高中英语 unit4 writing课件 新人教版必修1

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1、人教课标 高一 必修 1 Unit 4,Unit 4 Earthquakes,You are going to write an article for a newspaper about a special event that happened in your hometown. Before you start, you should write an outline. It will help you organize your ideas. A newspaper outline usually includes: a headline, a list of main ideas a

2、nd a list of important details.,如何写新闻报道,本单元要求学生围绕当地发生的一件事写一篇新闻报道。新闻报道常把报道的中心问题或结局放在开头,以吸引读者,然后再详细叙述事情的起因和经过。,【写作分析】,【新闻报道的特点】 新闻报道通常有比较固定的写作格式,如报道的开头通常是地点或时间,第一句话常常是导语,是对整个报道的高度概括。同时新闻报道要遵循真实性原则。 1. 标题醒目。标题通常放在正文的中央位置,概括该篇报道的主要内容。好的标题能使读者在短时间内了解新闻的主要内容,引起阅读兴趣。,2. 导语。导语一般置于报道开头,作用是吸引读者的注意力,因此导语要求能高度概

3、括报道的内容,让读者一看就能了解整篇报道最吸引人的地方。 3. 主体简洁、生动。主体一般被认为是导语的注释和补充。主体部分在报道中占相当大的篇幅,主体展开的结构可,以按事实的重要程度为顺序,也可以按时间、空间或逻辑顺序。行文要尽量避免使用被动语态,抓住一些显著的细节进行深入描写。注意语法要正确,动词及时态的使用要恰当等。 4. 结构。新闻报道通常采用经典的“倒金字塔(the Inverted Pyramid)”结构,由三个部分组成,即标题,(Headline)、导语(Lead-in)和主体(Body)。其中主体部分常常又按照:a list of main ideas, a list of im

4、portant details这样的顺序来写。,【实例展示】 假如你是一家英文日报社的记者,请根据以下提示,用英语写一篇新闻报道。,1. 事件:一辆红色轿车撞上一辆白色面包车,车毁人亡; 2. 时间:今天清晨5点左右; 3. 地点:市中心以南5公里处; 4. 情况:红色轿车内4位乘客全部死亡,包括一名6岁的男孩。白色面包车的司机受了重伤,现已脱离危险。事故的原因还不清楚,警方正在调查。,【审题要素】 1. 确定文体:这是一篇新闻报道,写作中应注意其格式。 2. 主体时态:以一般过去时为主。 3. 主体人称:第三人称。 4. 内容要点: 事件; 时间; 地点; 情况。 5. 注意句子结构准确,信

5、息内容完整,逻辑连贯。,【思路引导】 想要成功地完成这一写作任务,需要经过以下步骤: 1. 构思:与同学讨论题目,交流信息,确定写作内容。 2. 拟定提纲:按照标题、导语、主体列出提纲,理顺要报道的事件的逻辑顺序。本篇报道的 outline 为:,Headline: A Red Car Crashed into a White Minibus Main idea: A serious traffic accident took place. Detail 1: The accident happened 5 kilometers south from the centre of the cit

6、y at about 5 oclock this morning. Detail 2: All four passengers in the red car were killed, including a 6-year-old boy.,Detail 3: The driver of the white minibus was seriously injured but is out of danger. Detail 4: The police are looking into the matter.,3. 打草稿:根据以上提纲,写出初稿。 4. 校订:检查错误,调整、修改或重写。 5.

7、完稿:修改、誊写,并最后定稿。,【参考范文】 A Red Car Crashed into a White Minibus Early this morning a serious traffic accident took place. A red car crashed into a white minibus 5 kilometers south from the centre of the city at about 5 oclock this morning, killing all of its four passengers, including a six-year-old b

8、oy.,The driver of the white minibus was also seriously injured but is out of danger now. What caused the accident still remains unclear and the police are looking into the matter.,on Page 67,A poster,What the poster is about and why.,The items and why they are chosen.,What should be avoided and why.

9、,Write a poster in class according to the three parts given above. When it is completed, display your poster in the classroom.,Sample poster An earthquake may happen at any time so its best to prepare your personal earthquake bag.,Collect these items and keep them somewhere near you. 1 a bottle of water 2 money 3 personal washing things,4 food and sweets 5 a torch 6 mobile phone 7 a blanket 8 medicine Remember: Do not put fresh fruit in the bag as it will go bad quickly and cause problems. IT IS BETTER TO BE PREPARED THAN SORRY!,



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