(浙江专用)2018-2019高中英语 unit 4 earthquakesperiod four课件 新人教版必修1

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1、Period Four Grammar & Writing,.观察感悟 1.Here are my neighbors whose home was destroyed by the earthquake.(whose引导定语从句作定语) 2.The terrible shaking of the building woke up all the people who were asleep.(who引导定语从句作主语) 3.The next day people put up shelters in the open air made with anything that they coul

2、d find.(that引导定语从句在从句中作宾语),知 识 梳 理,.用适当的关系代词填空 1.That evening,_ I will tell you more about later,I ended up working very late. 2.By 16:30,_ was almost closing time,nearly all the paintings had been sold. 3.When deeply absorbed in work,_ he often was,he would forget all about eating or sleeping. 4.It

3、 is the third time that she has won the race,_ has surprised us all.,5.The prize will go to the writer _story shows the most imagination. 6.The old town has narrow streets and small houses _are built close to each other. 7.Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others,_of course,made all t

4、he others upset. 8.Julie was good at German,French and Russian,all of _she spoke fluently. 9.Look at that lady _ name is Pochi.,10.He is a teacher _ I like very much. 11.Those pictures _ were drawn by Tom are nice. 12.Those _ will go to the park stay here. 13.That was all the money _ I had. 14.The h

5、ouse,_ we bought last month,is very nice. 15.Look at the boy and his dog _ are coming this way. 16.I bought a vase yesterday,_ price is reasonable. 17.The building_wall is white is my uncles house.,18.I know the boy_you are looking for. 19.Will you please lend me the very book_you bought yesterday?

6、20.The student_the teacher praised at the class meeting is our monitor. 21.The season_comes after spring is summer. 22.Is this the museum_you visited last Saturday?,23.I found some photos of interesting places_were not far away from our city. 24.The boy with_John spoke is my brother. 25.The girl_leg

7、 was broken in the earthquake was taken to hospital.,答案 1.which 2.which 3.which 4.which 5.whose 6.that 7.which 8.which 9.whose 10.that/who/whom 11.that/which 12.who 13.that 14.which 15.that 16.whose 17.whose 18.who/that/whom 19.that 20.who/whom/that 21.which/that 22.that/which 23.which/that 24.whom

8、25.whose,.翻译句子 1.站在门口的那个人是我的英语老师。 _ 2.他改变了主意,这使我很生气。 _ 3.使我们烦恼的问题是怎样才能按时完成这项工作。 _ 4.昨天我买的那本书值得一读。 _ 5.我们在这儿望得见屋顶的那座建筑是一个旅馆。 _,6.这是我所看过的影片中最好的一部。 _ 7.昨天我买了一本和你有的词典一样的词典。 _ 8.上周他买了一所房子,窗户是由木头做成的。 _ 9.我将永远记住史密斯先生上的第一节课。 _ 10.那些给我们带来快乐的人应该受到我们的关爱。 _,答案 1.The man who/that is standing at the door is my En

9、glish teacher. 2.He changed his mind,which made me very angry. 3.The problem that/which troubles us is how to finish the work on time. 4.The book that/which I bought yesterday is worth reading. 5.The building whose roof we can see from here is a hotel. 6.This is the best film that I have ever seen.

10、7.I bought the same dictionary as you have yesterday. 8.He bought a house last week whose window is made of wood. 9.I will always remember the first lesson that was given by Mr.Smith. 10.Those people who bring us happiness should be loved.,.把下列句子改写成定语从句 1.I have a friend.He likes listening to classi

11、cal music. _ 2.Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress.I gave it to her. _ 3.The students article was published.I know the student. _ 4.Betty is studying English very well.She has never been abroad. _ 5.My grandparents live in a house.It is more than 100 years old. _,答案 1.I have a friend who likes

12、 listening to classical music. 2.Yesterday Emily was wearing the new dress that/which I gave her. 3.I know the student whose article was published. 4.Betty,who has never been abroad,is studying English very well. 5.My grandparents live in a house,which is more than 100 years old.,【知识链接】 一、关系代词引导的定语从

13、句 1.who指人,在从句中作主语或宾语,作宾语时可省略。 The man who is shaking hands with my father is a policeman.正和我父亲握手的那个人是警察。 Those who show respect always gain respect from others.尊重别人的人能得到别人的尊重。 2.whom指人,在从句中作宾语,常可省略,不能作主语。 The teacher (whom) you are waiting for is coming.你等的那位老师来了。,3.whose既可指人,也可指物。其后接名词,与先行词构成从属关系,在从句中作定语。 I met an old woman yesterday whose sons all had ever studied abroad.昨天我遇到一位老妇人,她的儿子都曾到国外学习过。 He bought a house la



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