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1、,词汇突破 1custom n风俗,习惯,传统 For example,in the United States,it is the custom to have salad (色拉)before the main course at dinner,not after. 举例说明,在美国,在主饭之前吃色拉,而不是在其后,这是传统。 In those days it was the custom for farmers to give part of their crops to the lord of the manor. 在那些日子里,有一个风俗,农民把一部分他们的庄稼给予庄园主。,【温馨提

2、示】 custom常指一个集体的风俗,而habit则只能表示个人的习惯。 完成句子 _ in that country for women to marry young. 女子早婚是那个国家的习俗。 As _,he knocked three times. 他敲了三下,这是他的习惯。 _ have seized large quantities of smuggled heroin. 海关查获了大量走私的海洛因。 【答案】 It is the custom was his custom The Customs,高考链接 (2016四川卷,C)Surprisingly,these people

3、live largely by their own laws and their own social _(custom) 【答案】 customs,2adjust vt.调整;校准;vi.调整;校准;适应于 Check and adjust the brakes regularly. 定期检查和调节刹车装置。 The body quickly adjusts(itself)to changes in temperature. 身体迅速(自行)调节以适应气温的变化。 Weve had to make some adjustments to our original calculations.我

4、们不得不对我们最初的计算作一些调整。,【归纳拓展】 adjust to 使适应,适应 adjust oneself to 使自己适应于 adjustable adj. 可调节的,可调整的 adjustment n. 调节;适应 make adjustments 调整,调节;校正 多维训练 (1)单句语法填空 It takes him quite a while to adjust to _(work) night shifts. With the continuous changes of job market,I made _(adjust) to my job expectations t

5、ime and again. He stopped to try to adjust his eyes _ the light.,(2)单句改错 I will adjust me to the new environment._ (3)用adjust的适当形式填空 Moving to the city has been a difficult_for us. My parents had trouble_to living in an apartment. The height of the bicycle seat is_. 【答案】 (1)working adiustments to (2

6、)memyself (3)adjustment adjusting adjustable,3furnish vt.陈设;布置;装修;提供,供应 The room was furnished with antiques. 房间里摆放了古董。 Will these findings furnish more information on prehistoric man? 这些发现能否提供更多有关史前人类的资料呢? The house was furnished entirely with handmade items. 这间房子陈列的全是手工制作的东西。,【归纳拓展】 furnish sth.wi

7、th sth.用布置 furnish sb./sth.with sth.;furnish sth.to sb./sth.为某人/某物提供某物 be furnished with备有;安装有,陈设有 furnishings n一个房间的陈设物(包括家具和用品等) furniture n家具(总称,不可数名词;当指一样家具时,要用piece或article等表示) a piece of furniture/an article of furniture一件家具,完成句子 The gardener _ me _ the necessary information. 那园丁向我提供了必要的信息。 Th

8、e government _ food and shelter _ those homeless people. 政府为那些无家可归的人们提供食宿。 The room _ the simplest essentials, a bed,a chair,and a table. 房间里只配置了最基本的家具,一张床、一把椅子和一张桌子。 【答案】 furnished;with furnished;to is furnished with,4minority n少数民族;少数 Yunnan is the home to 25 ethnic minorities,most diverse region

9、of China. 云南是25个少数民族的家园,中国有最多民族的地区 Yunnan is the home to 25 ethnic minorities,most diverse region of China.云南是25个少数民族的家园,是中国有最多民族的地区,【归纳拓展】,A minor fault shouldnt be neglected. 小错也不应该被忽略。 Only a minority of British households do not have a car. 只有很少的英国家庭没有汽车。 【温馨提示】 the majority/minority of.作主语时,谓语动

10、词既可用单数,也可用复数。 The majority of the students were/was indifferent to the political meeting. 大多数学生对政治集会漠不关心。,写出下列句子中minority的含义 Boys are very much in the minority at the dancing class._ There are 55 minorities in our country._ He is in his minority._ 【答案】 少数,小部分 少数民族 未成年,短语聚焦 1set off (1)出发;动身 This see

11、med to Alice a good opportunity for making her escape;so she set off at once,and ran till she was quite tired and out of breath. 这对爱丽斯来说是一个逃脱的好机会,所以她立刻动身了,一直跑到疲惫不堪,上气不接下气。(选自爱丽斯漫游记) (2)点燃;使爆炸;引起 Any movement could have set off the bomb. 任何一个动作都会使炸弹爆炸。,【归纳拓展】 set about(doing)开始为忙碌;着手工作 set aside保留;储蓄

12、;搁置 set down卸下;写下 set out出发;动身 set out to do sth.着手做某事 set up竖立;搭起;开办;建立 set fire to/set.on fire放火烧 set.free释放,写出下列句中set off的含义 Having said farewell to their friends,they set off for home._ Hong Kongs stock market fell,setting off a global financial crisis._ On New Years Eve,the company set off many

13、 fireworks,which made the children excited._ Her plain blue dress was set off by a feathertrimmed(羽毛装饰的)hat._ 【答案】 出发,动身 引起 燃放(烟花、鞭炮等) 衬托;使更漂亮,高考链接 (2016新课标卷,A)But it also _ (引起) the Montgomery bus boycott. 【答案】 set off,2in use 被使用,在使用中 All the machines are in use at the moment. 眼下所有的机器都在用着。 New pri

14、nting techniques have recently come into use. 新的印刷技术最近已经投入使用。 Its an opportunity to put her medical training to good use. 这是将她所受的医学培训很好地付诸实践的机会。 We must make the best possible use of the resources we have. 我们必须尽可能充分利用我们现有的资源。,【归纳拓展】 come into use 开始被使用 make use of sb./sth. 利用或使用某人/某物 make the best u

15、se of sth. 充分利用某事物 put sth.to good use 从某事物中获益 use sth.for sth./doing sth. 用来干 be used to do sth. 被用来干 used to do sth. 过去经常干某事 be used to doing sth. 习惯,适应 use sth.up 用尽,耗尽 Its no use doing. 做没用,短语填空 in use,make use of,come into use,put.to use Why doesnt she _ her singing talent? Hell be able to_ his experience _ in the new job. Computers first _ in the early 1950s. Many works are borrowed from churches where they are still _. 【答案】 make use of put;to use came into use in use,句型精析 .I dont



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