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1、1319 的字尾是“teen”例如 13 为 thirteen,14 为 fourteen。2090 表十位数字的字尾是“ty”如 30 为 thirty,40 为 forty。“teen”和“ty”很容易搞混,应该特别注意发音是否正确。一百(Hundred)的后面须加 and(但美语 and 可以省略) ,如果百位数为零,要在一千(Thousand)后面加上 and。139 元: one hundred and thirty-nine dollars.1 028 元: one thousand and twenty-eight dollars.2 300 元: two thousand th

2、ree hundred dollars.自 1000 至 1999 的数字有两种读法:1 456 元: one thousand four hundred and fifty-six dollars. / fourteen hundred and fifty six dollars.4 250 元: four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. / forty two hundred and fifty dollars.“万”的读法,在 thousand 前面加上十位数或百位数。53 752 元: fifty-three thousand seven

3、 hundred and fifty-two dollars.“百万”:million1. 年份的读法年份的读法是每两位数合并为一段落。1987 年: nineteen eighty-seven.2. 时间的读法3 点钟: three oclock五点半: five thirty / Half past five9 点 15 分: nine fifteen / A quarter past nine9 点 45 分: nine forty-five / A quarter to ten3. 电话号码的读法85039244: eight, five, o, three, nine, two, d

4、ouble four21773872: two, one, double seven, three, eight, seven, two4. 楼层的读法第 17 楼: the seventeenth floor第 21 楼: the twenty-first floor5. 百分比、折扣的读法20%: twenty percent0.4%: point four percent八折: twenty percent 九五折: five percent discount6. 其它1.3: one point three三分之一: one third (分子用基数,分母用序数)三分之二: two thirds (分子大于二时,分母须加“s”以形成复数形)五分之三: three fifths7.月份:1Jan 2Feb 3Mar4Apr5May 6Jun 7Jul 8Aug9Sep10Oct 11Nov12Dec 8,星期:日 Sunday星期一 Monday星期二 Tuesday星期三 Wednesday星期四 Thursday星期五 Friday星期六 Saturday


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