Unit 3 Pardon Me!Lesson 23 配套课件(冀教版九年级下).ppt

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1、Unit 3 Pardon Me! Lesson 23,. 短语搭配 1. try to be polite A. 不粗鲁地 2. have a wonderful visit B. 把某物传递给某人 3. without being rude C. 尽量做到有礼貌 4. in good Chinese tradition D. 进行愉快的访问 5. pass sth. to sb. E. 按照中国好的传统 答案:15. CDAEB,. 句型展示 1. 经过了很长时间的通信后,和布鲁斯面对面交流的感觉很棒。 _ was great _ _ Bruce _ _ _, after _ writte

2、n to him for so long. 2. 但是他和他爸爸有时会遇到中国风俗和文化上的麻烦。 But he and his father sometimes _ _ _ Chinese customs and culture. 答案:1. It; to meet; face to face; having 2. had trouble with,3. 昨天晚上,我父母邀请他们到一家餐馆吃晚饭。 Last night, my parents _ them _ a restaurant _supper. 4. 在这顿饭的最后,布莱特肖先生打开一盒薄荷糖。 _ _ _ _ the meal,

3、Mr. Bradshaw opened a box of peppermint candies. 答案:3. invited; to; for 4. At the end of,5. 按照中国好的传统,我告诉他我喜欢它。 _ _ _ _, I told him that I enjoyed it. 答案: In good Chinese tradition,1. trouble n. 困难;麻烦 But he and his father sometimes had trouble with Chinese customs and culture. 但是他和他爸爸有时会遇到中国风俗和文化上的麻

4、烦。 I had no trouble (in) finishing reading this text. 我毫不费力地读完了这篇文章。 If he gets into trouble, it isnt my responsibility. 如果他陷入困境,这不是我的责任。,【探究总结】 trouble的用法,with,doing,in,【学以致用】 什么时候你遇到麻烦,就给我打电话。 Just call me whenever youre _ _. 我费了好大的劲才找到他家。 I _ much _ _ his home. 答案:in trouble had; trouble finding,

5、2. at the end of 在的结尾 At the end of the meal, Mr. Bradshaw opened a box of peppermint candies. 在这顿饭的最后,布莱特肖先生打开了一盒薄荷糖。 Im sure everything will turn out satisfactory in the end. 我确信,最后一切都会令人满意的。 We had finished reading this book by the end of last month. 到上个月末为止,我们已经读完了这本书。,【探究总结】 at the end of/by th

6、e end of/in the end的用法辨析 (1)at the end of后接时间、地点,表示“在结尾;在末端”。常指过去或将来时间上的一个点,常与一般过去时或一般将来时连用。 (2)by the end of仅表示时间,意为“直到为止;在结束时”,强调某一时间点以前或到某一时间点为止,常用于_和将来完成时。 (3)in the end意为“最后;终于”,后不接任何单词,相当于at last,finally。,过去完成时,【学以致用】 他尝试了几次,最后成功了。 He tried several times, and _ _ _ he succeeded. 到这个学期末,我们已学了20

7、0个生词。 _ _ _ _ this term, we have learned two hundred new words. 答案:in the end By the end of,. 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. We should help the man who is in _(trouble). 2. It is not polite to leave the party without _(say) good-bye to the host. 3. I have no trouble _(find) Li Leis house. 答案:1. trouble 2. saying 3.

8、 finding,4. His father invited his friend _(go) climbing with him. 5. To our _(surprising), the parking lot was pretty full. 答案:4. to go 5. surprise,. 完成句子 1. 这对双胞胎正在面对面地谈话。 The twins are having a talk _ _ _. 2. 李磊按照中国好的传统,照顾他的朋友。 Li Lei takes care of his friends _ _ _ _. 答案:1. face to face 2. in good Chinese tradition,3. 那所学校位于这条街的尽头。 The school is situated _ _ _ _ the street. 4. 她很激动,眼睛里充满了泪水。 She was very excited and her eyes _ _ _ tears. 5. 你知道怎么处理已坏的门吗? Do you know what _ _ _ the broken door? 答案:3. at the end of 4. were full of 5. to do with,


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