广东省深圳市2018年高中英语 2话题研读 21热点话题课件

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《广东省深圳市2018年高中英语 2话题研读 21热点话题课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省深圳市2018年高中英语 2话题研读 21热点话题课件(24页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、肥胖现在成了一个社会问题,给人们带来很多严重危害。但人们总是用各种借口来抱怨使自己肥胖的外部因素,而不去下决心解决肥胖问题。 1. B 2. A词义推断题。由第一段最后两句话“more people now die from being overweight, or say, from being extremely fat, than from being underweight. Its the good life thats more likely to kill us these days.” 可知更多的人死于超重而不是营养不良。这正是今天的好生活杀死了我们。,美文研读,3. A文章前

2、半部分描述超重的危害,后半部分描述人们明知超重危害寻找各种借口不去减肥。所以文章最好的题目应该是: “行动或借口。” 4. (写段落大意)peoples being overweight, which brings about harms to their health. It also points out that people always try to find various excuses to complain about it rather than take action to solve it,复记强化 1.Overweight 2. willpower 3.Blame 4

3、.fashion 5. Slim 6. inviting 7. 死于 8.主要原因 9. 进展 10. 减肥,一、句子翻译 1. alarming increase, has a great impact on 2. quit, which arouses 3. sit around feeling sorry 4. Theres no denying that, contribute to 5. The government will put a ban on the use of throw-away chopsticks.,知识运用,6. We are supposed to form

4、the good habit of living a low-carbon life. 7. Its essential for the rural left-behind children to enhance their sense of safety. 8. Only by our joint efforts can we maintain the order of society.,二、短文填空 brings about As a result of enjoying the convenience On the other hand have a bad influence on r

5、esult in In addition to in danger protect the wildlife,D推理判断题。在题干中画出关键词Jennifer和watch,通过寻读,关键词出现在第一段,通过本段可知,Jennifer在参加在线考试,正在受监控器监视。但为什么要监视她呢?顺着往下读,第二段是描述监控器如何监视她的一举一动的,当读到第三段的首句时,就知道,监视她的目的是防止她在考试中作弊;对照各选项,只有选项D正确。,技能导练1,2. A词义推断题。这类词义猜测题信息定位已很清楚,关键是理解画线词所在的上下文。本句(this is the cutting edge)中的this指代

6、什么?指代上文的a web camera,弄清这一点,对照各选项“A.先进技术”“B.磨锐刀具”“C.有效的规则”“D.分界线”,基本上可以确定答案为A了,因为监控器不是“刀具”“ 规则”“线”;再根据下句The technology gives trust toonline education (这项技术给予学校和在线教育整个体系以信心),可见“The technology”是非常先进的,“The technology”也就是上文提到的用a web camera防止作弊的技术。此时,完全可以确定选A。,3. B细节理解题。画出题干中的关键词valid,通过寻读,找到本题答案信息在第三段最后一

7、句;这是一个长句,要理解它,首先要分析句子结构,找出主句和从句。show后面的that引导一个宾语从句,主句是以一个“only +状语”置于句首的倒装句,强调条件,experts say是插入语,可以直接忽略,that引导一个宾语从句,即重点理解: Only with solid measures against cheating can university show that their exams and diplomas are valid;然后,理解句意: 只有有了打击作弊的强有力的措施,网络大学才能表明他们的考试和文凭是有效的。对照各选项,只有B(如果他们能击败学术欺骗,网络大学的

8、考试和文凭才是有效的)与此相符。,4. A细节理解题。画出题干中的关键词possible cheaters,通过寻读,可将答案信息定位在最后一段第一句: Other programs can produce . ones. 本句长达34个词,是个长句。要理解它,首先找到主句和从句, 将句子分层理解: (1)Other programs can by and canby (analyzing whether) (2)analyzing whether difficult test questions are answered at the same speed as easy ones;整句意思

9、为“其他程序可以通过设计一系列的问题制作出独特的考试,通过分析回答难题的速度是否与回答容易题的速度相同,来辨别出学生是否有可能作了弊。”对照各选项,只有A(通过核查答题速度来找到可能作弊的人)正确。,5. C主旨大意题。从题干中的the best title可知,本题属主旨题,解答这类题的关键是找主题句。本文的主题句在第三段第一句(In the battle against cheating, this isonline education),理解主题句,对照各选项,可知C正确。 6. some high-tech methods to prevent the cheating in the

10、on-line education by the example of Jenifer,复记强化 1.Equip 2. track 3. Access 4.valid 5. Guarantee 6. Recognize 7. 文凭 8. 身份 9. 独特的 10. 分析,20.he was wrong, 从,连,If 21.It might have made it a little ,because, but, it, 形容词, 比较级,harder. 22.介, for 23.and, 宾语,what,技能导练2,第一步,跳读短文,把握大意。 rules and regulations t

11、hat can help us tell what is right and make a right choice, which is beneficial to our living in harmony, but sometimes it is not easy to tell right from wrong,技能导练3,第二步,再次阅读,选择答案。 15 A C D A C 610 D A D B A 1115 D B C B C 长难句分析 句一: 容易, C 句二: 残忍, 依然, cruel, B, A 句三: 2, 宾, change, different, B,令人困惑的,

12、 C. decide,复记强化 Obey 2. choice Predict 4. insist Guilty 6. starve 7. 规章 8. 可接受的 9. 故意地 10. 恶心的,第二步 1. 新闻 2. Japanese, shorten the time of taking a bath, energy consumption, save energy, global warming 3. Japanese government issued a white paper appealing to the nation to shorten showers to save ener

13、gy.,典型例题,第三步 要点(1): 议论;一般现在时 要点(2): 记叙;一般过去时,3.拟好提纲: 第一段: I couldnt agree more with the Japanese governments action. 第二段: It reminds me of my own experience第三段: As far as I am concerned, ,第四步(参考范文) With the sharp increase of household energy consumption, Japanese government issued a white paper call

14、ing on the nation to shorten showers and speed up bathing, with the purpose of saving energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. I couldnt agree more with the Japanese governments action. This country is doing its bit to save our earth by encouraging individual from each family.,It reminds me of my

15、 own experience in saving energy this summer. It was a very hot summer, and the air-conditioners worked day and night, which consumed lots of energy and meanwhile produced amounts of gases, such as carbon dioxide. Having learnt that the temperature in the room will not rise immediately after we turn off the conditioner, I persuaded my parents to turn it off 3 minutes before we went out. By doing so the whole summer we happily found that we saved nearly 100 yuan. Just imagine how much greenhouse gas was prevented from emitting into the atmosphere.,As far as I am concerned, it is easy to


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