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1、必修3 Module 1 Europe,基础知识梳理,考点知识导练,基础知识梳理 抓主干 固双基,across,cross,face,range,range,opposite,opposition,oppose,sign,signature,symbol,symbolic,situated,situation,situate,located,locate,location,civilisation,civilised,civilise,govern,government,representative,represent,geographical,geography,计划;项目;工程,特点,1.

2、 terms of据;依照 2. the other hand 另一方面;反过来说 3.because 因为;由于 4.be known 作为而出名/闻名 5. all time 有史以来 6.ever 自从一直 7.have. common (想法、兴趣等)相同 8.little little一点点地;逐渐地,in,on,of,as,of,since,in,by,1.Their work has influenced other writers . 他们的作品影响了后世的作家。 2.The expanded European Union has a population of more th

3、an half a billion people, the population of the United States. 扩展后的欧盟人口超过五亿,是美国人口的两倍。 3. another mountain rangethe Pyrenees.法国和西班牙之间是另一座山脉,即比利 牛斯山脉。,1.Passive voice:present and past forms (现在时和过去时的 被动语态) 2.Subject and verb agreement (主谓一致),ever,since,twice,as,big,as,Between,France,and,Spain,is,考点知识导

4、练 解疑难 提知能,1.across prep.穿过;横过;从一边到另一边 adv.从一边到另一边,宽;交叉地,英文典例: Would you like me to help you across the road?(=help you to cross the road) 要我帮你过马路吗?(朗文P16) By 2020 electric cars will have become a common sight in cities . 到2020年电动汽车将成为全球各地城市中的一种普遍景象。 The post office is just across from the club. 邮局就在

5、那俱乐部对面。,across,the,world,词语辨析:,【巧学助记】,The Great Wall winds its way from west to east, the deserts, the mountains, the valleys,till at last it reaches the sea. 长城从西向东,跨过沙漠,越过高山,穿过山谷,蜿蜒而行,最后直达海边。,across,over,through,2.face v.朝,面向;面对,正视 n.脸;表情;物体的表面/正面,英文典例: We are facing the fact that more and more li

6、ving things have disappeared off the face of the earth. 我们正面临着这样的事实:越来越多的生物已经从地球表面消失了。 I the awful job of breaking the news to the girls family.我面临着要向女孩的家人报告这一消息的讨 厌任务。(朗文P670) I couldnt bear that Mother should scold me in the face of my friends.母亲当着我朋友们的面骂我,我受不了。,was,faced,with,3.range n.山脉;类;(变化等的

7、)幅度;(知识等的)范围;区域;射程 v.排列,使排队;(动植物)分布;(在一定的范围内)变化,变动; 涉及,【巧学助记】,英文典例: She has a wide range of interests. 她有广泛的兴趣。 Dont get their big guns; surround the camp from a distance. 不要进入他们大炮的射程以内,要隔一段距离包围住敌营。 Cups and plates were neatly ranged on her shelves. 杯子和盘子整齐地排列在她的架子上。(朗文P1623) Prices ranged from 5 do

8、llars to 10 dollars. 价格从五美元至十美元不等。,within,range,of,4.opposite prep.在对面 adj.对面的;相对的,相反的 adv.在对面 n.对立面,对立物;相反的人;反义词,be opposite to 在对面;与相反 just the opposite恰恰相反 in opposition to 反对,英文典例: The grocery store was on the opposite side of the street.杂 货店在街对面。 He took a seat me. 他在我对面坐下来。 Marthas not shy at

9、alljust the opposite in fact. 玛莎一点都不腼腆,事实上正好相反。(朗文P1376),opposite,to,特别提示:opposite用作名词时意思是“对立面,对立物,相反的人或事物”,是可数名词。 opposite用作形容词作定语时,主要指空间位置上的关系。 opposite用作副词时意思是“在对面”,在句中多用作状语。,5.sign n.记号,符号;迹象,征兆;手势;标志,标牌,招牌 v.签(名);(在文件等上)签字;签署;做手势,【巧学助记】,英文典例: In still another use, persons in Asian cultures may

10、view silence as a sign of respect, particularly to an elder or a person in authority.(2016全国,阅读理解D) 还有一个用途,在亚洲文化中人们把沉默视作尊重的标志,尤其是对长者 或权威人士。 He was desperately not to mention anything about Jack. 他拼命地向我打手势,叫我不要提起杰克的任何事。(朗文P1847) You need to pay $ 50 to sign up a child for the club.(2015福 建,阅读理解C) 你需要

11、交50美元为孩子报名参加这个俱乐部。,signing,to,me,词语辨析:,White has always been a of purity in Western cultures.在西方文化中,白色一向是纯洁的象征。 Who made these dirty on my new book? 谁在我的新书上弄了这些污迹? The tests can detect early of disease. 这些检查可以发现疾病的早期征兆。,symbol,marks,signs,6.in terms of 据;依照;就而言,英文典例: In terms of customer satisfactio

12、n,the policy cannot be criticized.说到顾客的满意情况,这个政策无可挑剔。(朗文P2065) What they have done is good for the environment in the long term.从长远来看,他们所做的事情对环境是有利的。 All of my roommates each other. 我的室友们关系都很好。,are,on,good,terms,with,写作联想:典例其他表达方式 Speaking of customer satisfaction,the policy cannot be criticized. Wi

13、th reference to customer satisfaction,the policy cannot be criticized. In respect of customer satisfaction,the policy cannot be criticized.,7.on the other hand 另一方面;反过来说,on the one hand.,on the other hand.一方面另 一方面(常用于引出不同的,尤指对立的观点、思想等) for one thing.,(and) for another.首先其 次(常用于列举一些理由) first(ly).seco

14、nd(ly).third(ly).第一第 二第三(常用于列举一系列原因、看法、评论等),英文典例: On the one hand I admire his gifts,but on the other hand I distrust his judgment.一方面我羡慕他的才华,而另一方面我却怀疑 他的判断力。 Why dont you get a car? Well, ,I cant drive! ,I dont have enough money. 你为什么不买辆汽车呢? 啊!首先,我不会开车;其次,我钱不够。 There are three reasons why I dont li

15、ke him: first(ly) /to start with hes rude, second(ly)/next hes a liar, and third(ly)/finally he owes me money. 我不喜欢他有三个原因:第一/首先,他粗暴无礼;第二/其次,他撒谎;第 三/最末,他欠我钱不还。(朗文P723),for,one,thing,For,another,8.Their work has influenced other writers ever since. 他们的作品影响了后世的作家。,ever since 自从一直,其中ever为副词,用于加强语气。表示以过去某一时间为起点持续到现在的某一动作或状态,常与完成时连用。既可以作为副词词组单独使用,也可以作为连词词组引导时间状语从句。与完成时连用的常见短语或词语还有: since自从以来 so far/up to now 到目前为止 in the last/past +时间段 在过去的内 by the end of 到末为止,英文典例: We came to the UK in 1974 and have lived here



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