(天津专用)2018高中英语 5.3 cultural corner课件 外研版必修5

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1、Period Three Cultural Corner,1. _adj. 最后的 2_n. 胜利 3 _ adv. 戏剧性地 4_ vi. 抗议 5_ vt. 宣布 6_ n. (自治)区 7 _ n. 竞争者;对手 8_ adj. 费力的;棘手的;困难的,ultimate,victory,dramatically,protest,declare,borough,competitor,tough,.单词识记,1_站起身 2_根据;按照 3. at first_ 4. pick sb up _,rise to ones feet,according to,起初,扶起某人/用车接某人,.短语天地

2、,1But perhaps one of the most beautiful and extraordinary marathons ever is the Great Wall Marathon, which most competitors find is the toughest course to run. 信息提取 which most competitors find is the toughest course to run是含有插入语(most competitors find)的定语从 句。 例句仿写 在公共汽车上我看到一个我以为是你哥哥的学 生。 On the bus I

3、 saw a student _.,who I thought was your brother,.句型搜索,2The marathon is the final Olympic event because it is thought to be the hardest. 信息提取 sb/sth be过去分词 to do sth 例句仿写 据报道他赢了比赛。 He _ the game.,was reported to have won,1According to the first paragraph, which of the following is True? AMarathon is

4、 the most exciting event in the Olympics. BThe soldier was the first sportsman who attended Marathon. CThe soldier died before he announced the news. DMarathon is the final event in the Olympics.,.预读理解,2The distance of Marathon was changed to 42km because_. Athe origin distance was a little short Bt

5、he distance between Marathon and Athens was 42km Cthe King of England raised his requests D42km is the most scientific distance,3According to the last two paragraphs we know_. Amany people in different countries and cities have taken part in Marathon Bmaybe Marathon is the hardest event in the Olymp

6、ics Cevery person can run Marathon if they are trained for it DBoth A and B 答案 1.D 2.C 3.D,1protest (1)v. 抗议,反对;坚决声明 Theres no use protesting; I wont change my mind. 抗议没有用,我决不改变主意。 They protested to the mayor that the taxes were too high. 他们向市长提出抗议说税款过高。 Students stepped to the streets to protest (a

7、gainst) the decision. 学生们走上街头,抗议这项决定。,(2)n.抗议;声明 A small group of demonstrators staged a peaceful protest outside the UN Headquarters. 一小群示威者在联合国总部外举行和平示威。 The people made a protest about the rise in prices. 人们对价格上涨提出抗议。 The director resigned in protest against the decision. 主任辞职以示抗议这项决定。,【归纳拓展】,【完成

8、句子】 5 000名雇工以罢工来抗议恶劣的工作条件。 5,000 employees came out on strike _the poor working conditions. 成群的和平主义者抗议这场战争。 Crowds of pacifists _ the war. 她坚持说她以前从未见过这个被指控的男子。 She_she had never seen the accused man before.,in protest at,protested against,protested that,2. declare vt. 公告;宣告;声明;声称 The doctor finally

9、declared that the man was dead. 医生最终宣告了该男子的死亡。 I declare the meeting closed. 我宣布会议结束。,【比较网站】 declare/ announce declare 指公开、正式、郑重地“宣布、声称、声明”(战 争、和平、判决、意见等),含有十分肯定的意思。announce 指首次公开“宣布、宣告”一件令人关心或感兴趣的事情, 这种宣布一般带有预告的性质。 David announced to his friends that he was getting married. 戴维向他的朋友宣称他要结婚了。,【归纳拓展】,选

10、词填空(declare/ announce) She _ that she didnt want to see him again. Everyone was silent as he _ the winner of the competition.,declared,announced,1rise to ones feet 站起身 He rose to his feet and tapped on the table as if he was going to speak. 他站起身轻轻敲打桌子,好像要发言似的。 【归纳拓展】,【完成句子】 他赚的钱足以自立。 He earns enough

11、 to _. 当法拉奇先生进入会场时,代表们站起来鼓掌。 When Mr. Farage stood in the conference hall, the delegates _ and applauded. 狮子一跃而起,向山羊跑去。 The lion _ and started running toward the goat. 我们走着去,不坐汽车。 Were going _, not by car.,stand on his own feet,rose to their feet,jumped to his feet,on foot,2in the end adv.最后;终于 We t

12、alked and talked about where to go but stayed at home in the end. 我们对于到哪里去,讨论来,讨论去,结果却是留在家里。 We were thinking about going to Switzerland,but in the end we went to Austria. 我们一直打算要去瑞士,可最后却去了奥地利。,【归纳拓展】,【完成句子】 自从迈克失业以后,我们简直难以维持生计。 Since Mike lost his job,we can hardly _. 这场大雪已经连续下了好几天了。 The heavy snow

13、 has been falling _for several days.,make both ends meet,on end,The marathon is the final Olympic event because it is thought to be the hardest.马拉松是奥运会最后一场赛事,因为它被认 为是最难的项目。 在because引导的原因状语从句属于“sth/sb is thought to do/to be.”句型,该句型可改写成“It is thought that.”(其中it是形 式主语,句子真正的主语是that引导的从句)或“People think

14、that”(意为:人们认为)。 He is thought to be fit for the position. It is thought that he is fit for the position. People think that he is fit for the position. 人们认为他是这个职位的合适人选。,【归纳拓展】,【名师点津】 以上结构都可以转化为以下两种句型: sb/sth be said/be thought/be hoped/.to do sth People say/think/hope/.that从句, 其中,to do有三种形式,即to do, t

15、o be doing(表正在进行), to have done(表已经发生)。 It is believed that the flood there is the biggest in 100 years. People believe that the flood there is the biggest in 100 years.人们认为那儿的洪水是百年来最大的一次。,【句型转换】 人们常说,我们生活在信息爆炸的时代。 Its often said that we are living in an age of information explosion. _that we are living in an age of inf


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