山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语《module 2 fantasy literature》课件1 外研版选修6

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山东省淄博市淄川般阳中学高中英语《module 2 fantasy literature》课件1 外研版选修6_第1页
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1、Module 2 Fantasy Literature,问题展示 合作探究,The cat comes up to Will.,The cat behaves in a strange way .,Will climbs through the hole.,Will decides not to return to his world.,The cat vanishes.,探究一:文章的结构和思路:参考课本16页第一题 Part 1 main idea :_ paragraph 1 to _ Part 2 main idea :_ paragraph _ to _ Part 3 main id

2、ea :_ paragraph _ to _ Activities 2-4,the cat behaved strangely and vanished,7-12 Will entered another world,12-15 what he saw in this new world,Summary of the Passage,The passage is about _and _. The cat acts as _ and goes to _ through _ in the air. Will follows her and decides not to _,Will,a cat,

3、Wills guide,another world,the patch,return to his world,paragraph 1-3,1系列,丛书_ 2. 精制的,精巧的_3. 哲学的;达观的_ 4. 消失_5. 表现,举动_ 6. 犹豫,迟疑 v._7. 确定地,一定地 adv._ 8. 疲惫,筋疲力尽n._ 9. 神志不清的,昏昏沉沉的adj._ 10. 气味,香味,芳香n._ 1. clear ones head 2. might have done 3. put down 4. hold out ones hand 5. all the same 6. rub . against

4、 7. tears scald ones eyes 8. turn away _ 9. reach out _ 10 a longing to _,Sentences : 1 他站在那里,试图想出一个好主意。(-ing 做状语) 2 我还记得十年前住过的宿舍,在那里我们8个好朋友度过了三年的时光。(where) 3 她感到一种回家的渴望以至于热泪充满了双眼。 4 还有好多作业要做。,III造句练习 1 他在这次活动中担任领导性的任务。( part ) 2 我成功的希望已经破灭了。(vanish) 3 他转过脸,假装在看别的地方。(turn) 4 空气是看不见的,但有风时我们能感觉到它。(inv

5、isible),4-6,1 hold out _ 2 on end_ 3 another few +n复数 _ 重点单词: approach_ , invisible_, overcome _ 【拓展】 1)He held _ his hand in friendship. 2)-Is Peter there?-Hold _ ,please. I ll see if I can find him for you. 3)你最好在医院再住几天. 4)雨不停的下了三昼夜。 5)我们能战胜任何困难。 6)火车就要进站了。,out,on,You d better stay at hospital for

6、 another few days. 你最好在医院再住几天。 It has been raining for three days on end. 雨不停的下了三昼夜。 We can overcome any difficulty. The train was approaching the station,Para 7-10,1 close to _ 2 keep ones eyes ( ) 3 fix _ 4 cast _ 5 _ least 6 ( )shape 7 without the slightest doubt _ 重点单词: fix , light-lit , doubt 【

7、拓展】1) Her eyes were _(fix) _ the gun. 2)I fixed my attention _ the novel . 3)My watch has stopped - it needs _(fix) 4)The time for the meeting has _ _ already.(fix) There is no _ that the Internet has replaced the radio as the most important means,of getting information. A doubt B way C possibility

8、D need 6)Some researchers believe that there is not any doubt _ a cure for AIDS will be found. A which B what C that D whether,Para 11-13 1could have done_ 2 find oneself doing _ 3 _ a line 4 thick with 5be laden with 重点单词:hesitate -hesitation 1)他毫不迟疑地回答了。 2)他对是否参加足球队仍拿不定主意。 3)我舍不得花这么多钱买衣服。 4)你有问题就直

9、截了当告诉我们。 5)如果当时我能有多一点时间,我就能完成这项任务。,He replied without hesitating. He is still hesitating about joining the football team / whether to join the team. I hesitate to spend so much money on clothes Dont hesitate to tell us if you have a problem,I could have finished the task if I had had more time. 如果当时

10、我能有多一点时间,我就能完成这项任务。,Useful Phrases:,注视,盯着看 一块草地 毫不怀疑 弯身 花香 照在上 四处寻找,keep / have ones eyes on a patch of grass without any doubt without ( a ) doubt bend down the scent of flowers shine down over look around for,Useful Phrases:,在中起重要作用 放下 伸出 朝走过来 走开 向扩展 注视,盯着看 注视,凝视 寻找,搜寻,想办法 (空气中)充溢着某种味道的 四处寻找 用咒符镇住

11、,Play an important part in,Put down,Hold out,Come up to,Turn away,Sweep over,Keep ones eyes on,Fix on,Cast about,Be laden with,Look around for,Put a spell on,短语解释:,1.Play an important part in在中起重要作用 Eg. Women play an important part in the society. 延伸:play a part in 在.中起作用,扮演角色 Eg. Ge You plays a lea

12、ding part in the film If You Are the One.葛优在非诚勿扰中扮演主要角色。,2. Put down放下,写下,镇压,奚落 Eg. 1.Put down your gun!(放下) 2.Will you Put down your address here?(写下) 3.The enemy was Put down and everything returned to normal.(镇压) 4.The youth hate to be Put down by others.(奚落) 拓展:put up 建造,张贴 put aside把放在一边 put aw

13、ay 放好,收好 put forward提出 put off 推迟,延迟,3. Hold out 伸出 拓展:hold back 阻挡 hold on 别挂断,坚持住 4. Fix on 注视,凝视,确定 Eg. Have you fixed on the date?(确定) 5. Keep ones eyes on 注视,盯着看 Eg. He kept his eyes on her as she walked into the room.(注视) 拓展:keep an eye on sb./sth.照看,照料,6. Turn away走开 拓展:turn off 关掉 turn on 打开

14、 turn down 关小 turn up 调高,出现 turn out 结果是 turn to 求助于 7.On end 直立地,连续地 weeks on end 连续几周(连续地) 8.Stand still 一动不动地站着 9.Fall in love with sb. 爱上某人,词汇拓展、重点单词:,1.Behave v.表现,举动 Behavior n.举止,行为 相关短语:behave well/ badly :举止得体/ 差劲 behave oneself(反身代词):举止得体,守规矩 Eg. Cant you make your little child behave hims

15、elf? 2.Definitely adv.确定地,一定地 definite adj. 确定的,3.Hesitate v.犹豫,迟疑 Hesitation n.犹豫,迟疑 相关短语: hesitate about/over (doing) sth.对某事/做某事犹豫不决 Hesitate to do sth. 对做某事有顾虑 Without Hesitation 毫不犹豫地 4.Direction n.方向 direct v.指导,引导 相关短语:in the opposite direction 朝相反方向 in all directions=in every direction 四面八方,【注意】 意为“朝方向”时,direction前的介词常用in;意为“指导”时,direction前的介词常用under;意为“说明(书)


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