(青海专版)2018中考英语命题研究 第三部分 中考题型攻略篇 题型三 完形填空 类型二 短文填词课件

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《(青海专版)2018中考英语命题研究 第三部分 中考题型攻略篇 题型三 完形填空 类型二 短文填词课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(青海专版)2018中考英语命题研究 第三部分 中考题型攻略篇 题型三 完形填空 类型二 短文填词课件(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、,2017年中考英语命题研究(青海专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(青海专版),1分析词性。 根据所给单词,分析每个单词各种可能的词性变化形式。重点分析动词的不同变化形式、代词词性变化、名词单复数转化、形容词和副词的相互变化、形容词和副词的级别变化等。 2跳过空格,通读短文,了解大意。 解题时先跳过空格,通读短文,了解全篇的内容和要旨。要重视首句,善于以首句的时态、语气为立足点,理清文脉,推测全文时态、主题及大意。 3复读短文,确定选词,判断词形。 再根据空格在句中的位置,判断其在句中充当的成分,从而确定所填词的词性,再依据时态、词语搭配和语法规则,判断所填词的正确形式。,2017年中考英语

2、命题研究(青海专版),4三读短文,上下参照,验证答案。 在短文的空白处分别填入一个词后,将已完成的短文再细读一遍,上下参照,连贯思考。可从上下文内容是否协调一致、顺理成章,语法结构是否正确无误等进行综合验证,凡有疑问必须重新推敲考虑。最后,检查答案,核实大小写,做到标准化作答。,2017年中考英语命题研究(青海专版),(2016青海中考5155题)用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。 It is said that a cat has nine lives.But in a small town in England,there is a cat called Kitty,she

3、 almost used up all her lives when she survived(幸存) eight days on a long trip. One day,while her 1._ Cindy was packing up a box of DVDs to be delivered(投递) to her brother Jim,the cat secretly jumped into the box and fell 2._Then,she 3._ to a place over 400 kilometers away.4._ food,2017年中考英语命题研究(青海专版

4、),and water,the cat was extremely dehydrated(脱水的) when Jim received the box eight days later.Jim took her to the hospital at once.And fortunately,the hospital said Kitty will be completely well.After 5._ this,Cindy was extremely happy.“It is amazing!”she said.,2017年中考英语命题研究(青海专版),2017年中考英语命题研究(青海专版)

5、,阅读短文,从下面方框中选择正确的单词,并用其适当形式完成下面的短文。 There was a man who had four sons.He wanted his sons to learn not to judge(判断) things too 1._quickly_.So he sent them to go and look at a pear tree that was far away in turn. The first son went in winter,the second in spring,the third in summer,and the 2._youngest

6、_ son in fall. When they had all gone and come back,he asked them to describe what they had seen. The first son said there was 3._nothing_ on the tree. The second son said it was 4._covered_ with green buds(花蕾) and full of promise. The,2017年中考英语命题研究(青海专版),third son said it was filled with flowers th

7、at smelled so sweet and looked so beautiful. The last son 5._disagreed_ with all of them,he said it was full of fruit,life and harvest(收获)The man then explained to his sons that they were all right,because they each had seen but one season in the 6._trees_ life. He told them that they cannot judge a tree,or a person,by only one season,they can only be judged at the end,when all the seasons are up. If you give up when its winter,you will miss the promise of your spring,the 7._beauty_ of your summer,the harvest of your fall. Dont let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest.,


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