广东省深圳市2018届高考英语二轮复习 完形填空 高度仿真练析 说明文课件

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《广东省深圳市2018届高考英语二轮复习 完形填空 高度仿真练析 说明文课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省深圳市2018届高考英语二轮复习 完形填空 高度仿真练析 说明文课件(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Many students consider applying for jobs very important after graduation. They think it will 1 their course of lives, their circle of friends, and even their choice of husbands or wives in the future. The following are several suggestions that you should consider when looking for a job. First, you s

2、hould have an 2 of yourself, your personal interests in particular.,(七),1. A. bear B. Affect C. develop D. conduct 2. A. indication B. impression C. awareness D. expectation,Generally speaking, your interest supplies your 3 and energy for work. If you dont have any interest in the job, you are sure

3、to be 4 by it even if it is a highly paid one. Second, you should have a knowledge of the job. The job you are looking for should neither be beyond your reach nor should it be too 5 .,3. A. motivation B. qualification C. nutrition D. stress 4. A. amazed B. bored C. impressed D. annoyed 5. A. stable

4、B. direct C. difficult D. easy,Instead, it should enable you to perform your abilities to the fullest. Going to work that is too difficult may only lead to frustration(受挫) and even 6 . Going to work that is too easy, however, will be a waste of your knowledge, and you will soon lose 7 about it. Besi

5、des, you should think of the 8 of success of the job.,6. A. success B. excitement C. failure D. achievement 7. A. worry B. enthusiasm C. curiosity D. nervousness 8. A. chances B. preferences C. processes D. predictions,Will you have a promising future if you take the job? Do not be 9 by the present

6、salary it offers. Think of its 10 development. It is important to weigh the immediate 11 against the long-term prospects(前景) of the job.,9. A. covered B. misled C. defeated D. overlooked 10. A. economic B. past C. future D. further 11. A. arrangements B. problems C. weaknesses D. advantages,At this

7、point, it is always 12 that you turn to your parents, your teachers, and other 13 for help if you cannot make the decision. They are the people who know you best and are usually more 14 and can give you some valuable tips. Of course, it is you who have to make the final 15 .,12.A. unreasonable B. ad

8、visable C. unbearable D. enjoyable 13. A. relatives B. neighbors C. juniors D. seniors 14. A. confident B. creative C. experienced D. educated 15. A. choice B. plan C. schedule D. effort,(七)本文是说明文,作者在文章中就大学生找工作提出了种种建议及注意事项。 1. B 背景常识。许多大学生认为一份工作会直接影响到(affect)他们将来的生活,朋友圈子甚至择偶。故B是最佳选项, bear(忍受),develo

9、p(发展;开发)和conduct(指导)皆不符合语境。 2. C 词语复现。句意:找工作前首先要对自己有一个认识/了解(awareness)。awareness与下文的knowledge是同义复现。 3. A 常识推断。根据常识可推知,对一份工作感兴趣的话,积极性(motivation)自然就会高。其他选项皆不符合语境。 4. B 逻辑推断。假如你对工作不感兴趣,即使报酬丰厚,你也会感到索然无味(bored)。,5. D 词语同现。由neithernor可知,该空所填的词和beyond your reach(遥不可及)在意义上存在相反的关系,故答案是easy。它们是反义同现。 6. C 逻辑推

10、断。由句中的even可知,是递进的关系,再结合句意:从事过难的工作只会导致挫败感甚至失败。故C是最佳选项。 7. B 背景常识。从事过易的工作,不仅浪费自己的知识,也很快对工作丧失热情(enthusiasm)。故选B。 8. A 逻辑推断。由下文a promising future可知此处是指成功的机会(chances),故选A。,9. B 逻辑推断。不要被目前丰厚的待遇所蒙蔽了眼睛,即被误导(misled),故选B。 10. C 词语同现。本空所填的词与上文的present(目前的) salary相对,只有future“未来的”是最佳选项,故选C。 11. D 词语复现。找工作时必须权衡(w

11、eigh)该工作眼前的优势(advantages)和前景。advantages和上一行的the present salary it offers是近义关系,它们是近义复现。 12. B 上下文语境。句意:在这个关头,拿不定主意的话向父母和老师等求助是可取的(advisable)做法。,13. D 词语复现。由other可知,所填的词是上义词,parents and teachers是它的下义词,四个选项中只有seniors(长辈;长者)符合语境,故选D。 14. C 背景知识和逻辑关系。由同一句中的can give you some valuable tips以及老师,父母等都是长辈可知,他们

12、更加经验丰富(experienced)。故选C。 15. A 词语复现。由上一句中的make the decision可知,所选的词和decision意思贴近,它们是近义复现,故选A。,Energy shortage is a very serious problem in the world. World oil consumption has reached a new record, causing oil price in the international market to rise 1 . Many people worry that energy resources on th

13、e earth will run out soon if we use them in an 2 way. This will cause serious problems, crisis, and even 3 the existence of mankind.,(八),1. A. absolutely B. rapidly C. slowly D. extremely 2. A. unsure B. unstable C. uncontrolled D. unfair 3. A. prevent B. attack C. limit D. threaten,4 energy resourc

14、es, including coal, oil and gas, unlike sunlight, water power and wind power, are not 5 reproductive during human history. Once consumed, theyre 6 forever.,4. A. Useful B. Fossil C. Harmful D. Powerful 5. A. broadly B. eventually C. totally D. practically 6. A. destroyed B. removed C. gone D. wasted

15、,If they were to be exhausted before we could find adequate reproductive resources to 7 them with, wed have to live in entire blackout(断电) again like our ancestors have done thousands of years ago. Thats certainly not what anyone 8 to see. Nevertheless, most people agree that the problem can be 9 in

16、 one way or another.,7. A. replace B. equip C. provide D. exchange 8. A. bothers B. expects C. regrets D. hesitates 9. A. reacted B. Treated C. settled D. assessed,One is to conserve and save our energy. Energy 10 not only to coal, oil, or natural gases, but also to goods, land and water, etc. However, 11 alone cannot solve the problem because no matter how hard we try to save energy resources and how 12 they are, we will use them up soone


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