(新课标)2018年高中英语 unit 5 section 2 learning about language课件 新人教版必修5

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1、First aid,Unit 5,Section Learning about Language,Unit 5,.单词拼写 1The ice on the lake is not _ (坚固的) enough to walk on. 2I have a severe cough and _ (喉咙) pain. 3The scared baby held the mothers arm _ (紧紧地) 4He escaped from the train wreck without _ (伤害),5He gave the poor woman a _ (暂时的) job as well as

2、some money. 6Water itself is _ (至关重要的) to the future of the race. 答案:1.firm 2.throat 3.tightly 4.injury 5.temporary 6vital,.补全短语 1too _ 太多 2a _ of touch 触觉 3belong _ 属于 4act _ 充当,担任 答案:1.much 2.sense 3.to 4.as,.试着将下列句子改为省略结构 1Dont move the broken leg if it is possible. _ 2He tried to save the people

3、 buried in the ruins as others saved the people. _ 3You carry the heavy box for the old man. _,4If we had gone to the party, we should have known the fact. _ 5Do you know the gentleman whom our teacher is talking with? _,答案:1.Dont move the broken leg if possible. 2He tried to save the people buried

4、in the ruins as others. 3Carry the heavy box for the old man. 4Had we gone to the party, we should have known the fact. 5Do you known the gentleman our teacher is talking with?,1.tight adj. (1)牢固的,紧的,不松动的 He kept a tight grip on her arm. 他紧紧握住了她的胳膊。 The screw was so tight that it wouldnt move. 螺丝钉太紧

5、,拧不开。,(2)紧身的,紧贴的 She was wearing a tight pair of jeans. 她穿着一条紧身牛仔裤。 The new sweater was a tight fit. 这件新毛衣很贴身。 (3)拮据的,不宽裕的 We have a very tight budget. 我们的预算很紧。 The president has a tight schedule today. 总统今天的日程排满了。,(4)严密的,严格的;拉紧的 We need tighter security at the airport. 我们需要在机场实行更加严密的安全措施。 The rope

6、was stretched tight. 这根绳子被拉得很紧。,tightly adv. 紧紧地,牢牢地 tighten v. (使)变紧,更加牢固,知识拓展,活学活用 用恰当形式填空 He held my hand very_(tight)at first but gradually his hold loosened. 答案:tightly 句意:开始时他紧紧握住我的手,但是渐渐地松开了。tightly表示“紧紧地”,符合语境。,2firm adj. (1)坚固的,坚硬的 These peaches are still firm. 这些桃子还很硬。 Bake the cakes until

7、 they are firm to touch. 把蛋糕烤到摸起来有硬感为止。,(2)坚定的,坚决的 She is a firm favourite with the children. 孩子们着实喜欢她。 We have no firm evidence to support the case. 我们没有确凿的证据支持这个论点。 (3)牢固的,稳固的 The ladder felt strong and firm. 这把梯子感觉很结实稳固。 Stand the fish tank on a firm base. 把鱼缸放在牢固的基座上。,firmly adv. 坚定地,坚固地,知识拓展 Ke

8、ep your eyes firmly fixed on the road ahead. 密切注视路的前方。 “I can manage”, she said firmly. “我应付得了”,她坚定地说。,活学活用 用恰当形式填空 I shall tell her _(firm)that it is not any business of hers. 答案:firmly 句意为“我将毫不含糊地告诉她这不关她的事”。,1.knock over打翻,撞翻 Hed knocked over a glass of water. 他打翻了一杯水。 Who knocked that bottle over

9、? 谁把瓶子撞倒了?,knock into撞到上 knock sb. down/over打倒(击倒或撞倒)某人 knock sth. down推倒 knock off停止做某事,知识拓展,The room was dark and he knocked into the table. 房间里一片漆黑,他撞到了桌子上。 She was knocked down by a bus. 她被一辆公共汽车撞倒在地。 These old houses are going to be knocked down. 这些旧房子就要拆了。 Do you want to knock off early today?

10、 你今天想早点儿歇工吗?,活学活用 完成句子 (1)He_(撞翻)his coffee cup. It went right over the keyboard. (2)Did you notice who_(撞倒她)? (3)He was lost in thought and_(撞到树上) (4)Please_(把鸟从树洞里敲打出来) 答案:(1)knocked over (2)knocked her over (3)knocked into/against the tree (4)knock the bird out of the hole in the tree,2belong to

11、(1)属于 The temple surrounded by a wall belongs to the local government. 被墙围着的那座庙属于当地政府。 What you said does not belong to this discussion. 你所说的不属于这次讨论的范围。 (2)是的一部分;为的一员 Do you belong to the club? 你有没有加入那个俱乐部? 提示:belong to不用于被动语态和进行时态。,belong vi.应该在(某处),通常在(某处);适合在(某处),适应(不与to连用,后面通常跟副词或其他介词短语) belongi

12、ngs n财产;所有物,知识拓展 The hammer belongs with the rest of the tools. 这把锤子通常和其他工具放在一起。,活学活用 用恰当形式填空 He took away the bag not _(belong)to him by mistake. 答案:belonging 句意:他错拿了不属于他的包。belong是不及物动词,与主语he是逻辑上的主谓关系,故用其现在分词形式作定语。,She could not decide whether to send him to hospital or not to send him to hospital.

13、 她不能决定要送他去医院还是不送他去医院。 该句中whether to send him.为“whether不定式”结构,在句中作动词decide的宾语。英语中有些动词(词组)如tell,show,know,decide,learn,discuss,find out等词(组)后可以用疑问词how,what,when,where,who等加不定式的形式作宾语,该结构在句中也可作主语和表语。,He showed us how to do the work. 他给我们展示怎么做这项工作。 When and where to hold the meeting hasnt been decided. 何

14、时何地召开这次会议还没决定。 The problem is when to start. 问题是何时开始。,whether.or.或者或者,是还是,表选择关系;不管还是,引导让步状语从句,知识拓展 We must decide whether to stay or go. 我们必须决定是走还是待在这里。,活学活用 用恰当形式填空 Ive worked with children before, so I know what _(expect)in my new job. 答案:to expect 考查“疑问词不定式”结构。what to expect.在句中作know的宾语。,省 略 省略是为

15、了避免重复、突出新信息并使上下文紧密连接的一种语法修辞手段。省略在语言中,尤其在对话中,是一种十分普遍的现象。为了避免重复,句子中某些部分常可省略。句子常可省略的有下列各部分。,.成分省略 1省略主语 (多限于少数现成说法) Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。 See you tomorrow. 明天见。 (You)Take care! 当心! (It)Looks as if it will rain. 看起来像要下雨了。,2省略谓语动词 1)省略谓语动词 Some of us study Russian, others (study) English. 我们有的学俄语,有的学英语。 He got up earlier


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