(江苏专用)2018届高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解解题技法示范(六)社会文化类课件

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《(江苏专用)2018届高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解解题技法示范(六)社会文化类课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(江苏专用)2018届高考英语一轮复习 阅读理解解题技法示范(六)社会文化类课件(40页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、阅读理解解题技法示范(六) 社会文化类,高考典题,1 Walt Disney is credited for creating such wonderful things as Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. However, he cannot take the credit for creating other well-loved characters, such as Cinderella and Snow White. They are almost automatically associated with Disney because Disney t

2、urned old fables (寓言) into cartoon movies. 2 The original Cinderella varies very much from the Disney version we know today. It started off with the girl mourning her mothers death and going to her tomb three times a day. In addition, there were only birds that helped Cinderella; there was no such t

3、hing as a fairy godmother or helpful mice, nor was there mention of a horse and carriage.,3 The stepsisters were cruel: they always threw Cinderellas food into the ashes of the fire, and made her sleep on the ashes on the floor, hence (因此) her name. 4 In the original story, the kings ball actually l

4、asted for three days. With the help of the birds, the girl, beautifully dressed, danced with the prince on all three nights and the prince fell in love with her. However, she broke away from him to rush back home each night. On the last night, the prince placed something sticky on the stairs; as Cin

5、derella made her escape, a shoe got stuck on it.,5 Here now is where the story becomes unpleasant: when the prince went to the house looking for the girl whose foot fit the shoe, the wicked (邪恶的) stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into the shoe. The daughter did a

6、s told. So the prince took her away to be his bride. But, when they passed the tomb of Cinderellas mother, the birds called out to the prince, “Turn and peep, theres blood within the shoe; The shoe is too small, the true bride waits for you.”,6 Realizing he had been tricked, the prince returned the

7、daughter to her mother; the other then had to cut off part of her heel in order to fit into the shoe, with the same result. Only Cinderellas foot fit perfectly and so the prince chose to marry her. The story ends with the wedding day: as Cinderellas two stepsisters followed her, pretending to be dev

8、oted to her so that they could enjoy the kings riches, two birds flew by and plucked (啄) out their eyes. Because of their wickedness and falsehood, they had to spend the rest of their days blind. 7 The original Cinderella is so different from the Disney version. Thank goodness Disney made such chang

9、es; it indeed was a wise move.,(建议用时:10分钟),题目试做,60What does the underlined word “They” in the first paragraph refer to? ASuch wonderful things. BOther well-loved characters. COld fables. DCartoon movies. 61How did Cinderella get her name? AThe birds came up with it. BIt was given by Disney. CIt came

10、 from the word “ash” DShe got it from her mother.,62Which of the following is TRUE according to the original story? AHelpful mice got Cinderella a beautiful dress. BThe hall was held to celebrate the princes wedding. CCinderella left her shoe on the stairs on purpose. DThe birds told the prince that

11、 he had been cheated. 63The moral of the original story is that _. Aa wicked person cannot escape punishment Ba devoted person certainly deserves respect Ca well-behaved child earns a great reward Da dishonest child cannot get mother love,64What does the author think of the Disney version? AExcellen

12、t. BOrdinary. CDull. DRidiculous.,解题示范,一、文章这样读,读文章 作标记,1,1时间和概念名词 用 表示,2态度词和语气词 用 表示,3极端词和程度词 用 表示,4逻辑词和关系词 用 表示,1 Walt Disney is credited for creating such wonderful things as Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. However, he cannot take the credit for creating other well-loved characters, such as Cinderel

13、la and Snow White. They are almost automatically associated with Disney because Disney turned old fables (寓言) into cartoon movies. 2 The original Cinderella varies very much from the Disney version we know today. It started off with the girl mourning her mothers death and going to her tomb three tim

14、es a day. In addition, there were only birds that helped Cinderella; there was no such thing as a fairy godmother or helpful mice, nor was there mention of a horse and carriage.,3 The stepsisters were cruel: they always threw Cinderellas food into the ashes of the fire, and made her sleep on the ash

15、es on the floor, hence (因此) her name. 4 In the original story, the kings ball actually lasted for three days. With the help of the birds, the girl, beautifully dressed, danced with the prince on all three nights and the prince fell in love with her. However, she broke away from him to rush back home

16、 each night. On the last night, the prince placed something sticky on the stairs; as Cinderella made her escape, a shoe got stuck on it.,5 Here now is where the story becomes unpleasant: when the prince went to the house looking for the girl whose foot fit the shoe, the wicked (邪恶的) stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into


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