2018届高考英语一轮复习语法精讲系列 讲座九 非谓语动词 动词不定式和动词的-ed形式课件

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《2018届高考英语一轮复习语法精讲系列 讲座九 非谓语动词 动词不定式和动词的-ed形式课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2018届高考英语一轮复习语法精讲系列 讲座九 非谓语动词 动词不定式和动词的-ed形式课件(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,语法精讲系列,讲座九 非谓语动词 动词不定式和动词的ed形式,一、动词不定式 考点一 动词不定式的时态和语态(以do为例),考点二 动词不定式的6种句法功能 1不定式作主语 作主语的不定式表示具体的、一次性的动作。不定式作主语时常用it作形式主语,真正的主语是不定式。常用句型有:(1)It beadj./n. (kind,necessary,important,ones duty.)to do sth.;(2)Ittakes一段时间to do sth.;(3)It seems (appears)adj.to do sth.等。 Its necessary for you to lock th

2、e car when you do not use it.,2不定式作宾语 (1)不定式可以作某些动词的宾语。常见的有:afford,agree,ask,decide,desire,pretend,plan,intend,refuse,wish,want等。 She wishes to be a musician. (2)不定式在介词but,except,besides后面时,如果介词之前为动词do的某种形式,则后面接不带to的不定式,否则带to。此外,cannot choose but和cannot help but,cannot but等后面的不定式也省略to。 She could do

3、nothing but wait.,(3)不定式作动词的宾语,其后跟补足语时,常用it作形式宾语,而把不定式后置。 I make it a rule to read English every morning. (4)tell,show,understand,know,explain,teach,learn,advise,discuss等动词后可跟“疑问词不定式”。 Can you tell me what to do next?,助记 常见的带不定式作宾语的动词口诀 想要干 want,wish,hope,expect,seek,attempt,aim,claim,would like/lov

4、e,desire 早打算 plan,prepare,mean,arrange 同意否 agree,promise,undertake,offer,choose,refuse,afford 问问看 ask(ask to do 要求做),beg 决定了decide,determine,make up ones mind,be determined 尽力干 try,manage(反义词fail),struggle,strive,attempt 不在意 care 别装蒜 pretend,3不定式作表语 在表示愿望、目的等的名词或以what引导的名词性从句后多用不定式作表语,对主语起补充说明作用。如am

5、bition,wish,hope,desire,goal,target,aim,dream,plan,purpose,suggestion,duty,idea等。be to do表示意图、打算、命令、职责、义务、预先安排好的计划或约定或注定要发生的事情,是将来时的一种表达方式。seem和appear后可跟不定式作表语。 Our plan is to keep the affair secret.,4不定式作补足语(宾语补足语和主语补足语) (1)接不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:advise,allow,ask,beg,cause,encourage,expect,forbid,force,get

6、,teach,tell,order等。 Tell the children not to play in the street. (2)动词不定式作动词 feel,hear,see,watch,notice,observe等感官动词以及have,let,make等使役动词后面的宾语补足语时,不定式符号to 要省略。但如果这些句子变成被动结构时,必须带to。 I saw a little boy run across the street. The little boy was seen to run across the street. (3)下列结构中用不定式作主语补足语,它们是:sb./s

7、th.be said/believed/known/reported/considered/found/thought to do/to have done/to be done/to have been done。 Mo Yan is considered to be one of the greatest writers.,5不定式作定语 (1)不定式和所修饰的词之间存在动宾关系,如果不定式中的动词是不及物动词,后面就要有相应的介词。但是,不定式所修饰的名词如果是time,place或way时,不定式后面的介词习惯上可省去。 Is this the best way to help him

8、? (2)不定式与被修饰的词之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系。 He is the first student to come. (3)说明所修饰的名词的内容,与该词存在同位关系。常用于chance,opportunity,time,money,decision,refusal,wish,right等词后。 I must keep the promise to pay back the money within a month.,6不定式作状语 (1)不定式作目的状语,在句尾时跟句子的其他成分之间不用逗号。 目的状语还可以用in order to或so as to来表示,但so as to不能置于句首

9、: Every morning he gets up very early to read English. She reads China Daily every day in order to (so as to) improve her English. (2)不定式作结果状语。不定式作结果状语表示出乎意料的结果,常与only连用,而现在分词则表示合乎情理的结果。 He came late,only to find the door locked.,(3)不定式在形容词后作状语。在有些形容词,尤其是表示感情色彩的形容词后可接不定式作状语,表原因。如:astonished,glad,hap

10、py,laugh,pleased,sad,sorry,afraid,surprised等。 You will never know how happy I was to see her yesterday.,考点三 不定式的两种特殊用法 Its very hard for him to study two languages. Its very nice of you to help me. Im too tired to stay up longer. Im only too pleased to be able to help you.,二、动词的过去分词形式 考点一 动词过去分词的句法功能,考点二 动词过去分词的几个注意事项,三、独立主格结构 非谓语动词作状语时,它的逻辑主语应和句子主语保持一致。但有时非谓语动词带有自己的逻辑主语,在句子中作状语,我们称之为独立主格结构。,


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