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1、2013 春季小六冲刺课题 六年级下册 U2 课次 3教学目标知识目标:掌握本单元的四会单词、短语和句型以及表示疾病的表达能力目标:能用英语正确地询问别人身体状况以及回答情感目标:通过对本单元语言知识点的学习让学生学会主动关心身边的同学和朋友等教学策略1.用举例法学习形容词的用法2.用对比法区分 much too/ too much; a little/little 等词的用法3.用讲练结合法让学生简单了解系动词的用法知识温故1.形容词、副词的用法2.形容词、副词比较级的复习新知探究一. 掌握重点词汇:have a fever have a cold have a toothache have

2、 a headache have a sore throat have the fluhurt eg: sore eg: matter 形容词:tired excited angry happy bored sad二. 掌握重点句子:1.-How do you feel?/How does he feel? 你感觉怎么样?/他感觉怎么样?-I feel sick.我感觉不舒服。2.-Whats the matter?(你)怎么了? 同义句: -My throat is sore. My nose hurts.我喉咙疼。我鼻子疼。3. look happy 看起来开心 look sad 看起来伤

3、心 look at 看一看 there is 有 betweenand.在.和之间 fly into 飞进a little 一点点 bounce off 反弹 laght at 因而发笑go on a big trip 去旅行三.知识点讲解:1.- Whats the matter? -I feel sick.I have a fever.询问别人得了什么病,可用 Whats the matter?回答可以用 have a 它的后面加上某些名词,就可以表示各种病情,在课本 Lets learn 中已经学到了。2.have a fever,have a toothache,have a head

4、acheI have too much sweet and now I have a toothache.我吃了很多糖,现在我牙疼。其中 toothache=tooth(牙齿) +ache(疼痛)Eg:headache, earache , stomachache too much + eg:much too + eg: 3.My nose hurts.注意 nose 为第三人称单数,相应的动词 hurt 要变为三单形式。如:My leg hurts.三单的考查4. How do you feel? 你感觉怎么样?此句用来询问对方感觉怎么样,feel 意思为“感觉” 。如果主语为第三人称单数,

5、助动词要用 does。How does he feel? 他感觉怎么样?-How do you feel?-I feel sick./I feel well.系动词 look feel sound get 等词的用法考点:well / good 5.Some people feel sick in the winter.复习四个季节:spring,summer,fall/autumn,winter6.Many people get the flu.许多的几种表达:many + much + eg: a lot of=lots of + eg: 注意:表示一些时 some/any 既可修饰可数名

6、词也可修饰不可数名词7.How do you know when you have the flu?你怎么知道你得了流感?when 意为“当” 如:You can watch TV when you are free.当你有空的时候你就可以看电视。8.Take some medicine and drink hot drinks.吃些药,喝些热饮。本句式个以动词原形开头的祈使句,常用在口语当中,用来提出建议,表示关心。其否定形式为 Dont+动词原形.Eg:Dont worry.别担心。 区别表示吃的三种表达:have/eat/take9.Stay in bed for a few days.

7、stay in bed 呆在床上a few 几个,一些 eg: few“几乎没有”,是否定含义 eg: 相同点:Few 与 a few 是用来修饰可数名词的复数形式类似用法的有 little, a little eg: eg: 10.If you have a fever,you might have the flu.情态动词:can,must,should,might 后加动词原形。Eg: 11.-How are you,Liu Yun? You look so happy.-Yes.I am excited.I am going on a big trip.拓展:how/what 引导的交

8、际用语及其应答How do you do ?-How are you? - How old are you ?-What are you ? -What do you do ?-12 .How does Amy feel?Amy 是第三人称单数,所以用助动词要用 does 来帮助提问;当主语为第一、二人称或者是第三人称复数形式时,助动词用 do.如:How do you feel?How do feel?意为“ 感觉怎么样?常用来询问别人的感觉;回答时,常用表示感觉的形容词,如:tired,angry,excited,happy,sad,bored 等说明自身的感受。13 .There is

9、a football match between Class 1 and Class 3.1)there be 句型:2)between (prep.)在之间;常与 and 连用。范围: Eg: .14 .He passes it to Mike.Pass to把 传给拓展:动词与介词的搭配:buy.for 为.买 cook.for 为.煮 make.for 为.做15 .John is a little angry.a little 1)a little 作形容词用;放在不可数名词前作定语,表示肯定的数量,作“一点、有一点”解。Eg:There is a little bread on th

10、e plate. 盘子里还有一点面包。2)a little 作副词用;放在形容词或副词及其比较级前,作表示程度的修饰语,常译成“有点、稍许”等。例如:Eg: Why dont you come a little earlier? 为何你不来早一点呢?16 .They are laughing at Johns funny goal!他们都在笑约翰有趣的进球呢!1)复习现在进行时2)laght at 因而发笑;嘲笑Eg:Dont laugh at the others.不要嘲笑单元练习:一、音标判断,对的划 V, 错的划 X。1. what matter ( ) 2. with them ( )

11、 3. tired fine ( ) 4. meter matter ( ) 5. look good ( ) 6. sad angry ( )7. have take ( ) 8. easy headache ( ) 9. so robot ( ) 10. cold sore ( ) 二、选择填空。( )1. The man is_accountant. He lives in _university.A. a, an B. an, a C. an, an( )2. Her hair is longer than_.A. your B. mine C. her( )3. Stay in be

12、d_several days.A. from B. for C. in( )4. Usually we line up from_.A. big to small B. shorter to taller C. young to old( )5. The rabbits tail is 5 cm_.A. tall B. long C. heavy( )6. _ Mike thin?A. Is B. Do C. Does( )7. He always _ his classmates.A. laugh at B. laughing at C. laughs at( )8. - Im going on a trip. - Im _to hear that.A. glad B. sorry C. going( )9. Why _the boy look angry?A. is B. does C. do( )10. _ your nose sore?A. Are B. Is C. Do三、完形填空。MR. WILLIAMS: Wheres Jimmy?MRS. WILLI



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