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1、Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?,浙江地区,第六课时 Section B (2c2e),success用作可数名词,意为“成功的事;取得成就的人”。还可用作不可数名词,意为“成功”。 eg:Last months flower show was a great success.上个月的花展举办得很成功。 【拓展】succeed动词,意为“成功”。常用于succeed in (doing) sth.结构中,意为“成功做某事”。 eg:He succeeded in (passing) the exam.他成功通过考试。 successful形容词

2、,意为“成功的”。常用于be successful in (doing) sth.结构中,意为“(做)某事很成功”。 eg:He was successful in performing in the concert. 他在音乐会上的表演很成功。,million意为“百万” 与具体的数字连用时,不加s,后面直接接名词复数。固定短语millions of.意为“数百万的”,其后接可数名词的复数形式,不与具体数字连用。 eg:Millions of people help them in different ways.数百万的人们用不同的方式帮助他们。 【拓展】hundred,thousand等词

3、与million用法相同。 introduce此处用作及物动词,意为“介绍”。其名词形式为introduction。其常用短语为introduce sb. to sb.把某人介绍给某人;introduce oneself (to sb.)(向某人)作自我介绍。,eg:I introduced my father to the teacher.我把爸爸介绍给了老师。 Let me introduce myself first. 让我先做自我介绍。 live /laiv/adj.意为“有生命的,活的”,主要指动物。 eg:live fish活鱼 另有“(指广播,电视)现场直播的,实况转播”的意思。

4、 eg:live broadcast of the World Cup世界杯现场直播,一、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。 1Dont give up.You know hard work leads to (成功) 2They like traveling around and enjoy the (美丽) of nature. 3He won a lottery (彩票) and got five (百万) 4He broke the world (纪录) at 12th National Games in Liaoning. 5Thank you for (介绍) Li Hai to me.

5、,success,beauty,million,record,introducing,二、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。 6Mr. Wang couldnt help out when watching the funny movie. 7Bob is a big of Bruce Lee. 8 doesnt come easy.So dont give up on half way. 9Lets go out to enjoy the of the citys evening. 10I will go this year,perhaps to Canada.,laughing,fan,Su

6、ccess,beauty,abroad,三、句型转换。 11His uncle has already sent the photos to him.(改为否定句) His uncle the photos to him 12I often made so many dreams in the past to fly in the sky.(改为同义句) I used so many dreams of flying in the sky. 13While he was watching TV,he heard a plane flying over the building.(改为同义句)

7、While TV,he heard a plane flying over the building. 14We began to learn English four years ago.(改为同义句) We English four years. 15He has missed his_grandmother very much ever since then.(对画线部分提问) he missed very much ever since then?,has not sent,yet,to make,watching,have been learning,for,Who has,四、根据

8、汉语意思完成下列句子。 16她以前每个周末都去购物。 She shopping every weekend. 17自从我进入高中后,我的生活发生了很大的变化。 I went to high school,my life has changed a lot. 18在那个村子里,人们善待彼此,互相信任。 In the village,people were kind to each other and trusted 19这家公司属于我叔叔。 The company my uncle. 20到目前为止,我们已经认识3年了。 So far,we each other for three years.,used to go,Ever since,one another,belongs to,have known,


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