江苏省响水中学2018高一英语m1 u3 project i课件 牛津译林版

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1、Unit 3 Project,学习目标 1. 能够准确找出每一段的主要意思 2. 通过小组合作的形式,完成一个booklet,预习任务 读课文,完成预学案的预习检测部分,预习展示,1. Healthy eating is the only way to become fit. 2. A good amount of sleep does good to your health. 3. Drinking plenty of water every day makes your skin and hair better. 4. Experts suggest that teenagers spen

2、d 30 minutes exercising every week. 5. Diets are useful for your health in the long term.,F,T,T,F,F,【课内探究,携手共行】,Task 1: 课课练P76练习,Task 2: main idea of the passage,Task 3:main idea of each paragraph,注:1. 展示人员负责讲评自己所展示题目并由老师打分 2. 其余同学做预学案中检测题,1. with 2. fit 3. term 4. skipping 5. tired 6. improve 7. co

3、unt 8. chemicals 9. concentrate 10. gain,【活学活用,当堂检测】,【课后拓展,能力提升】,大声朗读课文 Project,课前3分钟热身,Learning goals: 1.To understand the useful words and phrases in the context. 2.To use the useful words and phrases correctly. 3.To know the importance of keeping healthy.,Unit 3 Project II,Revision,Healthy eating

4、,A healthy diet includes: _ , _, _, _ 2. Water needed every day: _ glasses,Regular exercise,at least _ a day, _ a week,Enough sleep,_ of sleep each night,6 to 8,30 minutes,five times,8 to 10 hours,rice bread vegetables fruit,预习检测,1. 事实上,其实 2. 从长远角度看 3. 立刻 4. 大量 5. 把注意力集中在 6. 指望;依靠,as a matter of fac

5、t in the long term in no time a large amount of concentrate on count/depend/rely on,【课内探究,携手共行】,1. count 2. concentrate 3. amount,1. DCCBA 6. CBDBD,【活学活用,巩固提高】,1.way of life 2.along with 3.regular exercise 4.in the long term 5.go on a diet 6.skip meals 7.keep fit 8.at least 9.give up 10. have no tim

6、e left,生活方式 连同,随同 有规律的运动 从长远角度看 节食 不吃饭 保持健康 至少 放弃 没有剩余时间,Useful phrases,11.feel relaxed 12.concentrate on 13.a good amount of 14.prepare sb for sth 15.the day to come 16.as a matter of fact 17.cause sb to do sth 18. gain weight 19. follow the suggestion 20.in no time,感到放松 集中精力于 大量的 使某人为某事做好准备 即将到来的一天 事实上 导致某人做某事 增加体重 遵循建议 立刻,马上,很快,【课后拓展,能力提升】,



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