北京市五十七中学2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 1 lifestyle lesson 4 city and country4课件 北师大版必修1

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北京市五十七中学2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 1 lifestyle lesson 4 city and country4课件 北师大版必修1_第1页
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北京市五十七中学2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 1 lifestyle lesson 4 city and country4课件 北师大版必修1_第2页
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《北京市五十七中学2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 1 lifestyle lesson 4 city and country4课件 北师大版必修1》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《北京市五十七中学2018-2019学年高中英语 unit 1 lifestyle lesson 4 city and country4课件 北师大版必修1(28页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、City and Country,Lesson 4,n. 会计 adj. 拥挤的 adj. 附近的 adv. 在附近 adv. 否则,另外 n. 预报,预测,accountant crowded nearby otherwise forecast,Words Review,tube crowd lung sickness distance distance learning cigar,n. (英) 地铁 n. 人群,一伙人 n. 肺 n. 疾病 n. 距离 远程学习 n. 雪茄烟,Objective,To guess the meaning of the following words th

2、rough the context: accountant, crowded, career, distance learning, weather forecast, music fan, otherwise, nearby.,To compare the city lifestyle with the country lifestyle .,To get the main idea of the text .,Lead-in 1,Lets see a video and then tell us your opinion.,Think about the place you live (

3、city or country), and then discuss what you like or dislike about the place you live. Try to list at least three things.,Group Work,City life,traffic jams,underground,pollution,fresh air,crime,modern museums,firsthand information,isolation,Country life,inconvenient traffic,peaceful environment,quiet

4、,more space,noisy,farm,animals,office,How are city and country lifestyles different in China?,Country,interesting/busy/modern dangerous/stressful,easy/free/peaceful/ relaxing/boring,Lead-in 2,City,2. Can you imagine city and country lifestyles in Britain?,office/crowed/noisy,quiet/fresh air/farm/fre

5、e,Look at the title, photographs and drawings. Try to guess what the text is going to be about.,Now listen to the tape and check your guesses.,Prediction,Skimming for general ideas,2. Do Debbie and Paul like to go to each others places?,Yes, they do.,1. The two passages talk about_.,Debbies lifestyl

6、e in the city and Pauls lifestyle in the country.,Scanning for specific information,Debbie is an in London. She often gets up at a.m. She goes to work by . She often get a sandwich in a _ sandwich shop or just has some biscuits and a cup of _ for her lunch. She has classes, _ classes or _ in the eve

7、nings. At weekends, she goes to the _or drives to the countryside at times.,accountant,seven,tube,coffee,dance,French,goes to the gym,cinema,I Complete the passage.(part1),nearby,Paul lives in a small _of London. He usually gets up at _ a.m. every morning. He lives and works on the . He does jobs, s

8、uch as looking after _ , growing _ or _either early in the morning or late at nights. In the evening, he likes to play with his _ and studies Chinese by learning. Whats more, he goes to the with his family in London twice a year .,four,farm,children,distance,animals,wheat,vegetables,village,cinema,(

9、part2),7 am,4 am,crowded tube,foot,fixed work hours,look after animals, grow wheat, vegetables,have dance classes, French classes or go to gym,play with children, study Chinese,go to the cinema or to countryside,go to the cinema twice a year,flexible, early,check numbers, solve paperwork,accountant,

10、farmer,II Fill in the form below.,1.Debbie is rather tired of the tube.,2.When Pauls children see the tube, they will get very calm.,3.The life of Paul is very convenient.,4. Debbie and Paul are both movie fanatics and both see movies a lot.,5. Debbie has to spend all morning checking numbers every

11、day on workweeks.,T,F,F,F,T,III True or false,What are the same lifestyles between Debbie and Paul?,IV Answer the following question.,Careful reading,重难点句式分析,I travel to work on “the tube”. Thats what people call the underground in London.,表语从句(what引导),宾语补足语,what,call,tube就是人们通常所说的伦敦地下铁路系统。,e.g. Tha

12、ts what he wanted to buy during the summer holidays.,(to),and,places,后置定语,地点状语从句,2. We like to visit nice, quiet places far away from the city and go walking where there are no shops, crowds or the tube.,我喜欢去那些远离城市、幽静、风光秀丽的地方,在没有商店、人群、地铁的地方漫步。,e.g. Youd better not leave the medicine where the kids c

13、an reach. 你最好不要把药放在孩子们能够到的地方。,3. We dont have the same work hours that office workers in the city have.,the same + 名词+ that(强调指同一个事物 ) the same + 名词+ as( 强调指同一类事物),我们的工作时间和在办公室工作的人们不同。,e.g. I have bought the same watch as you have. 我买了一块和你一样的手表。 (我的手表和你的手表很像,但不是同一块) This is the same watch that I los

14、t. 这就是我丢的那块手表。 (这手表和我丢的手表是同一块),4. We do jobs when they need to be done and that could be early in the morning or late at night.,当有工作需要我们去做时,我们就去做,可能在一大早,也可能在半夜。,e.g. We see him when he comes to town, but that isnt often. 他进城时我们可以见到他,但并不常见。,and连接并列句,and,时间状语从句,they,jobs,that,代指前面提到的情况,为避免重复,Post-read

15、ing activities,Debbie is_ accountant in London. She goes to work _tube. She often has some biscuits and a cup of coffee _ lunch. She has some classes or goes to the gym _work. At weekend, she drives to the countryside _cinema.,While Paul lives a small village. He works _the farm. He likes to play _his children. He studies Chinese _distance learning. Sometimes , he goes to London with his family _ weekend.,an,by,for,after,or,on,with,by,at,冠词、介词、连词填空,Speaking,Whose life is better, Debbies or Pauls? Do exercises 6 to 9 on the book.,Do you want to



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