4P2),2. behave v.行为; 表现,例句 He behaved like a true gentleman. 他的行为像个真正的绅士。,拓展,wellpoorlybadly-behaved举止良好的糟糕的 behave oneself某人表现得好;行为得体 be on your best behaviour尽量表现 得体,运用 用所给词的正

14、确形式填空或完成句子。 Most parents like _ _ (表现好的孩子). His recent_ (behave) puzzles me. (3)When the guests arrive, you should _(尽量表现得体一点),behavior,be on your best behaviour,3. observe vt.& vi. 观察, 注意;遵守(法律, 习俗等);庆祝(节日等) 例句 She spent years observing and recording their daily activities. 她花了多年的时间来观察并记录它们的日常活动。,observe sb. doing sth. 看到某人正在做某事 observe sb. do sth. 看到某人做了某事,搭配,说明 observe sb. do sth.如果改成被动语态, 应补上省略的to, 即sb. be observed to do sth.。,运用 根据observe的用法, 用括号中词的适当形式填空。 (1) When I passed his house, I observed him _



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